Why is Non-Fatal Vore so much less common than Fatal?

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Re: Why is Non-Fatal Vore so much less common than Fatal?

Postby Grimoutsider » Tue Feb 11, 2025 2:56 am

Everyone has different kinks within the vore fetish niche. I draw a mix of both and I say it does hold that fatal draws more attention, unless you build a narrative around a non-fatal plot line. Creator wise fatal vore is great for one and done type characters. I also feel like the ratio tends to vary over time like that I think anal vore is currently more popular than oral vore in the community currently. Fatal has a lot of room to how sadistic you want to make your preds, from a sorry forced pred to a full on cruel sadist mashing a drowning prey struggling to live. Non fatal has less room for it basically playing up more neglect play. I also think, that sadomasochism is common and prey tends toward masochist and want to have more "fun" imaging the prey's suffering.
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Re: Why is Non-Fatal Vore so much less common than Fatal?

Postby ProudMonsterFucker » Tue Feb 11, 2025 10:52 am

I made this thread expecting, like, two replies.
I got two whole pages.
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Re: Why is Non-Fatal Vore so much less common than Fatal?

Postby Aickavon12 » Tue Feb 11, 2025 11:53 am

You asked a question that's got many people putting on their psychology hats on, it's a curious question and everyone's got a thought on it.

So I'll put my hat into the ringer and suggest this.

The most common non-fatal scenarios are either playful endo scenarios, or kinky lovers/true romantic scenarios. This adds plenty of reformation magic as well for lots of folks but that's besides the point. Non-fatal is usually limited to light hearted, or deeply romantic content.

Fatal however could be a whole slew of things. From casualness of it all, to domination of it, to being mean, to being silly but with consequences, to being the purest form of romance, to being a great story pusher, to being a plot device, to being a revenge story... Ironically, when you reduce the amount of characters on the pages via fatal vore, you have MORE options than when you try to keep both of them there or justify both of them. There's just going to be more SITUATIONS for Fatal vore.

Two nations in a war? Well non-fatal is probably going to be niche. A bully putting a nerd in their place? What better way than to mulch them. A lover fully giving themselves over? Food! ANd of course. A Predator. Hunting. Their. Prey. The most basic and real world application of vore (often by fishes and snakes, though I doubt they find it kinky). Now of course you can argue that there is still a reason for non-fatal options to fill in these scenarios (Amelia's stranded adventure, for example, is a purely endo based game despite it being mostly predators hunting prey to fill their bellies. No digestion happens), but that is harder to justify/do and for those who are into fatal, won't do that... and those who are into both, will probably have more of a favortism to lean into what's more 'correct' for the story or art.
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Re: Why is Non-Fatal Vore so much less common than Fatal?

Postby IddlerItaler » Tue Feb 11, 2025 1:26 pm

ProudMonsterFucker wrote:I made this thread expecting, like, two replies.
I got two whole pages.

Looking back, I wrote almost 3K words in this thread. That's longer than some stories lol. I guess that after enduring a decade of "I could never get into non-fatal, it's so boring / unrealistic" I had a lot of pent-up frustration I could finally get out by writing on these pages. I'm glad this thread remained civil through it all - if someone had asked a similar question on social media, it would've devolved into a shouting match between fans and haters until one side drove out the other.

Aickavon12 wrote:The most common non-fatal scenarios are either playful endo scenarios, or kinky lovers/true romantic scenarios. This adds plenty of reformation magic as well for lots of folks but that's besides the point. Non-fatal is usually limited to light hearted, or deeply romantic content.

Fatal however could be a whole slew of things. From casualness of it all, to domination of it, to being mean, to being silly but with consequences, to being the purest form of romance, to being a great story pusher, to being a plot device, to being a revenge story...

"Non-fatal with tension" is certainly an underexplored niche. Stories where people don't die are usually more lighthearted and calmer than ones where people die, but you can have plenty of darkness and serious, gritty themes even without death. It wouldn't be hard to apply this to vore too, and it does apply at times. Stuff like indigestion or struggles leading to a prey's escape are an example of more dramatic non-fatal. Or stories like this one by PaperWriter or even this one by Doku (and Doku is not for the faint of heart).

Aickavon12 wrote:There's just going to be more SITUATIONS for Fatal vore.

