It's a Gluttonous Life - a0.47.2 (public), a0.48.1 (Patreon)

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Re: It's a Gluttonous Life - a0.46.0 (public), a0.47.2 (Patr

Postby Ivegotcats » Thu Mar 13, 2025 1:06 pm

pointless100 wrote:I've heard tell that the sequence where Jasmine eats you in the night has been updated. However I have yet to see it again. Anyone know what criteria need to be met to trigger it? In the older versions she would eat the player feet first whenever I went to sleep in her bed before she did, whether I was a guest or a roommate. Now I've been trying to trigger the same scene and it never happens anymore, regardless of several factors (drunkenness, her relationship level, etc.)

[Similarly the sex scene with Elaine never happens anymore, but that was rare to begin with]

As far as I can tell from reading the code, here are the parameters:
It's a random occurrence if she is not full and she has not eaten you recently (any method).
Guest bedroom:
  • Sleeping in it before midnight or after 6 AM when she is awake
  • Jasmine hunger > 0
  • Current health is greater than 75%
This has about a 50% chance of occurring if the above parameters are met, and about a 7% chance otherwise.
Sleeping in her bed if she isn't in it and she comes in:
Base parameters are Jasmine relationship < 50 or belly slut level >= 25, base percentage is about 60%.
It improves to about 75% if:
  • Jasmine hunger > 0
  • Belly slut level is >=25
  • Current health is greater than 50%
Sleeping in bed with her:
  • Base to get a vore scene while sleeping with her: Jasmine relationship < 50 or belly slut level >= 25
  • Belly slut level >= 100
  • Health at or above 50%.
That's about a 33% chance, but if your belly slut levels aren't high enough, you will just get the regular bed vore scene.
Your "Belly Slut" score is the number of times you have willingly fed yourself to her * 2.5 plus the number of unwilling times. So to get to a Slut Level of 25, you would need to be eaten by her willingly 7 times and unwillingly eaten 8. To get over 100, assuming a 1:1 relationship between willing and unwilling, it would be 29 times (or 28 willing, 30 unwilling).

I don't know if the counter adds up with the reform mod, but the sunbathing, gambling and drunk scenes do count towards the unwilling score. The only way to get a "willing" scene is if you ask "can you eat me".

Alternatively, you can go into script.rpa and change the chances to make it so it happens basically every time you sleep in the guest bedroom in the daytime and she is home. That's what I did since there's no scene gallery and I'm here to jerk off, not to grind getting swallowed by a hippo woman 58 times.
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Re: It's a Gluttonous Life - a0.47.2 (public), a0.48.1 (Patr

Postby Ivegotcats » Thu Mar 13, 2025 1:31 pm

Big fan of this game and the updates you've provided. Will there be any chance at getting a scene gallery once they've been accomplished?
I would love to see a little more stomach weight gains after digestion, especially on Elaine and Catalina. Sigrid has a little bit of tummy, but she could have more.

Also, will there ever be the option for unbirth digestion to result in cum transformation/digestion? Or is that not your style?
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Re: It's a Gluttonous Life - a0.47.2 (public), a0.48.1 (Patr

Postby Sriseru » Fri Mar 14, 2025 4:04 am

Logic101 wrote:Are there special interactions with Jen inside Bessie ether with the player also inside Bessie or outside?

Not yet.
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Re: It's a Gluttonous Life - a0.47.2 (public), a0.48.1 (Patr

Postby Sriseru » Fri Mar 14, 2025 4:08 am

Ivegotcats wrote:Big fan of this game and the updates you've provided.

Glad to hear it. <3

Ivegotcats wrote:Will there be any chance at getting a scene gallery once they've been accomplished?

Not really no, but I might change my mind if enough people express an interest in it.

Ivegotcats wrote:I would love to see a little more stomach weight gains after digestion, especially on Elaine and Catalina. Sigrid has a little bit of tummy, but she could have more.

I think it's fine as it is.

Ivegotcats wrote:Also, will there ever be the option for unbirth digestion to result in cum transformation/digestion? Or is that not your style?

Not really my style, no.
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Re: It's a Gluttonous Life - a0.47.2 (public), a0.48.1 (Patr

Postby Fr4nk » Fri Mar 14, 2025 6:59 am

I would also like a gallery mode.
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Re: It's a Gluttonous Life - a0.47.2 (public), a0.48.1 (Patr

Postby Seifens » Fri Mar 14, 2025 4:29 pm

I've updated my UI mod for a0.47. The new version is 1.2.2, and can be found either on the game discord or earlier in this thread via the link in my signature.
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Re: It's a Gluttonous Life - a0.47.2 (public), a0.48.1 (Patr

Postby xnovusalpha001 » Sun Mar 16, 2025 2:06 pm

I am not sure how to properly add and attachment to a download link but here is a modified version of the EndoReformMod that should work with version a0.47.2: ... drive_link

It still needs a lot of work but functions as intended now. I also made alternate dialogue for the new massage, squirm, and kick mechanics introduced so that they would be more to an endo player's liking if you chose Endo for your run of the game. It has also been changed so that you regain health and satiation (or hunger) only if you choose the massage, squirm, or kick. Also, the special minor random events that can trigger from massage, squirm, or kick will keep the digestion modified at 1.0 if on Endo. You also don't significantly lose hunger from sleeping in a belly.

