The Vanishing Empress: Tiny Troubles

“I think a lunch break is required.” Marie sighed tiredly.

“I’ll summon a few select courtiers to join us” The Madame said “Maybe it would help to have a relaxed chat with your fellows about the prospects”

Marie nodded. Indeed, the lunch made her feel far more relaxed, though that could have been from the wine that was served her, finally getting to open up that gift from her late uncle. Still, none of the Princes she’s seen so far were standing out to her. Deciding to head back to her room to freshen up, her friend Duchess Letta offered to accompany her.

Marie was having a lively chat when it slipped out “Sometimes I wish the Madame would just let me wed a Duke. Both you and your brother suit me far better than any of these sycophants!” Marie tittered, then flushed. That was too forward. Maybe the glass of wine was getting to her.

“Oh Empress, you flatter us! We’d both accept an offer in a heartbeat.” Letta exclaimed “Lan and I would both… Well…” She paused “Perhaps you could wed both of us? Surely a Duke and Duchess are a match for a Prince?”

Marie giggled “You know, I jokingly suggested that to her a few weeks back!” She looked up at the other woman, flushing. “I wasn’t being serious, but…”

Letta leaned in closer, her cheeks warm as well. “We would both… gladly… be yours, Empress.” Her words soft.

Suddenly their lips brushed together, the kiss slight but unbroken. A few long moments passed before the two separated.

“Oh.” Marie said “Very well then, we shall! The Madame will just have to deal with it. I am the Empress after all.”

Letta’s eyes widened in shock, then she knelt before Marie, clasping her hands tightly in hers. “Empress, yes!” She gasped “Of course we accept! I mean, Lan isn’t here but I’m certain he would agree. I’ll go get his approval, immediately!”

Letta stood, curtsied, and hurried out of the room, leaving the Empress just as flustered as she looked.

Marie was feeling a little feint and decided to have a quick sit down, relaxing into one of her softest armchairs. But it didn’t seem to help. The world began to spin around her and she felt like she was falling…

Marie came to, realising quickly that she really had fallen over. Unsteadily she got back to her feet, still feeling dizzy. It took her a moment to get her bearings, but it seemed like she was still on her chair… Yet… She looked around, not quite understanding what she was seeing. She was stood atop the plush blue fabric of her seat, but, the material seemed far too thick and expansive. The threads stood up like grass around her ankles and below… Was that her floor? Why did it seem so far away? No… She couldn’t be…

Marie fell back onto her behind, bouncing on the tall fibres of her now extremely oversized chair. She had shrunk!

Marie’s first instinct was to panic. After a minute of that, she tried to come up with a plan. Someone would come check on her soon. In fact, Letta would be back soon, maybe with Lan. They would be able to help her! She would just have to get their attention and they would be able to protect her until the effect wore off or she could be administered with an antidote. Yes, all she had to do was wait.

Her thoughts were abruptly interrupted as the door to her chamber swung open and her newest maid swept in, clutching something tight to her chest.

“Empress?” The maid spoke into the empty seeming room

Of course. Her maids could also help!

Marie opened her mouth to call out to her when the maid finished looking around and opened her palm, revealing an unmistakable figure cradled within.

It was Letta.

The poor girl must have shrunken too! Her maid had found her in the corridor and brought her straight to her mistress. She would have to reward this one handsomely after-

Wait, what was she-

Marie’s jaw dropped as she watched her maid quickly press her hand to her mouth, forcing the startled Letta inside. The great soft lips pressed down over Letta’s midriff, abruptly cutting off her squeak of alarm.

Marie couldn’t help herself, she let out a gasp of shock.

“No!” the word slipped from her lips, her tone far more high pitched than she intended.

She maid started in shock, sucking the rest of the tiny Duchess into her mouth with a quick slurp and glancing around the room for the source of the noise. Noting obvious stood out, so she went back to focusing on her captive morsel.

Marie watched with horror as her maid’s cheeks bulged with the shape of her tongue and the shrunken form of her friend, her fiancée even! What was this maid doing? This was a disgrace! She must not realise just who she had discovered. She surely wouldn’t be so disrespectful to a Duchess if she knew. Surely she couldn’t intend to… The maid’s head began to tilt back.

Marie decided that she just couldn’t let this madness continue.

“Spit her out this instant” She demanded. The maid froze once again, her head still tilted back. Her left eye flicked down, sighting on the shrunken form of the Empress. Marie watched as it widened in recognition.

“That’s right, maid, you’d better-“


The maid’s swallow rung throughout the room. A small bulge quickly rippled down her neck and was gone, lost inside the depths her body.

Her jaws parted, revealing her now-empty maw as a small hiccup of a burp swept from her lips. Letta was gone.