Two nations in a war? Well non-fatal is probably going to be niche. A bully putting a nerd in their place? What better way than to mulch them. A lover fully giving themselves over? Food! ANd of course. A Predator. Hunting. Their. Prey. The most basic and real world application of vore (often by fishes and snakes, though I doubt they find it kinky). Now of course you can argue that there is still a reason for non-fatal options to fill in these scenarios (Amelia's stranded adventure, for example, is a purely endo based game despite it being mostly predators hunting prey to fill their bellies. No digestion happens), but that is harder to justify/do and for those who are into fatal, won't do that... and those who are into both, will probably have more of a favortism to lean into what's more 'correct' for the story or art.

As a fan of either options, the first three questions are very easy prompts for non-fatal. Taking prisoners for ransom if they're high profile or to send them over to be workforce, also in a war there's gonna be plenty of dead either way so it makes sense not to go out of your way to kill the living. Why would a bully jump straight to killing someone? Eating them is traumatizing enough. If anything, it's the casual willingness to kill that's so common in fatal that's trickier to justify (and most of the time, it's not even justified, because the unexplained willingness to kill for food tends to make things sexy from a sadism angle). Lovers usually don't crave for one to one to kill the other, and non-fatal is a perfect metaphorical gesture to fully give yourself to another without them actually losing you as a living being - you know kinda like when dogs and wolves expose their necks or underbellies as a symbol of trust? Fair enough about hunting - most of my feral preds are gonna be fatal-only, unless trained otherwise. Many fatal settings have this huge elephant in the room as to why they don't just order a cow or something instead of hunting humans, and if preds evolved requiring to consume fellow sapients exclusively that's also testing the limits of plausibility.

You are right about personal preferences deciding the 'correct' outcome. When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail they say. So if presented with a character who's tough enough to survive a trip through a stomach, the question becomes "How do I power them down so they can die?" if you're a fatal fan. Just like a non-fatal fan is gonna make adjustments to make stomachs more survivable. And both fatal and non-fatal fans make adjustments to stomach anatomy to justify whatever scenario they find most appealing.
Last edited by IddlerItaler on Tue Feb 11, 2025 1:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Why is Non-Fatal Vore so much less common than Fatal?

Postby Trajan » Tue Feb 11, 2025 1:35 pm

IddlerItaler wrote:
Aickavon12 wrote:The most common non-fatal scenarios are either playful endo scenarios, or kinky lovers/true romantic scenarios. This adds plenty of reformation magic as well for lots of folks but that's besides the point. Non-fatal is usually limited to light hearted, or deeply romantic content.

Fatal however could be a whole slew of things. From casualness of it all, to domination of it, to being mean, to being silly but with consequences, to being the purest form of romance, to being a great story pusher, to being a plot device, to being a revenge story...

"Non-fatal with tension" is certainly an underexplored niche. Stories where people don't die are usually more lighthearted and calmer than ones where people die, but you can have plenty of darkness and serious, gritty themes even without death. It wouldn't be hard to apply this to vore too. Stuff like indigestion or struggles leading to a prey's escape are an example of more dramatic non-fatal. Or stories like this one by PaperWriter or even this one by Doku (and Doku is not for the faint of heart).

Recently, I red "I have no mouth and I must scream", and while it's not vore, it definitly uses vorish terms (idk how to say it better than that) to describe what is happening, saying that "the humans are trapped in the belly of AM" for example. And while it's metaphorical, it's pretty close to what's happening. I won't explain the story, it's a short read anyways so you can just go check it, but seeing people talk about darker non-fatal stuff definitly made me think of it. It's definitly an example of the fact that sometimes, death is better than the alternative.

Edit : and listening to One by metallica kind of makes think about something similar. Someone trapped in his own body, with no contact with the outside world, wishing for death but unable to obtain it. Could easily translate into darker non-fatal stuff.
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Re: Why is Non-Fatal Vore so much less common than Fatal?

Postby IddlerItaler » Tue Feb 11, 2025 2:46 pm

Trajan wrote:Recently, I red "I have no mouth and I must scream", and while it's not vore, it definitly uses vorish terms (idk how to say it better than that) to describe what is happening, saying that "the humans are trapped in the belly of AM" for example. And while it's metaphorical, it's pretty close to what's happening. I won't explain the story, it's a short read anyways so you can just go check it, but seeing people talk about darker non-fatal stuff definitly made me think of it. It's definitly an example of the fact that sometimes, death is better than the alternative.

