Aubury Knights (V1) (3/28/25)

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Aubury Knights (V1) (3/28/25)

Postby Chessa » Mon Dec 26, 2022 10:01 pm

After like TWO YEARS of developing and improving silently, I've made a complete overhaul of this! There's no story yet, but there is a full fledged combat system where you are capable of being eaten and struggling free and tons of other features like that, including belly struggling after being eaten. This may be buggy but I've play tested it a lot and it seems like it shouldn't bug out too often...

The game is almost nothing like it used to be with the short story format, I may add more story etc at a later time, but the vore and battle mechanics are all in! I will try to find time to work on this when I can.

You don't need to pay to get in, or to play this game right now, Here's my Patreon and my Discord for the game.

Spoiler: show
Unwilling, OV, Harmless chewing, Belly struggling, non-fatal softvore

Currently in:
Spoiler: show
A struggle scene with the komodo.
An OV scene with the Komodo
An OV scene with the fox.
A chewing scene with the slime.
OV scene with the Horse
OV scene with the Wyvern

NEW SCREENSHOTS and gifs too (These are completely new, The game looks much different than before!)

​Controls: Arrow keys/WSAD to move, arrow keys to struggle while grabbed or inside of a belly. 1 to attack, 2 to use a potion, Q for ranged attack.

Credits for now!
Spoiler: show
', without his scripts I couldn't make these sorts of systems.
Yanfly Engine Plugins, without their self-switch mechanics I couldn't make this.
Pheonix Kagedesu for his amazing Alpha ABSZ combat system.
Tsukimi for her filter controller plugin.
DKPlugins at for many of his plugins.
Fallen Angel Olivia for her anti stress plugin.
Galenmereth/TDD for his TDDP_Pixelperfect plugin.
Master2015HP for their Moemoticon plugin. (Used for bellies)
Masked for their MBS_MapZoom plugin.

The game is still VERY EARLY in development. Download below
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Re: Rekindling of the Æon (Early Stages, Demo soon)

Postby RandomInjury » Tue Dec 27, 2022 2:50 am

Nice custom art.
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Re: Rekindling of the Æon (Early Stages, Demo soon)

Postby leonthegreat » Tue Dec 27, 2022 4:48 pm

I love the custom character art. I also saw that soul vore was involved, which is some of my favorite kinds. I look forward to whatever story you end up making here. :D
Always looking for a nice belly to relax in.
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Re: Rekindling of the Æon (Early Stages, Demo soon)

Postby GeisKhan » Thu Dec 29, 2022 11:18 pm

Interesting, FF Tactics-looking vore game. Looking forward to seeing the scenes.
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Re: Rekindling of the Æon (Early Stages, Demo soon)

Postby anirishnirvana » Fri Dec 30, 2022 7:48 am

Definitely one to keep an eye on
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Re: Rekindling of the Æon (Early Stages, Demo soon)

Postby Chessa » Sat Dec 31, 2022 6:52 am

GeisKhan wrote:Interesting, FF Tactics-looking vore game. Looking forward to seeing the scenes.

You've spotted at least one of my inspirations, I grew up with FF:T and love it. I've heard good things about fire emblem but have never actually played it.

Spoiler: show
<= This is an actual capable of being-used vore mechanic that could allow you to struggle during cinematics that I've managed to cobble together. I think it's an interesting idea. I also have a state-based combat vore system made but it's incredibly rudimentary and I need to make a better one/add flavor to it.

When the demo is released, it'll include test rooms for both of these, but not worth releasing a demo rn for that until I have actual story written/cinematics made to go in with it.
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Re: Rekindling of the Æon (Early Stages, Demo soon)

Postby leonthegreat » Sun Jan 01, 2023 5:06 pm

Chessa wrote:
GeisKhan wrote:Interesting, FF Tactics-looking vore game. Looking forward to seeing the scenes.

You've spotted at least one of my inspirations, I grew up with FF:T and love it. I've heard good things about fire emblem but have never actually played it.

Image <= This is an actual capable of being-used vore mechanic that could allow you to struggle during cinematics that I've managed to cobble together. I think it's an interesting idea. I also have a state-based combat vore system made but it's incredibly rudimentary and I need to make a better one/add flavor to it.

When the demo is released, it'll include test rooms for both of these, but not worth releasing a demo rn for that until I have actual story written/cinematics made to go in with it.

Oh wow, this looks amazing. I will look foward to this. I havent seen a game with a mechanic like this.
Always looking for a nice belly to relax in.
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Re: Rekindling of the Æon (Early Stages, Demo soon)

Postby Chessa » Sat Jan 14, 2023 11:39 pm

I guess I should have asked this from the beginning, would people here prefer a tech demo without much content just to show the presentation/art direction/atmosphere of the game I've managed to cobble together as well as a brief test of the vore stuff or.

Would you prefer I put it off for afew weeks to get actual story written for you all to trow through?
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Re: Rekindling of the Æon (Early Stages, Demo soon)

Postby GeisKhan » Wed Jan 18, 2023 3:18 am

Chessa wrote:I guess I should have asked this from the beginning, would people here prefer a tech demo without much content just to show the presentation/art direction/atmosphere of the game I've managed to cobble together as well as a brief test of the vore stuff or.

Would you prefer I put it off for afew weeks to get actual story written for you all to trow through?

I'll take Plot for 400 please :-D
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Lost of the Aeos (Renamed!! Early Stages, Demo soon)

Postby Chessa » Thu Feb 09, 2023 5:47 pm

I'm making good progress still, as an update, I made a pretty decent boat using some commercial assets I purchased -- And I can use this as a way for the player to interact with their party inbetween missions and battles, tho if it is a way, it won't be the only way.

