Mike calmly lowered his head, allowing the large heavy vine to pass above him unhindered. A few of his fellow passengers kept taking a few pictures and letting out emanations of wonderment.
He himself had taken a few for his nephew, Thomas, to send to the boy in postcards he could show off to his friends, back home in the United States.
Some of the jungle’s wildlife was as equally as curious, watching, but also staying their distance as the riverboat passed on through their area of the river. A few of the older, female, passengers let out short and silent gasps as a massive 40-foot snake moved by them, going from branch to branch.
“On your left, you will see the local scale-covered behemoth, the Cepuci Anaconda.†the ship's captain and tour ‘guide’, said into his mic as he steered, “Named after the Genoan explorer who helped map out the area, this particular snake has been worshiped for centuries as a symbol of the native god of death-â€
Oh, not this bullshit again! Mike thought angrily, grimacing as he glared back at the captain. It should be called by its indigenous name! Not after the guy who helped bring colonization to the continent! And it most certainly isn’t wor-! Oh. Oh my.
“Ahhh, and there is the main reason, folks.†the captain went on, a small amount of fear in his otherwise chippy demeanor, “Looks like someone who came ashore with us did not read the pamphlet!â€
As the giant snake slithered by, a few of the passengers either gasped or gulped nervously as two other things came into clear view: A set of binoculars hanging around the neck of the snake like a necklace… And a giant bump in the middle of the creature… That moved. And whimpered.
“Hope he got a good look at it before it gobbled him up!†the captain joked, trying desperately to lighten the mood as the anaconda now slid into the brown waters below, disappearing, along with its human meal, out of sight.
As soon his fellow passengers calmed down, and went back to taking photos without a care in the world, Mike made his way back to the captain. The young man kept smiling, although Mike saw some pain in his eyes as the anthropologist approached.
“Sup, ‘Doc’? Enjoying the views of the jungle?â€
“No, not really.†Mike somewhat spat, adjusting his hard, khaki-covered, safari hat, “Do you enjoy feeding the uneducated utter malarkey?â€
The captain sighed, and rolled his eyes, “Doc, come on… We talked about this. Just because you read about the area in your fancy college, back home in the States, does not mean you automatically know more than me.â€
Mike greatly disagreed.
“That snake was not worshipped, according to-â€
“Dude, Judas-Priest,†the captain interrupted, leaning against his wheel, “I have been doing this for almost nine years now. And unlike you, or your so-called ‘sources’, I have had the pleasure of meeting the native-â€
“NATIVE PEOPLES, since I started doing this.†the captain countered, staring at Mike with some contempt, “I know their elders, speak a little of their language, and have even been in their village. Nice people. Generous hosts-â€
“Oooh, what, did you get to sleep with the chief’s daughter for a bunch of glass beads?†Mike asked sarcastically, putting his hands on his hips.
“Hah. Hah. Hah. No.†the captain said, pouting as he looked off to the side, “It was the cacique’s lovely son, and it was for a few boxes of mallomars… The old man hadn’t managed to have any since he graduated from Yale when he was younger.â€
At first, Mike wasn’t sure what to be more surprised by.
“Y- Y- Yale?â€
“Bachelor’s in Economics and Mathematics.†the captain said, swaying side to side with some amusement at Mike’s shock, “He’s trying to bring his people into the 21st century, without-â€
“But- But such outside influences will ruin his people’s culture!†Mike almost cried out, holding his head in disbelief, “Don’t you realize that? It will destroy any natural development of their ways!â€
The captain rolled his eyes, and jabbed a finger at Mike, “Look, you say that, you, who has modern medicine, indoor plumbing, and the internet, while they have to get by with chewed up leaf-paste, a hole in the ground, and pure imagination. Who are you to tell them: ‘Hey, keep living in the Stone Age and like it!’?â€
Mike was not a violent man, by any means. But in this one instance, he wanted to do nothing more than to punch the captain and kick him overboard. Instead, however, he just huffed, and went to the railing behind the asshole, clenching the metal tightly as he glared into the river.