Marie stared in horror at the spot in the maid’s middle where her friend was now hidden. If she didn’t know better, she would never tell that Letta was inside her. There was barely even a bump in the small maid’s stomach. Just moments ago they had been discussing plans for marrying one another and now… Her friend, the lovely, kind Letta… had been eaten.

The maid recovered before Marie, stepping forward and leaning down to stare at the shrunken form of the Empress before her. Her relatively giant eyes widened and then her hand swept forward catching Marie and lifting her up to her face.

“Empress? Is this really you?” She breathed out quietly, her hot breath ruffling Marie’s skirts.

“Y-Yes!” Marie started, trying to gather her wits. “And the person you just swallowed is Duchess Letta! You must release her at once, then bring us to my council so this unfortunate incident can be resolved.”

“Oh? That was Duchess Letta? In here?” The maid patted her stomach, then brought Marie down to it, pressing her roughly against the fabric of her uniform.

Marie could hear the muffled cries of her friend inside. She must be in a living hell, trapped in the dark, slimy cramped confines of this girl’s stomach. Desperate to reassure her, Marie called out “Letta! It’s me! We’re going to get you out of there!”

The cries paused and Marie just about made out a hopeful voice calling her name. But then she was pulled away, lifted back up towards her maid’s smiling face.

“I had thought it was her!” The maid continued “Such a stuck up brat. Gurgling ain my belly is the best place for her, I think!”

“W-what? You can’t do that!”

“Uh… I can and did!” The maids smile twisted into a contemptuous smirk. “I think you are misunderstanding the situation here, Empress. Your dear Duchess is now just a tiny little snack in my belly. She’s my food now, and my stomach will soon deal with her like anything else I eat. And you… You’re also coming with me. But, I’ve got a far better place to keep you. Only the best for the Empress, after all!”

“You can’t just do this to us! You’re a maidservant for gods’ sake!”

“Oh, am I? I don’t know, you may think of yourself as an Empress, but all I can see is a little plaything. And so, I’m going to play.”

The maid lifted her skirt, scandalously revealing she was not wearing any underwear beneath. Marie could see her nethers clearly, glistening wetly as she was brought closer and closer. Her mouth opened and she finally let out a squeak of alarm only to be abruptly cut off as her face was smushed into the slick surface of her maid’s pussy.

Marie spluttered in indignation and horror as her body was roughly rubbed over the girl’s privates.

“Mmmm… Yes, keep wriggling for me little Empress.” The maid moaned appreciatively “Now, in you go!”

And Marie was suddenly plunged into darkness.

Marie was encased in slick wetness, her cheeks flushed with humiliation and horror as her legs wiggled futilely outside her maidservants lower lips. She could hear the muffled sound of the young woman moaning above her, almost drowned out by the squelching of the sticky juices that seeped into the fabric of her exquisitely handcrafted dress.

It was quite frankly the worse experience the young Empress had ever encountered in her life. Startled tears leaked from her eyes only to be lost in the sea of lubricating fluids. Unfortunately, things were only going to get worse.

Marie’s confines flexed around her as the maid’s hands reached down, pressing lightly on the Empress’s wiggling feet while the other excitedly stroked at her clit.

She panted, gradually pressing Marie deeper inside her while her clit throbbed with sensation. She staggered into the wall, leaning heavily on it as she masturbated. Her lips, already parted in pleasure, opened wider as a crude belch ripped from her Duchess filled belly. Sensation rapidly overwhelmed her and she had to fight to keep her knees from giving out as her body jerked with ecstasy. Her hand slammed into her folds, the Empress disappearing up her quivering channel, only to be half crushed by it a moment later. Each convulsion of pleasure that ran through her body threatened to squeeze Marie’s tiny form into paste inside her. Somehow she persisted, but found herself pulled deeper with each flex of the of the maid’s hungry sex.

Duchess Letta was less fortunate however, each tightening of the stomach forcing more stinging fluids into her skin. She was inside the belly of the beast, and it was determined to claim her, fancy noble titles and all.

Finally, the maid slumped against the wall, gasping and spent. A Duchess for dinner and an Empress in her womb. Grandmother would be proud.

For the maid, or Excelia as she was called back home, was no maid at all. In fact, she had resented her two weeks of serving the Empress so much, she was a few more days from calling the whole espionage mission off. But now… Now things had changed. So Excelia, Duchess of Meridia, granddaughter to High Queen Minerva, cleaned herself off, straightened up her modest disguise, and strode from the palace entirely. Nobody gave her and her slight pot-belly a second glace.


A month later…

Here she is.” The High Queen said, opening her clasped hands and revealing the shrunken form concealed within. Marie looked up hopefully at her allies from the palm of her greatest rival’s hand.