Edit : and listening to One by metallica kind of makes think about something similar. Someone trapped in his own body, with no contact with the outside world, wishing for death but unable to obtain it. Could easily translate into darker non-fatal stuff.

Yea a rough long-term entrapment can be brutal. There's a thin line between it and being dead in hell.

A tamer approach, which I usually prefer, is to have the story be dark but have some vore as a reprieve from it. Maybe an adventuring party is going through a scary dungeon when the pred casually unbirths her companions to transport them for a segment. Maybe a couple has gone through loss and hardships, and seeks solace in a comfortable endo scene.
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Re: Why is Non-Fatal Vore so much less common than Fatal?

Postby Jihhh » Tue Feb 11, 2025 7:39 pm

Trajan wrote:
IddlerItaler wrote:
Aickavon12 wrote:The most common non-fatal scenarios are either playful endo scenarios, or kinky lovers/true romantic scenarios. This adds plenty of reformation magic as well for lots of folks but that's besides the point. Non-fatal is usually limited to light hearted, or deeply romantic content.

Fatal however could be a whole slew of things. From casualness of it all, to domination of it, to being mean, to being silly but with consequences, to being the purest form of romance, to being a great story pusher, to being a plot device, to being a revenge story...

"Non-fatal with tension" is certainly an underexplored niche. Stories where people don't die are usually more lighthearted and calmer than ones where people die, but you can have plenty of darkness and serious, gritty themes even without death. It wouldn't be hard to apply this to vore too. Stuff like indigestion or struggles leading to a prey's escape are an example of more dramatic non-fatal. Or stories like this one by PaperWriter or even this one by Doku (and Doku is not for the faint of heart).

Recently, I red "I have no mouth and I must scream", and while it's not vore, it definitly uses vorish terms (idk how to say it better than that) to describe what is happening, saying that "the humans are trapped in the belly of AM" for example. And while it's metaphorical, it's pretty close to what's happening. I won't explain the story, it's a short read anyways so you can just go check it, but seeing people talk about darker non-fatal stuff definitly made me think of it. It's definitly an example of the fact that sometimes, death is better than the alternative.

Edit : and listening to One by metallica kind of makes think about something similar. Someone trapped in his own body, with no contact with the outside world, wishing for death but unable to obtain it. Could easily translate into darker non-fatal stuff.

I think there is a lot of 'unexplored' space with nonfatal myself, but it can be a hard balance to strike going by what audiences online are present as it seems there are fairly trodden vibe associations so to speak. A pred that abducts someone against their will but is entrapping them instead of digesting them is still fairly cruel. More neutrally, situations like someone being lost in the depths of some vast leviathan is a fun motif that feels surprisingly underexplored. I like that sense of a perpetual descent through a seemingly endless dark tunnel of fleshy abyss, especially from the undulating flesh pushing one ever deeper in a fashion that almost is like a perpetual swallow. Some of this does start to take into more surreal/fantasy imagery when it is allowed to rather than having the usual endo vibe constraints I've seen (of which make me feel like the odd one out at times because the way I fetishize vore comes down to an obsessive compulsion with the immersion deep inside the flesh in a way that magnetizes me in ways that make me question my sense of free will).

You can also get situations like an extremely possessive pred who would not be one to want to make the object of their desire not that object of desire, of which digestion inherently does unless you are picturing souls or sentient fat which I don't like because it is not in tune with the fleshier aesthetic feel that I gravitate towards. Entombed in flesh, imprisoned in their flesh. There also is the ecological route with nonfatal (that is probably lacking in more kink minded interests) where it is more like the endo'd prey is made in effect, an organism within the pred's gut biome. Maybe this can go into parasitism but I have noticed parasitism tends to be regarded as a different fetish (oviposition and whatnot also is in that scope).

But I think this in some ways shows why it is less common, how many people think of the gut microbiome for one? It isn't the first thing they show you about the guts and a lot of people into vore aren't usually thinking of the anatomical aspects of it. (I am aware there is fatal that do go deeper anatomy with it but I have noticed even that is uncommon relative to the more "usual" deal).
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Re: Why is Non-Fatal Vore so much less common than Fatal?