The captain took a breath, calming down, “Look, you will meet some of them later on the beach. They still have their oral histories, and will be more than happy to tell you about their traditions and stuff, getting more truth and knowledge than most… In exchange for some candy. They really have a sweet tooth.â€
Mike sighed in defeat, and rubbed the sides of his head, trying to fight back the headache that was coming, “Is it true… About-?â€
“Their height. Oh. Oh yeah.†the captain cheekily confirmed, his voice deepening, “Ludicrously tall, even by American and Euro-trash standards. Only accurate stuff those academics wrote about this particular tribe.â€
Mike looked over his shoulder, still bitter, “You say that with such confidence.â€
The captain nodded, “Look, I am not saying the people who wrote those initial accounts are stupid, but you can only rely on the descendents of colonial fishermen for so many… Oooo! Hey there!â€
Mike was confused as the captain turned and began to cheerfully wave at a group of trees dotting the riverside… Until he realized that one of the trees slightly moved,, and was carrying a spear.
Mike’s jaw dropped at the sight of the loincloth-wearing, indigenous man with deep and thick brown haired bowl cut, who leaned up against an actual tree, and examined his spear, while… Pouting?
He was tall, probably about 15 feet or so, and had a series of red-paint markings up and down his tanned body, which was muscular and thick. He was a remarkably handsome man, Mike had to take note as her brushed himself off, trying to look presentable.
The man glanced at the captain, seemingly half heartedly, keeping his cool even as the passengers on the boat noticed him too, and began to whoop and take many, many photos of him.
He said something in the local tongue that Mike, unfortunately, did not know, other than a few phrases. The captain nervously chuckled, and shrugged.
“Hey, hey, I have a job I have to do.†he called over, winking, “Don’t worry, I will be seeing you later, at the beach… We can catch up then. With some champagne? And candlelight?â€
The indigenous man smirked as he played around with the tip of his spear, before nodding as he stood up. Mike gulped at the sight of the powerful thighs the man had, before nearly choking as he was spotted looking.
The man seemed to study Mike for a bit, his mahogany eyes going up and down the shaking anthropologist with interest. Mike nearly fainted as the man said something in his tongue, before kissing the air and turning to walk away.
The sight of a very giant and toned ass being slapped coyly nearly sent the entire boat over on its side as the passengers went wild. The captain lifted up his cap and whistled softly as they watched the giant twunk disappear into the rainforest.
“Yeah… That’s the son I was talking about. Got attached after I showed him… a few things. Got a bit clingy. Love that though.†he said, before looking at Mike with some warning in his eye, “He liked the looks of you. I should warn you… His people have huge appetites. And not just for sweets. They… love meat.â€
Mike gulped and leaned back against the railing. The captain chuckled and shook his head, as he turned his attention back to steering the boat. A million thoughts went through his head as he contemplated.
But he didn’t have much time to do that. Not when a giant hand grabbed him by the head, its massive fingers wrapping around his lips, gagging him as he was lifted off the boat
The captain was none the wiser as he hummed and steered…
Mike’s muffled cries went throughout the jungle as he was taken away. He was constantly banging his fists against the hand that was clutching his head like an apple, and kicking wildly.
But he was only seemingly released, being tossed at the foot of a giant, moss-covered, tree, only when his kidnapper wanted to. Shaking his head and trying to get his bearings, the anthropologist looked up with anger at his captor… Only for his jaw to go completely slack.
It was a woman.
A big, tall woman.
Partially in the nude, crouching over and looking down at him with curiosity.
She had to be in the same tribe as the giant he had met just minutes before. She was equally as tan, equally as tall, and was wearing a very similar loincloth… And that was all she wore.
Mike gaped at the sight of her massive breasts as they bounced about above him. Like the man, the woman had markings painted all over her bodice, save for them being white instead of red.
And her hair was more jet black than brown, and was in a braided mohawk that went down her back. But other than that, it was clear to him that she too was a member of the indigenous tribe that lived in this particular part of the area.
“Umm… Hello? Do you speak… Do you speak English? Or understand it?†Mike dared to ask as he tried to get up.
But the giant woman just pushed him down, and got directly on her knees, scoffing at his feeble attempt to stand. Mike’s throat began to tighten as she began to lower herself.
