Hello people, ok, opening for commisions, lets see how we will go for now, as I dont know how many people are interested right now in ask me a commision (can be 4 or 20 I don’t know), I going to go for some months in the same way that in the Sketches nights, slots by lottery, in the future I will be rethinking how work with this, so, as I have some commisions little commisions right now that I should finish this month I going to open for now 3 slots, 2 publics and 1 only for Patrons, here you can see the limits and the diferences:
2 slots open to public slots
Kind of commision: Any, sketch, ink, greys or colors.
Size: 1 pic, no comics. Scenes, ilustrations, characters desings etc...
Out of the limit: Lolicon or Yaoi (because Im not very good doing that), political stuff etc, and in general problematic stuff in a way or another.
1 slot open ONLY to patrons from patreon or subscribestar
Kind of commision: Any, sketch, ink, greys or colors.
Size: Comics are OK, Max 3 pages of comic (conveniently working in a complete package rather than page by page, but it can be talked about.) and all the rest of options too.
Out of the limit: Loli, political etc etc etc.
How try for a slot:
Send me a email to [email protected] with your name in the title, if you are a patrón tell me your nick inside of the email too. Note that I will only count the Emails FROM NOW, sorry for “ignore” the past emails.
This next Wednesday in the night (at the usual hour of the Sketches Night) I will do a lottery for the slots in Picarto, its not neccesary that you are present, I will contact with the winners. In any case, I reserve the right to reject the commission in the case that it is something that I do not want/can to draw for any reason.
I will do another lottery when some slots are freed, in some point probably I will change the way to ask commisions depending of my rythm and the number of persons. And to be honest and make it clear, you all know that I'm slow, very slow, I will try to do it as soon as possible, but sometimes some commissions get stuck for a long time, so you can have it in a month or 5, I can´t promise anything, my intention is be continuous and finish small commissions all the month, get back into a good rhythm, etc., but Patreon and other things usually affect this part of the job.
Orientative base prices for 1 character:
-Sketch comisión: 40€
-Ink comisión: 50€
-Inked with greys: 70€
-Color: 90€
-As a reference, a comic page usually cost betwen 140€ and 190€, depending of the page, the background, the characters etc, is not the same draw 1 character nude in a plain background that a LoL character with a city background with people
Well good luck everyone. I know that its not the best way but it’s the best way that I find to restart with the commisions, as I said I will adjust it in the future.
Posted by alockwood1 1 year ago Report
Nice to see you talking.
Posted by Karsap 3 weeks ago Report
Well I sent you the email.