Mysta's vore rpg. Complete Glitch fix p1/26 (12th Nov 2012)

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Re: Mysta's vore rpg. New (3rd July 2012) Download inside.

Postby mysta » Sat Jul 07, 2012 10:02 am

Well, I decided to upload it now...

This update: Glitches fixed (hopefully), Improved storyline (It's marginally better), New vore scenes (5/sort of 6, I think) Multiple variations (for 2/3 of the scenes), New types of vore (Absorbsion, anal vore), One sex variation (It felt appropriate), Other slight tweaks (including a dead guy), Improved RPG elements (added a boss and one new skill), and much, much more (that's about it, really). :)

As before: comments, tips and glitches (and mention if I've failed to fix any) are much appreciated.


Hopefully this has fewer problems... :?

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Re: Mysta's vore rpg. New (3rd July 2012) Download inside.

Postby mysta » Sat Jul 07, 2012 10:13 am

Don't expect updates to all occur this quickly... ^^;

List of things to try and add next time:
Some of Bright's art - once I produce some context for it. (Probably Biancas furcoat or happy birthday uncut if that is ok - as one is a commission and one a competition entry)
Flesh out town scenes - Aviant - I actually meant to do this, but I forgot :?
Hopefully some macro/micro vore
More interesting quests! <--------(yeah, need to do this)
And more of what's already in there.

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Re: Mysta's vore rpg. New update on P3 (7th July 2012)

Postby The_Prof » Sat Jul 07, 2012 10:40 am

not bad, though since most people are playing it for the vore may I suggest you modify it so the game can support more then 4 save files?
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Re: Mysta's vore rpg. New update on P3 (7th July 2012)

Postby komaru » Sat Jul 07, 2012 12:32 pm

loved the harpy AV scene :3

small bug though, after being digested by the fire elemental, there's no further option to continue or game over screen.
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Re: Mysta's vore rpg. New update on P3 (7th July 2012)

Postby NekuTheEmo » Sat Jul 07, 2012 1:07 pm

need help here :( also i did install RTP from the website.. anyone know how to fix this? :(
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Re: Mysta's vore rpg. New update on P3 (7th July 2012)

Postby Lawrence Craft » Sat Jul 07, 2012 1:24 pm

NekuTheEmo wrote:need help here :( also i did install RTP from the website.. anyone know how to fix this? :(
Try to search for the missing file via google or the search engine do you normally use.
If i remember right you can put this file in the RTP folder on your harddisc or directly in the game folder, all two ways should actually fix the problem.
(i had this problem with another game some time ago myself, but don't remeber right what i have done, besides that i downloaded the missing file :D)
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Re: Mysta's vore rpg. New update on P3 (7th July 2012)

Postby Bright » Sat Jul 07, 2012 7:55 pm

I think it should be okay to use those two images, as one is only featuring my character. (I can take away the text if it is easier.) and the other was a request. (Only the prey was his.)

Trying your new version now:

I like the dead guys exposition, though he changes sprite when you talk to him.

I like the costume girl. Very nice.
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Re: Mysta's vore rpg. New update on P3 (7th July 2012)

Postby empatheticapathy » Sat Jul 07, 2012 8:39 pm

I'm impressed. That was pretty good.
I can't believe I didn't think of a perverted harpy. I'm really smacking myself for that.
I also can't believe I didn't think to have party members eat fallen bosses. Would you mind if I put that in JAVRPG? I have my own spin on it that feel that that would make things interesting.

You have to talk to the ghosts in the first area to fight them, but all the other enemies fight you on contact.
It is possible, in a number of places, to walk around in empty space. Off the top of my head, you can do that in the home of the girl who cooks you, and at least one of the stomachs.
The dying/dead guy, and the signs, change sprite when you talk to them from most angles. You can fix this one by checking "Direction Fix" on their event pages.

These two aren't exactly bugs, but still, grievances:
The second shop sells Armor, which no one in my party can wear.
When you do some scenes with the harpy, you get brought to her tent, but your direction is NOT changed, so you can be UB'd by her without even looking in her direction.
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Re: Mysta's vore rpg. New update on P3 (7th July 2012)

Postby Genowing » Sat Jul 07, 2012 9:16 pm

I would love some more cooking scenes, maybe one at the camp sight with the father and Daughter?
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Re: Mysta's vore rpg. New update on P3 (7th July 2012)

Postby Adelais » Sat Jul 07, 2012 10:00 pm

This is a magnificent start. I am particularly fond of the in-stomach dialogue. Two things I would like to suggest, though, are that you change a chest that lies between your home and the first town that can give you an unlimited number of iron swords, and that you enable the player to rest in their own home in order to recover hitpoints instead of requiring them to stay at an inn.
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Re: Mysta's vore rpg. New update on P3 (7th July 2012)

Postby vore2412 » Sun Jul 08, 2012 12:16 am

I was never able to find the boss in the first version, any hints?
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Re: Mysta's vore rpg. New update on P3 (7th July 2012)

Postby Sarethas » Sun Jul 08, 2012 1:28 am

I figured out my problem. For some reason DEP re-enabled itself for the RGSS RTP player and didn't want it to run. I guess it didn't like the new version or something.