“Um-! Uh, miss, I am not sure what I did to anger you,†Mike began to sweat and stutter as he was running out of personal space, “but I mean you no harm!â€
He rolled out of the way, past the tribeswoman’s bent legs, and into the middle of the small clearing she had taken him to. The giant woman grunted with displeasure, and her foot was soon pressed into Mike’s back.
“OOF! MA’AM! LOOK, I AM SORRY IF YOU TAKE MY PRESENCE AS AN INTRUSION!†he squealed in pain as she knelt down, putting more pressure onto his smaller form, causing his back to crack, “I AM JUST- WHOA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!â€
As she had him pinned, the indigenous giantess began to take his clothes off, of all things. She flicked his hardhat off, sending it into the brush, before simply tearing off his khaki coat, and then his undershirt.
With those in tatters, Mike squeaked as the giantess got off of him, giving him a few precious seconds to breathe, before she grabbed him by the legs. Being held upside down, Mike frantically looked around for any kind of help.
“CAPTAIN?! HELP!†he cried, in what he hoped was the direction he came.
How ironic it was, he was now in desperate need of aid from a man he thought to be politically incorrect, and a knuckle-dragging neanderthal.
Mid-shriek, the anthropologist's cries were cut short when, with a few simple hand movements, he was stripped of boots, socks, pants, and underwear… As the 15 foot woman whistled right onto his now bare junk.
The hot breath was blown via her narrowed brown lips made him rise like never before, as his body began to glisten with the buildup of sweat. Mike covered his face in embarrassment, hoping to be anywhere but here at this moment.
Was this some sort of tribal welcoming ritual? Or maybe even a hazing one? Sources back home about these peoples’ ways were spotty at best, the captain had been right about that, to Mike’s shame.
But not as much as what he was going through right now. The indigenous giantess let out a sharp giggle, and began to prod Mike’s member and testicles, all the while licking her lips. At this moment, the reddened-faced anthropologist remembered what the captain had said.
“I should warn you… His people have huge appetites. And not just for sweets. They… love meat.â€
Was… Was this just simple attraction? Had Mike caught the eye of this tall woman, and she, due to her more simplistic ways, decided to just… Have him? On a whim?
He was soon answered when the woman went back to the tree, sat down against it, and proceeded to open her thighs wide open. Mike was deposited atop her cloth-covered crotch, left trembling as she leaned back, and cooed.
It felt like he was upon a heated mattress made of puddy, her womanly parts, plush and squishy as they were, conforming to the touch of his body. He could feel himself sinking in, but put his hands up on either side, carefully avoiding
With his entire body shaking, both in fear and want, Mike looked up at the giantess, who was looking down at him with amusement. When she then reached down, and began to pull her loincloth out from under him, he found himself unable to move.
Maybe it was how attractive she was, and how long the anthropologist had been with a woman… Or, maybe it was because this particular woman could pick him up, like a ragdoll, and do away with him with relative ease… Either way, Mike closed his eyes and gasped as he felt himself enter her.
The giantess leaned back, and sighed with deep satisfaction as her labia ever so slightly stretched out to accommodate Mike’s member. Mike kept shivering and panting as he fully penetrated her, his pelvis fully up against her labium, which in turn squished and conformed against his legs, hips, and abdomen.
He locked eyes with the indigenous woman, his eyes misty as his mind was overwhelmed with nearly indescribable pleasure. He waited, hoping to see either a sign to continue, or to stop.
On one hand, he was just a man, in a position a good number of men would kill to be in. On the other, he was a student of history and culture, and did not want to disrupt the woman’s ways or beliefs by laying with her… But… On the other-other hand…
It would be quite rude of me to disrupt the, what could be, the local custom… Mike thought, looking at the giantess with full lust at last. For all I know, not letting this woman have her way with me would disrupt her people’s entire social structure.
And that was something the anthropologist in him agreed with. Whole heartedly. It was decided, and enacted upon, with a simple, small, joyous thrust. A spongy smack caused both the giantess and Mike to moan in harmony.
Her slightly hairy vagina jiggled, rippled, and wiggled as he repeated his pelvic push. The giantess threw back her head, and squeaked loudly, her tongue going over the corner of her mouth.
She had one hand on each thigh, her fingers digging into her juicy leg meat. Mike’s own hands were entwining themselves in her gentital hair, his fingers becoming buried and entangled in the wiry strands, while his palms massaged the warm and gelatinous flesh.