Postby Ender9107 » Tue Feb 11, 2025 7:47 pm

I believe that fatal vore is primarily enjoyed by people with some other non-vore kinks, such as sadomasochism and BDSM. That's what I've learned from everyone I've asked about it, at least. So, in line with that, I'd say non-fatal is more often enjoyed by people who are into vore without many other secondary kinks. The thing is, almost everyone I've met that's into vore also has at least a couple more kinks they like. Even as a strictly non-fatal person, I just so happen to be into macro as well. It's odd, but vore doesn't often exist on its own, and I think that could be a reason for fatal content being so widespread.
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Re: Why is Non-Fatal Vore so much less common than Fatal?

Postby IddlerItaler » Wed Feb 12, 2025 7:37 am

Ender9107 wrote:I believe that fatal vore is primarily enjoyed by people with some other non-vore kinks, such as sadomasochism and BDSM. That's what I've learned from everyone I've asked about it, at least. So, in line with that, I'd say non-fatal is more often enjoyed by people who are into vore without many other secondary kinks. The thing is, almost everyone I've met that's into vore also has at least a couple more kinks they like. Even as a strictly non-fatal person, I just so happen to be into macro as well. It's odd, but vore doesn't often exist on its own, and I think that could be a reason for fatal content being so widespread.

My primary intersection kink with non-fatal is cumflation. For two reasons: you know the whole "digestion is like the orgasm of a vore sequence"? Since I don't have a metaphorical orgasm I might as well go for a literal one. Secondly, it lets the pred get some nutrition even without digesting the prey, and many of my partners were into belly fetish so any excuse's good to get a bigger gut.

I have lots of kinks that go well with vore. Some kinks do require fatal or at least lean towards it (like sadism) while others are neutral (facesitting, mouth fetish), and I guess non-fatal is seen as more wholesome and "restrained" which clashes with the perception of a fetish as something taboo and extreme (even then, most fatal fans do have a "that's too far" point as well, whether it's blood, graphic digestion, or extreme callousness). Regardless of that I also like my non-fatal to be very kinky. In fact all of my kinky fantasies could take place in a universe where vore (both fatal and non-fatal) is possible, with the contrast between the two enhancing the effect.

Another kink that works well with non-fatal would be abduction / Stockholm Syndrome. On that matter I would recommend SentheWanderer's stories for anyone who's into permanent entrapment and possessive preds.
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Re: Why is Non-Fatal Vore so much less common than Fatal?

Postby darknight555 » Wed Feb 12, 2025 3:01 pm

I'll admit I didn't read every single post in the thread, but something that I don't *think* has been brought up yet is vore's early relationship to monster movies and "peril" type art.

These days, I think a lot of people discover vore via already-existing vore fetish art and/or existing online vore communities. For an *ahem* slightly older person like myself, there wasn't a lot of easy-to-find vore artwork out there, and the online communities were just starting to form.

My introduction was vore/vore adjacent scenes in movies (I remember repeatedly watching the scene from Jaws 2 where the shark grabs and swallows a girl while she's trying to climb onto a boat), video games (I once made a custom board in battle chess with all rooks and queens) , and comic books (can't think of specific examples, but "peril pinup" type art was popular, which stuff like a jungle girl or damsel dangling over a lake full or piranhas, or the open mouth of a crocodile). This stuff was usually fatal/potentially fatal because it was meant to be a monster movie death or a video game "game over", but it obviously made certain people feel...a certain kinda way.

When I first started drawing vore, I drew mostly unwilling fatal monster vore (with almost exclusively female prey), and I think that's mainly because I was emulating the stuff I liked from movies, comics, and video games. When I started looking for vore content online, most of the early stuff I remember finding was quite similarly: women being eaten by monsters and snakes. I wasn't even introduced to human/human vore (either macro or same size) or sexual components in vore until sometime later, and when I started to run with those ideas myself, I continued to draw mostly fatal because that's just what made sense to me.

