Figured a formal journal would be better than updating that ancient one. If you are interested in a commission, please send me a private message!
Due to an increase in living expenses, I have to increase the price of my commissions slightly. Commissions formally laid out before this (i.e. were paid for already, or fully agreed to under a pay-as-I-write/draw plan) will be grandfathered in and be exempt from the rate hike (e.g. if you already paid $5 for a sketch, then you don't need to pay anymore for that sketch).
Black/white Sketches: $6 per character (in the event a character is only partially seen, they will get a reduced rate; belly bulges do not count as a character)
Flat color images: Add $10 per image.
Comics: $6 per character per panel (adjusted based on how much of the character is visible); I realize I normally draw comic panels as sketch-sized, so they are receiving sketch pricing per panel. Flat coloring will add some portion of $10 depending on detail.
Writing: $1.1 per 100 words, or around $5.50 a page
A commission can simultaneously have both writing and drawing elements to it.
Content Rules
I'm known for fanart, but you are welcome to ask for art of your OCs.
As for overt restrictions, I will try just about any subject matter, though I will not draw/write underage characters in sexual situations.
With regards to gender, I would warn that I specialize in drawing males so cannot guarantee any female characters would be drawn well. In terms of written content, this is not as much of an issue.
Payment Plans
Not all commissions have to be paid up front! I offer several alternatives:
PAYGO Plans - Under this, I will work on the commission piece by piece, and request payment as I go. Normally, I ask for payment after 2000 words or when a sketch is partially complete. These are meant for big projects.
Credit Plans - Give me a list of things you want from me, and a lump sum, and I will work on them steadily while deducting from your credit plan.
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