He seemed to be doing a good job, at least, in pleasing the giant indigenous woman. Her hands went above and back, wrapping around the tree, as she closed her eyes and panted like a dog, all the while her legs and feet twisted about, this way and that, digging and disturbing the ground.
And Mike had to fight to stay on his own two feet, sweating, along with the giantess, as he kept thrusting and pulling, in and out of her. The sensation, of how warm, wet, and practically strangled, of what his cock was feeling was almost too much.
The anthropologist in him was pushed far in the back of his mind, as Mike nearly doubled over as he repeatedly slammed his crotch into hers, wheezing as he was getting quite the workout.
He was so into it, and her, that he ignored the sizable puddle of mud being created, via the collective sweat from both him and the lovely jungle goddess, and the juices seeping out of her.
He was getting close, and seemingly so was she. While his legs felt they were going to give way, her squirming about was increasing. She, while keeping one arm around the tree, moved a hand down to him, and pressed her palm and fingers against his buttocks.
“OOF!†went Mike, as he was pushed hard against the woman’s vagina, and smooshed about, as she yipped and gasped, her eyes rolling back in her head.
He couldn’t hold it back. With an increasing roar, both from his mouth and in his mind, he grappled with her enormous sex mound, as he came. And so did she, with a scream as a burst from within her felt like a pressure washer was being taken to Mike’s cock, balls, and pelvis.
He let go, laying fully against her, as she slumped against the tree, both out of breath and perspiring in the humid jungle air. Mike smiled as he laid his head against the woman’s crotch, fully content with what he had accomplished, getting to know the indigenous population a bit more… Personally.
Once somewhat recovered, he had to fight a little, as both he and her were quite gluey from their lovemaking, her skin sticking to his, as he pushed himself up. He was still smiling when the giantess looked down at him with half closed eyes, biting her bottom lip.
“I- I hope I was satisfactory, for a man of my stature.†Mike said, attempting to take a few steps back, in order to stretch, in case more ‘research’ had to be done.
He was only able to take a single step back, pulling himself out of her, when the same hand that had pushed him in for that final moment of bliss, acted as a retaining wall, keeping him boxed in between her legs. The giantess sat up a little, eyes twinkling… As she licked her lips.
Oh, she wants more… Fantastic.
“If you want more of me, madame, give me a second to catch my breath.†Mike said with a chuckle, placing a hand on his chest, purposefully exhaling loudly, hoping to get his message across.
The tan giantess clicked out of the side of her mouth, and, with smiling eyes, wrapped her hand around Mike’s waist, and lifted him up. Mike looked down in awe, as he was given a godly view of the woman’s impeccable bodice.
The tan skin now shone in the sparse sunlight that broke through the canopy. Her thicc thighs, her robust belly, her luscious curves, and, last but not least, her magnificent breasts, the dark areolas pointing in separate directions as they were tilted at different angles while she laid back.
The giantess giggled at the sight of Mike being excited, the evidence pointed right at her nose as she brought him up to her face. Mike chuckled back, and ran his fingers through his hair.
“I know you don’t speak English, ma’am, but I must say all the same… You are the most beautiful woman I think I have ever laid my eyes upon.â€
Even though she clearly did not understand the words, the indigenous woman seemed to get the feeling of them all the same. She smiled, fluttered her eyelashes, blew him a kiss… And then licked her plump lips yet again.
Mike’s heart rate increased, so did his grin, as she began to lower him down to her mouth, which she slowly opened up with a deep and seductive moan. He had to wonder if giving head was something her people did, or even knew about, at least in western terms.
But what looked to be a heavenly experience in the making, quickly turned into a nightmare as Mike was tilted suddenly, his actual head now aimed for her mouth. He looked up in surprise as she brought him closer, saliva loudly snapping and crackling between her gums, tongue and teeth.
“Uh-?! Miss?! What are you doing?!†Mike called, preparing to fight back, when he suddenly remembered, yet again, what the captain had told him.
“I should warn you… His people have huge appetites. And not just for sweets. They… love meat.â€
Were… Were they cannibals?! This particular tribe had always been the victim of many ill-made observations… But could cannibalism be something they practiced?!