If I had to guess, a lot of the older/earlier creators that contributed to sites like this probably had backgrounds similar to mine - getting into vore via fatal movie/video game scenes, emulating those to some degree, and maybe *eventually* branching off into other varieties as they discovered them, but still contributing to the perception that fatal vore is "the default" along the way.
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Re: Why is Non-Fatal Vore so much less common than Fatal?

Postby IddlerItaler » Wed Feb 12, 2025 4:50 pm

darknight555 wrote:My introduction was vore/vore adjacent scenes in movies (I remember repeatedly watching the scene from Jaws 2 where the shark grabs and swallows a girl while she's trying to climb onto a boat), video games (I once made a custom board in battle chess with all rooks and queens) , and comic books (can't think of specific examples, but "peril pinup" type art was popular, which stuff like a jungle girl or damsel dangling over a lake full or piranhas, or the open mouth of a crocodile). This stuff was usually fatal/potentially fatal because it was meant to be a monster movie death or a video game "game over", but it obviously made certain people feel...a certain kinda way.

When I first started drawing vore, I drew mostly unwilling fatal monster vore (with almost exclusively female prey), and I think that's mainly because I was emulating the stuff I liked from movies, comics, and video games. When I started looking for vore content online, most of the early stuff I remember finding was quite similarly: women being eaten by monsters and snakes. I wasn't even introduced to human/human vore (either macro or same size) or sexual components in vore until sometime later, and when I started to run with those ideas myself, I continued to draw mostly fatal because that's just what made sense to me.

If I had to guess, a lot of the older/earlier creators that contributed to sites like this probably had backgrounds similar to mine - getting into vore via fatal movie/video game scenes, emulating those to some degree, and maybe *eventually* branching off into other varieties as they discovered them, but still contributing to the perception that fatal vore is "the default" along the way.

Regarding "monster" vore in video games, this is an old fave of mine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNajWw01dzA

Tomb Raider Legend also has this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvNIcCTMg8c

Both of them involve some chomps, which are kinda niche in vore even if they were commonplace in old monster scenes. Certain gritty aspects from that era don't seem to be as popular anymore, and many people have cited cartoons as inspirations for vore, though it could've certainly played a part in setting the expectation for death.

Comparatively to fetish art, whenever someone gets eaten in mainstream media they have pretty good odds of survival so long as they're a named character. Jonah and the Whale, Pinocchio and the Dogfish. And even in videogames where characters die more easily there are endo levels, like when Scrat is eaten by the giant fish in the game adaptation of Ice Age: The Meltdown or bouncing on the whale's tongue in the Finding Nemo game (funny how all those involve sea life). Even in grittier games where cartoon logic won't save you from stomach acids, you are given the chance to rip or blast your way out because stomachs aren't made of steel (I guess that would technically still make it fatal, just for the pred?)

There are definitively fatalities too, but also plenty of stuff that could've inspired non-fatal. In fact one could make a Buff Doge vs Cheems meme regarding the agency of preys in mainstream medias vs preys in vore. Of course, fetish art could've taken an opposite stance to mainstream on purpose, being counter-culture and all.

Also yeah, it seems that many vore fans started out with size difference, unwilling, oral, fatal, at which point them saying "I don't like fatal because it's too unrealistic" could've made enough sense, then they branched out and tried a bit of everything from willing preys to same size to mass vore to legal vore to cock vore to scatues at which point if they're still rejecting safe vore as "too unrealistic" it's honestly comical. "Realistic" vore is a niche in and of itself, and the logic of "If I like a scenario, I WILL make it happen" tends to reign supreme (even in my setting I eventually caved and embraced mass vore, which is like a sledgehammer to the face of power balance and believable sustainability). If I've reached a point as a creator where I'm gifting intelligent beings with the power to swallow each other whole, it's honestly stranger if none of them can ever use that power for kinkplay without killing anyone, unless I really just prefer for death to happen because I just don't enjoy it otherwise.
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Re: Why is Non-Fatal Vore so much less common than Fatal?

Postby ThroatofLFlynn » Sun Feb 16, 2025 1:50 am

A big part of vore from what I've heard in discussions I've had, and one I'd have to agree with, is that it's super intimate. You're already going through someone's insides so digestion is the next logical step. You're being intimate enough with someone to let them break you down into nutrients. That's some pretty close connection, man. In a way it's also a transition from being inside someone to being a litteral part of them. I'm super into weight gain vore, and in that realm, preds will often refer to their prey as now being a part of them or a part of them being or having been their prey either while the prey's in their stomach or post-diegestion. I know I'd love for the meat in my hips or belly to have once been my partner!