To be honest, this mod has not been thoroughly tested (at least to my standards) but I can confirm it is functional and works. My goal for providing this is for either for the creator of the game itself to have some rough template to incorporate Endo and Reform into the game as an option or for someone more familiar with the scripting and coding behind this game to be able to vastly improve upon what I have done. Do not be surprised if you get a random error or traceback log while playing. You shouldn't; however, again, I have not done any thorough testing. The only testing I've done is how I play the game and fixing and glitches or bugs that I find with playing with the mod. So, I have not tested the reformation but it should still work. If Flurby, the original creator of the EndoReformMod, requests for me to take the links down for whatever reason, this post will be redacted and the linked items will be deleted from the Google Drive to prevent further download.

I did encounter a weird bug where renpy will throw a traceback error due to AA_Actor.rpy attempting to use pop on an empty list. I believed this can be triggered by using rollback as this is how I experienced the bug. Ren'Py's rollback function can screw with Python code and scripting. This could also just be a case of me unintentionally overlooking an obvious coding logic error. A hotfix for this can also be downloaded: ... drive_link

You will need to use something like rpaExtract (which you can find easily upon search on the internet). You just drag scripts.rpa onto the rpaExtract.exe file and it will automatically extract everything. Then, delete scripts.rpa so that the game does not try to use it instead of the extracted script files (or save it move it somewhere else as a backup). You'll want to go to the AA_Classes folder and overwrite AA_Actor.rpy with the file you have just downloaded.
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Re: It's a Gluttonous Life - a0.47.2 (public), a0.48.1 (Patr

Postby BazBackup » Sat Mar 22, 2025 5:57 pm

Xnovus - can you please explain how to install that in simpler terms? I can't figure it out.
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Re: It's a Gluttonous Life - a0.47.2 (public), a0.48.1 (Patr

Postby xnovusalpha001 » Sun Mar 23, 2025 8:02 am

BazBackup wrote:Xnovus - can you please explain how to install that in simpler terms? I can't figure it out.

You just need to download the NeoEndoReformMod, unpack it (i.e., extract the contents), place the NeoEndoReformMod into the mod scripts folder in the game folder, and that's it. You may want to start a new run as I am not sure how it will behave with a pre-existing save file.

You don't need to install that second thing. I just included that because it was a weird bug that I found when messing around.
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Re: It's a Gluttonous Life - a0.47.2 (public), a0.48.1 (Patr

Postby BazBackup » Sun Mar 23, 2025 10:48 pm

Aha, thank you!
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Re: It's a Gluttonous Life - a0.47.2 (public), a0.48.1 (Patr

Postby Jimhambone » Wed Mar 26, 2025 4:56 pm

So I've been playing for a this for a bit (great game btw) and I had a few questions that i was hoping someone could anwser for me:

How do I invest in stocks?
Can you get your own apartment?
What is the best way to make money?
And where do you gamble?
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Re: It's a Gluttonous Life - a0.47.2 (public), a0.48.1 (Patr

Postby Anon293 » Wed Mar 26, 2025 6:50 pm

Jimhambone wrote:How do I invest in stocks?

Talk to Jasmine, you can ask her about a few things relating to money, and one of them leads to her giving you her stock brokers number.

Jimhambone wrote:Can you get your own apartment?


Jimhambone wrote:What is the best way to make money?

Your options are, get a job, trade stocks, gamble against Jasmine, scratch tickets, being a womb pet for Bessie, and opening a savings account at the bank. Stocks and scratch tickets are only really good if you have high luck. A savings account requires you to already have a decent amount of cash. Being Bessie's womb filler is pretty good if you have unbirth set to permanent entrapment and dump all of your cash in a savings account beforehand, and if you keep agreeing to stay longer, you can get an even bigger payout, though your relationships could take a small hit from lack of maintenance. (Also, Elaine is supposed to not charge you rent if you haven't seen her for a few months, but I'm not sure if that's working properly right now, might want to move in with Sigrid first just in case.) Gambling against Jasmine is also good, but she'll call you a cheater and eat you if your win/loss ratio (amount of money won, not actual games won) is too high, but you can use the scroll wheel to go back through your most recent game and get the most out of her by playing the system, just keep in mind that if she thinks you're cheating, she will eat you without giving you whatever payout you've earned (or "earned").

Overall, I think Bessie is probably gonna be your best bet unless you have high luck.

Jimhambone wrote:where do you gamble?

If you go to Jasmines apartment, you can play poker with her there. There are plans to add a casino, but to my knowledge it hasn't been implemented yet.
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Re: It's a Gluttonous Life - a0.47.2 (public), a0.48.1 (Patr

Postby Jimhambone » Wed Mar 26, 2025 11:17 pm

Thank you!
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