Marie had spent a tortuous series of days in the abusive grasp of Excelia. Forced to remain as her plaything while helplessly listening to her childhood friend be mercilessly digested. The cruel girl had even forced her to watch as she… disposed of her. And that had only been the first two days! The casual abuse continued all the way until she was finally delivered to the High Queen. Marie had never been so glad to see her rival ruler’s face before. Plus, she was finally taken from… Excelia . She hoped she would never have to see the wretched girl’s face again. After she was informed she would be ransomed back to her people, a small ounce of hope had blossomed for Marie. She just hoped the High Queen’s demands wouldn’t cripple her Empire.

”And,” Queen Minerva continued “in case it is unclear, we will give you a clear demonstration of our resolve in this negotiation. Dear granddaughter, do come out now.”

Excelia strutted into the room, glancing disdainfully at the Imperial delegation before moving to stand beside her grandmother. Her eyes flicked down to Marie, who was looking up at her with a horrified expression, and a smug grin spread across her lips.

“Thank you Excelia, dear.” The Queen continued “Now, if you would.” She said and raised her hand up towards her granddaughter, as casually as offering her a sweet.

Excelia took her cue, promptly leaning forward and, before she could offer more than a strangled squeak of protest, plucking the proffered girl up with her lips. She quickly straightened, facing the delegation with the frantically wiggling legs of their Empress protruding from her mouth.

A few members of the delegation gasped in shock. Marie’s advisor started “What is the meaning-“ but paused as Excelia raised a finger indicating he should give her a moment.

A moment was all she needed to toss her head back and swallow deeply, sending the six-inch Empress smoothly down her throat. The delegation could only watch as their captured leader became a slight bulge in her neck, swiftly disappearing behind her collarbone. Finally, a slight bump formed in the short girl’s middle as her newest meal settled into her stomach.

“Now that the Empress is secure” The Queen continued, casually patting her granddaughter’s midriff as if nothing significant had just occurred. “And now that you have some incentive- Oh, something to add granddaughter?”

The Queen turned to her, Excelia covering her mouth politely as a quiet, yet still distinct, burp could be heard.

“Excellent.” The Queen turned back to the delegation “As I was saying, now you have some incentive to negotiate honestly and promptly… We can begin.”

After that demonstration, the negotiating still got off to a stilted start. The representatives from the Empire frequently being distracted as the Queen’s granddaughter casually poked at her midriff or swirled her hips or even fluttered her fingers over her lips as she let out another slight, but still audible, burp.

As a result, the terms reached after about an hour of back and forth were quite rushed and heavily in favour of the Queen’s plans.

“Very well, so this payment and these allowances in return for… a few year ceasefire treaty at our border and the prompt return of your Empress?”

“Yes! Now return her to us at once! I can only stand so much of that girl’s casual insolence! That is our Empress, not some passing snack!”

Excelia just rolled her eyes at the words, then smirked at the Imperial delegation. She deliberately ran her tongue over her lips and patted her belly, then let out an exaggerated breathy sigh of satisfaction.

“Very well” The Queen continued. “Signed and witnessed. Just sign here… and here… and here…” There were quite a few signatures in all before it was finally done. The Queen turned to her granddaughter, gesturing her forward “Excelia dear, do return these amicable people their ruler.”

“Of course, grandmother dearest” Excelia grinned, “I’d be more than happy to.” She moved toward the table, pulling over a small bowl then turned around, eyeing the nervous looking delegation over her shoulder. “One Empress, coming right up…”

There was a distinct pause, then Excelia’s cheeks rippled and a blast of gas blew free from her ass. Scraps of tattered black fabric fluttered though the cloud of fumes and something more solid clattered into the bowl below.

“Oh dear, granddaughter… Is that her skull?”

“Huh. Guess she was more of a snack than Empress after all!” Excelia taunted then squeezed out another burst of gas and clattering bones.

After 3 more expulsions Excella was done and she turned and pushed the bowl over toward the aghast delegation. A small pile of bones and glittering jewellery was all that remained of the former Empress that had so recently vanished down this brat’s throat.

“There!” She smirked “One Empress, promptly returned.” At the horrified looks she just shrugged “She may have be slightly damaged in transit, but what can you expect when you dither so long with your negotiations! My belly had literally nothing better to do than digest her. Sucks to suck, I guess! Seeya.”

And with that, she sashayed from the room, the horrified delegation’s eyes drawn inexorably to the beauty of her swaying behind. The sight was only enhanced by the feature’s fresh layer of padding. Padding that had so recently been the body of their Empress.

Now Marie was no more, only Excelia’s enticingly swaying hips remained. And then they too vanished as the door swung closed behind her.