I may not post as often here as I post on my Discord, which is still pretty inoften, but feel free to join it.

You can see an example below. Still working, but it'll be a little while.

OH ALSO, the old name was a real tonguetwister and I've decided to rename the game to something less oddly worded :silly:
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Re: Lost of the Aeos (Renamed!! Early Stages, Demo soon)

Postby Chessa » Tue May 16, 2023 2:08 am

Hello everyone, Alright, so I've finally managed to get the demo done. The dialogue and many other aspects are still a heavy WIP, but it's playable!
(See the main post, ignore these confusing links.)
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Re: Lost of the Aeos (Early Stages, Demo 0.1 here!)

Postby Chessa » Tue May 16, 2023 2:19 am

Oh and a reminder, if you want to give suggestions for how to continue the game, post to my Discords #Suggestions chat.
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Re: Lost of the Aeos (Early Stages, Demo 0.1 here!)

Postby Chessa » Tue May 16, 2023 3:08 am

Oh, I did a quick bugfix, but all of the appropriate links should be good to go. I'll slowly downsize the demo over the weekend, sorry for the size.
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Re: Lost of the Aeos (Early Stages, Demo 0.1 here!)

Postby Chessa » Tue May 16, 2023 4:47 pm

It's going to be a grueling process, but I have ideas for content to add, (Including the first storyline battle/vore segments) which I'll work on soon:tm:

I'll also be able to lower the size of the game substantially with a lot of trial and error to exclude files I'm not currently using from the Demo release, all of this together plus bugfixes will be probably be Demo 0.2.

When this ver is done, I won't update this thread aside from changing the links, and I'll make an announcement on Discord and Patreon. (Remember, this game will never be locked behind Patreon, so the full release will be free too)
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Re: Lost of the Aeos (Early Stages, Demo 0.1 here!)

Postby killermeow » Wed May 17, 2023 4:59 am

If you're doing a demo release, why have it locked behind a Request Access screen?
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Re: Lost of the Aeos (Early Stages, Demo 0.1 here!)

Postby Chessa » Wed May 17, 2023 12:43 pm

killermeow wrote:If you're doing a demo release, why have it locked behind a Request Access screen?

My B, the answer would be a simple 'Woops' and that it was an accident, but I replaced the google drive link with megaupload, it should work.

I also reduced the size from 1 gb to 500 mbs, which is the 'downsizing' I was talking about a day ago.

Lemme know what you think, it's still very early, demo room with an example of stuff not in actual scenes yet is at the end of the intro.

(Yoinked that link and put it in the main post. The next update will include a pretty substantial intro re-write too, same core themes and same but new uniformed characters, and the dialogue is FAR less WIP. Plus waaay more interactive so feels more alive IMO)
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Re: Lost of the Aeos (MAJOR update Demo 0.2 here!)

Postby Chessa » Sun May 21, 2023 2:47 pm

Alright, Demo 0.2 is here and it's somewhere around 80% of Chapter 1, or 'Raptorious Applause'. Combat doesn't work, but when you get to the part (15 minutes roughly of reading) where the scene would be determined by win/loss, it just assumes loss, so people can see the scene without combat in. I'm still working on the Vore mechanics but almost everything about the game is different now with v.0.2. Find the megaupload link in the main post to download, or in my announcements on Discord. I plan to do more with the first predator and she'll be important to the story, but just not explained how yet. This isn't her only appearance.

Vore mechanics themselves will still be expanded as well, they're pretty basic stuff rn, but I want to meddle with QTE's for that and so it couldn't make this version.

I also managed to make the game even smaller, I'm still trying to find ways to reduce size, but we're at around 350mb's.

I also took down the screenshots because as of now they are horribly outdated, I'll replace them at some point soontm
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Re: Lost of the Aeos (MAJOR update Demo 0.2.2 here!)

Postby Chessa » Sun May 21, 2023 8:44 pm

Found afew soft-locks while testing both of the two routes in the current build, hotfixed those, both routes should work fine now.

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Re: Lost of the Aeos (MAJOR update Demo 0.2.2 here!)

Postby Chessa » Sun May 21, 2023 11:18 pm

Alright, 0.2.3 is out! Find it on megaupload in the first post! All of the softlocks should be fixed, I playtested both routes extensively, and significant content was added to dialogue trees, and POV added for the vore scene.

If you find any more softlocks, please don't hesitate to let me know, discord is most convenient!

I poured my heart into this chapter so I hope everyone likes the story and characters! Next full update (0.3) will include combat but it'll be weeks from now until I figure out a lot of stuff. Hotfixes of course are fair game if people find issues.

But for now, Chapter 1 (Raptorious Applause) is practically fully written and playable aside from the victory result.
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Re: Lost of the Aeos (FIRST vore scene, Demo 0.2.5)

Postby Chessa » Tue May 23, 2023 6:53 am

^ As of now, 0.2.5 is released everyone! The new version (0.2.5) includes advanced mechanics in Amyras vore scene (The raptor girl), including the first half of the vore system.

POV has been given a makeover, and you can now massage her from the inside.

Left, Right, and Up will make you squirm in her belly, but since in this scene, you lost the battle, you will have no energy and the struggle will be perceived as a gentle massage, and down will result just floating in her belly as all you can do with 0 energy.

I also integrated dynamic responses based on variables, which you can test in the scene.

This was a hotpatch, but the next full version with 0.3. I don't see another hotpatch coming unless someone finds bugs, so expect 0.3 next probably with the combat!

I'd also like to remind everyone -- Without feedback I can't improve the game, so please don't be shy.

EDIT!: The screenshots have also been updated!
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