Regardless, I rather enjoyed what of the game there is. It feels a bit dry overall in terms of story, though the variety of vore scenes and types is an interesting change of pace from the norm. Give your story a bit of background somewhere, reason to fear or enjoy, and it should shape up a bit more nicely.
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Re: Mysta's vore rpg. New update on P3 (7th July 2012)

Postby Vizix » Sun Jul 08, 2012 2:57 am

Where is the AV? I couldn't find it. Also, IMO you made the Fire Sage a little too strong. Or perhaps you made Saph a little weak, or it could be that I am lazy and don't grind at all...
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Re: Mysta's vore rpg. New update on P3 (7th July 2012)

Postby Lawrence Craft » Sun Jul 08, 2012 4:42 am

lolcp123 wrote:Where is the AV? I couldn't find it. Also, IMO you made the Fire Sage a little too strong. Or perhaps you made Saph a little weak, or it could be that I am lazy and don't grind at all...
The harpy at the grey horde campsite and the naga at the outside field having both a anal vore scene.

Saph is a mage class character, there are always physically weaker as other classes.
But her fire skill was very effective against the fire sage as i fought her (one hit with over 1200 damage, idk if it was a critical hit).
But a little bit grinding can't hurt. ^^"
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Re: Mysta's vore rpg. New update on P3 (7th July 2012)

Postby mysta » Sun Jul 08, 2012 5:00 am

Bright: It would definitely be easier to add 'Bianca's furcoat' if the text was removed - plus then I could make some variations...
Enpatheticapathy: Cheers for all the tips, feel free to add boss vore in yours - I'll probably enjoy it. :)
Lolcp123: Yeah, I decided that the demo was too easy so I ramped things up a little. - managed to defeat the boss at Lvl 4 though (just) so she can't be too bad. I always think the mage is too strong, so I put her health extra low.
Sarethas: Glad that you got it working, hope that the other problems people are having aren't unfixable too.

Thanks for all the comments, I'll try and make the next one bug free... :?

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Re: Mysta's vore rpg. New update on P3 (7th July 2012)

Postby Liz » Sun Jul 08, 2012 6:15 am

You're game is going great - I am wondering if you got the PM I sent you ;)

Yeah the more hungry female characters in game the better imo. The boss was rather easy but I tweaked a few things that I was testing out so after putting my character back down to normal she was harder but still I killed her.

Bugs are annoying little so and so- when you think you've killed them all more are found - don't worry about it - you game is going good :D
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Re: Mysta's vore rpg. New update on P3 (7th July 2012)

Postby gulpin » Sun Jul 08, 2012 6:43 am

when you lose to the fire sage the game over screen doesn't show.
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Re: Mysta's vore rpg. New update on P3 (7th July 2012)

Postby Bright » Sun Jul 08, 2012 6:45 am

Here you go.

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Re: Mysta's vore rpg. New update on P3 (7th July 2012)

Postby BorealTales » Sun Jul 08, 2012 7:56 am

Throwing my praise on the pile, for a first it is a very good start. I'm in particular fond of your writing, always nice to see :D
I'd also like to second the motion of throwing the players more save slots, would be nice when you want to go back to that one scene or other.
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Re: Mysta's vore rpg. New update on P3 (7th July 2012)

Postby WhatBigTeeth » Sun Jul 08, 2012 1:25 pm

Very cool game so far, I'm playing through your update atm and it's been good. I particularly liked the naga in the desert. It gave me an idea though.

Mind the spoilers ahead folks.

She refuses to eat you because you're a boy, but what if one of the costumes you could get from the angel was of a girl? So you could maybe trick the naga into eating you. Yeah, I guess if she were to strip you she'd find out, but maybe she'll admire you going through all the trouble just to be her food, and oblige you anyway? Or maybe you'll manage to get eaten undiscovered. I don't know.

Just thought I'd drop a suggestion, good job with your game though.
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