That's just my two cents. I prefer fatal but I see the appeal of non-fatal to. Non-fatal vore is a much more repeatable sexual act while fatal vore is final, making it a huge commitment! I guess that just adds to the intimacy more...
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Re: Why is Non-Fatal Vore so much less common than Fatal?

Postby theonlymatt » Sun Feb 16, 2025 9:22 pm

That's like asking why porn with only foreplay is much less common than porn where they fuck.
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Re: Why is Non-Fatal Vore so much less common than Fatal?

Postby ThroatofLFlynn » Sun Feb 16, 2025 9:53 pm

theonlymatt wrote:That's like asking why porn with only foreplay is much less common than porn where they fuck.

Very sensible and succinct. I never made the comparison between complete digestion and ejaculation before
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Re: Why is Non-Fatal Vore so much less common than Fatal?

Postby Jihhh » Sun Feb 16, 2025 11:58 pm

Thing is a lot of vore removes the commitment aspect of fatal due to respawns. Prey OCs that get regularly digested just show up in the next picture that commissioner made usually (and I am aware of people who are into perma fatal that complain about that). I also don't think fatal represents anymore a commitment than long term entrapment (or even perma entrapment), yeah they don't get made into nutrients (past their semen, anyways) but when one is in the body that long, melted or not they kinda do become "part of" the pred much like the life in the gut biome is a "part of" you.

Ender9107 wrote:I believe that fatal vore is primarily enjoyed by people with some other non-vore kinks, such as sadomasochism and BDSM. That's what I've learned from everyone I've asked about it, at least. So, in line with that, I'd say non-fatal is more often enjoyed by people who are into vore without many other secondary kinks. The thing is, almost everyone I've met that's into vore also has at least a couple more kinks they like. Even as a strictly non-fatal person, I just so happen to be into macro as well. It's odd, but vore doesn't often exist on its own, and I think that could be a reason for fatal content being so widespread.

I can relate as I also only seem to like nonfatal vore myself with any other fetishes being at most kinks that end up trying back into the driving fetish. For instance with macro it links back to vore because it means more body to go body exploring, spelunking and getting lost in. (I tend to believe in a 'narrower pathway' theory on why it is less common).
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Re: Why is Non-Fatal Vore so much less common than Fatal?

Postby IddlerItaler » Mon Feb 17, 2025 4:37 am

ThroatofLFlynn wrote:
theonlymatt wrote:That's like asking why porn with only foreplay is much less common than porn where they fuck.

Very sensible and succinct. I never made the comparison between complete digestion and ejaculation before

What constitutes the foreplay and the climax in a fetish depends entirely on people's preferences. A fatal fan will tell a non-fatal fan "digestion is like the climax of a vore sequence, stopping right before that removes the best part". A disposal fan will tell a clean fatal fan "disposal is like the climax of a vore sequence, stopping right before that removes the best part". A burp fan will look at both and say "burps are the best part, vore without it is like sex without orgasms". A mass vore fan will say "Stopping at a single prey is like dining with a salad, why not create a belly the size of the Empire State Building?" And a swallowing fan will just be happy to create a 50GB folder of Karbo's mawshots.

It's all a surreal fetish with arbitrarily-attributed hotness. What part is the "real sex" is entirely up to you.

You could just as easily compare fatal to impregnation, with the whole "life-altering consequences that not everyone wants to deal with" bit.

Jihhh wrote:
Ender9107 wrote:I believe that fatal vore is primarily enjoyed by people with some other non-vore kinks, such as sadomasochism and BDSM. That's what I've learned from everyone I've asked about it, at least. So, in line with that, I'd say non-fatal is more often enjoyed by people who are into vore without many other secondary kinks. The thing is, almost everyone I've met that's into vore also has at least a couple more kinks they like. Even as a strictly non-fatal person, I just so happen to be into macro as well. It's odd, but vore doesn't often exist on its own, and I think that could be a reason for fatal content being so widespread.

I can relate as I also only seem to like nonfatal vore myself with any other fetishes being at most kinks that end up trying back into the driving fetish. For instance with macro it links back to vore because it means more body to go body exploring, spelunking and getting lost in. (I tend to believe in a 'narrower pathway' theory on why it is less common).

On that matter, I have a theory. People from other fetishes are less likely to dip into vore unless they're interested in fatal because "that fetish where people are eaten alive and digested" is how vore is usually advertised, and if you're a general fetish artist who's trying out vore for the first time you figure that if you draw fatal or ambiguous fate you'll draw more attention (both for the controversy and for people praising it).

So, if you think that fatal fans are in general more fetish-diverse while non-fatal fans are more fetish-exclusive, that could be explained by saying that if you have various fetishes and generally aren't into death, you'll likely dip out of vore (maybe just indulge it every now and then while in another fetish community), whereas if you are choosing to stay as a non-fatal fan you are doubling down on being in this fetish despite the unpopularity, meaning vore matters for you enough to put up with it.

Though it could as easily have to do with endo fans gravitating more towards vanilla.
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Re: Why is Non-Fatal Vore so much less common than Fatal?

Postby Jihhh » Mon Feb 17, 2025 3:30 pm

IddlerItaler wrote:What constitutes the foreplay and the climax in a fetish depends entirely on people's preferences. A fatal fan will tell a non-fatal fan "digestion is like the climax of a vore sequence, stopping right before that removes the best part". A disposal fan will tell a clean fatal fan "disposal is like the climax of a vore sequence, stopping right before that removes the best part". A burp fan will look at both and say "burps are the best part, vore without it is like sex without orgasms". A mass vore fan will say "Stopping at a single prey is like dining with a salad, why not create a belly the size of the Empire State Building?" And a swallowing fan will just be happy to create a 50GB folder of Karbo's mawshots.

It's all a surreal fetish with arbitrarily-attributed hotness. What part is the "real sex" is entirely up to you.

You could just as easily compare fatal to impregnation, with the whole "life-altering consequences that not everyone wants to deal with" bit.

Endosoma can lead to toxic codependencies especially if you go the symbiotic route with it consequence wise.
But this does kinda still show why some of these niches are less common, how many people are thinking of it that way really? Not many. I think it is intuitive because it has shown pretty strong evolutionary results compared to rote predation's reliance on a whole ecology to function. But again, how many people even are aware of these dynamics, let alone form a fetishistic association with them? Even I really started out on full tour / swallowed alive fixations.

So, if you think that fatal fans are in general more fetish-diverse while non-fatal fans are more fetish-exclusive, that could be explained by saying that if you have various fetishes and generally aren't into death, you'll likely dip out of vore (maybe just indulge it every now and then while in another fetish community), whereas if you are choosing to stay as a non-fatal fan you are doubling down on being in this fetish despite the unpopularity, meaning vore matters for you enough to put up with it.

I have seem non-fatal fans who like feet or clothing entrapment and there are cases like someone into feeding that likes endo only for any prey character. Some do like transformation too but usually that gets combined with vore.

Though it could as easily have to do with endo fans gravitating more towards vanilla.

Unsure about this one as a lot of people who only like endo/nonfatal tend to see themselves as asexual. Not to mention I think there is another split/axis one can identify that I will call the 'anatomical' axis. On one extreme, it is the cartoony same size big belly vore more often seen. On the other extreme, RL endoscopy and/or a fixation/fetishization of the inside of the body in general. I tend to associate endosoma with the latter while seeing the former as safe vore but there isnt much correlation on if the prey survives or not. The cutest artstyle could have the prey die horribly while a hyper-realistic art style has the prey kept alive. But I have seen it used fairly interchangeably in practice. This plays somewhat into the 'narrower path' theory because there are people who find endoscopy nauseating despite also liking vore.
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Re: Why is Non-Fatal Vore so much less common than Fatal?

Postby IddlerItaler » Mon Feb 17, 2025 3:52 pm

Jihhh wrote:Unsure about this one as a lot of people who only like endo/nonfatal tend to see themselves as asexual. Not to mention I think there is another split/axis one can identify that I will call the 'anatomical' axis. On one extreme, it is the cartoony same size big belly vore more often seen. On the other extreme, RL endoscopy and/or a fixation/fetishization of the inside of the body in general. I tend to associate endosoma with the latter while seeing the former as safe vore but there isnt much correlation on if the prey survives or not. The cutest artstyle could have the prey die horribly while a hyper-realistic art style has the prey kept alive. But I have seen it used fairly interchangeably in practice.

Yeah fair enough about the theory. Ender also mentioned macro and I'd expect most vore fans to have at least one intersection kink or two. There's also a good number of asexuals who are into fatal vore.

Cartoony same size can also be used for body worship and belly fetish. Drawing internals in cartoon style might sound counter-intuitive, but we actually have plenty of references from the scenes where characters were swallowed in cartoons. And yeah, just because the artstyle looks lighthearted it doesn't mean the story is (like Happy Tree Friends shows).

Jihhh wrote:Endosoma can lead to toxic codependencies especially if you go the symbiotic route with it consequence wise.

Oh true. That is a scenario I also like. The pred being a little bit creepy in claiming the prey, the prey a little too attached perhaps, even if it's not going to "I want to kill you / be killed by you" levels.

Jihhh wrote:But this does kinda still show why some of these niches are less common, how many people are thinking of it that way really? Not many.

That's true no matter what you're talking about. Most people don't think of any part of being eaten as fascinating and the fact we do is one of the main shocks for the mainstream and the everyday person's way of thinking. Yet if there is one thing fetish shows, is that people are able to find interest (including of the sexual kind) in anything.
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Re: Why is Non-Fatal Vore so much less common than Fatal?

Postby Trajan » Mon Feb 17, 2025 5:07 pm

Jihhh wrote:
IddlerItaler wrote:What constitutes the foreplay and the climax in a fetish depends entirely on people's preferences. A fatal fan will tell a non-fatal fan "digestion is like the climax of a vore sequence, stopping right before that removes the best part". A disposal fan will tell a clean fatal fan "disposal is like the climax of a vore sequence, stopping right before that removes the best part". A burp fan will look at both and say "burps are the best part, vore without it is like sex without orgasms". A mass vore fan will say "Stopping at a single prey is like dining with a salad, why not create a belly the size of the Empire State Building?" And a swallowing fan will just be happy to create a 50GB folder of Karbo's mawshots.

It's all a surreal fetish with arbitrarily-attributed hotness. What part is the "real sex" is entirely up to you.

You could just as easily compare fatal to impregnation, with the whole "life-altering consequences that not everyone wants to deal with" bit.

Endosoma can lead to toxic codependencies especially if you go the symbiotic route with it consequence wise.
But this does kinda still show why some of these niches are less common, how many people are thinking of it that way really? Not many. I think it is intuitive because it has shown pretty strong evolutionary results compared to rote predation's reliance on a whole ecology to function. But again, how many people even are aware of these dynamics, let alone form a fetishistic association with them? Even I really started out on full tour / swallowed alive fixations.

Microbiota is fucking crazy bro

Most if not all (can't remember exactly, I'm not a microbiologist) pluricellular organisms are symbiotic to some extant due to their microbiota. You have more bacterial cells in your body than you have human ones (human are still the majority in terms of mass though). Your intestines are an entire ecosystem in and of themselves. Your penis/vagina and your skin are too. And it communicates with your brain through hormones (as before, can't remember the exact process, find some nature article on it if you want the details). Plants are very much the same, and use bacterias to pump nitrogen out of the ground.

If you want to do endosoma, don't worry, biology's on your side (as long as you're a micro-organism).

Edit : And I have not even talked about the pluricellular parasites that represent a huge chunk of animal species.
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Re: Why is Non-Fatal Vore so much less common than Fatal?

Postby jaggedjagd » Mon Feb 17, 2025 5:36 pm

theonlymatt wrote:That's like asking why porn with only foreplay is much less common than porn where they fuck.

Some of us find the foreplay a million times more interesting. In fact, start with the first date, complete with dinner and candlelight. And then the proposal and the wedding ceremony later, child rearing, first divorce and then.... Whassat, fucking? Who cares! Show more drama.

From what i've seen, endo caters more to people are into for the emotional rollercoaster of the pred/prey dynamic. It's emotion porn, less physical porn. Death by melting alive is a bit of a downer in the mood department, hence more leaning towards non-fatal content.
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