She was planning on eating him, that was obvious. She was holding him like a foot-long sandwich in one hand, mouth wide open, tongue salivating. There was no other idea of what this was. Or going to be.
I-! I should fight back! Mike at first thought, evening beginning to squirm, but ceased immediately as his head began to reach her teeth. But… What if I do, and this is all a part of her life? Her culture? Do I have the right to interfere in that?
The human side of him told him ‘no’... But the anthropologist in him said otherwise. Was his life really worth obstructing the natural ways of this woman?
“I- I- Oh… Okay.†Mike said aloud, slumping in defeat in her hand, “Do it. I won’t fight you. I am willing to be… To become a part of you, if it means your people can continue your way of life, unmolested.â€
The woman paused, and at first, Mike somewhat hoped she had changed her mind… Until she shoved him right in. Her mouth had been as moist and humid as he had suspected it would be.
His shoulders scraped against her molars, top and bottom, his member sliding against her lips, making him involuntarily moan, and his ears popped as pressure was applied to his head as it journeyed to the back of her mouth.
People eating people was nothing new to Mike. As a child, he and his older brother had witnessed the grandmother devour their father, gulping him down alive, after he had made a poor pun at one Easter dinner. And in the States in general, he had seen similar things throughout his life.
But the mention of this tribe being just as gluttonous had seemed more demeaning than factual. But, Mike had to suppose, as his head began to be pulled on by powerful throat muscles, it didn’t matter in the end.
He was on his way to being just like his dad. Save, at the very least, Mike himself was going to be digested in the stomach of a beautiful lady, instead of sagging in a sobbing ball between the wrinkled and veiny legs of an old lady, as his kids went on to find plastic eggs in the yard.
With a single powerful gulp, it was done.
Pulled down into the darkness, with the rest of his body not far behind, being licked and lathered by his one-time lover even as she swallowed it. Mike shuddered as he felt her press a single finger on both of his feet, using them to get the rest of him down quicker and easier.
It felt like he was being squeezed and yanked so much, Mike wondered if this was how pastry filling felt being gotten out of its plastic tubing.
But soon, that feeling passed, and Mike was quickly greeted with the sensation of curling into a ball as he entered the indigenous woman’s belly. Hot stomach sludge was his instant companion as it stuck to his naked body, causing him to groan in pain for many reasons.
Once fully in the pitch black, torrid, wholly putrid-smelling tummy of the giant woman, Mike closed his eyes and hugged his legs tightly to his chest. The woman, whose name he never would truly know, let out a big, contented sigh, before patting her now engorged stomach.
The sound of which was reminiscent, to Mike anyway, as someone kicking a kickball back home, alongside with the sloshing about of the contents of her stomach… Which now included him.
“Be at peace. Be at peace.†he told himself, over and over, as he felt the giantess stand up with a grunt, “Her culture will be left untouched, relatively, and you… You had sex before you went. Better than dad.â€
He kept that last bit in mind as the woman began to go on the move, walking away from their bittersweet spot of passion.
Her belly, probably now resembling that of a pregnant woman, as opposed to the gigantic ones normal sized people would get from eating another human being, bounced and jiggled about, left to right, as she strode out of the glade.
Due to her long legs, it seemed to take the woman not long to make it back to her village. Probably in a matter of minutes, it was hard to tell, with Mike slowly losing his consciousness. In a morbidly hilarious sense, she had taken Mike where he had wanted to go in the first place, since he had booked the trip.
He could hear people laughing, dancing, drinking, eating, and generally enjoying themselves as music played in the background. As muffled as his hearing was at the moment, Mike could still make all it out as the woman got closer to her people.
But something was wrong. There were drums, the most basic of human instruments, but they sounded more… Metallic? Almost like the steel pan ones…
Back… Back on the- NO. THE SHIP?!
That possibly couldn’t be right!
Don’t tell me the crew gave them such things! That would ruin their natural development!
As the woman continued to walk through what seemed to be a big party, Mike’s blood began to boil at the inconsideration. Here he was, having allowed this woman to eat him, as was her custom, and those nincompoops had ruined centuries of-
“Hey, hey! I know! I know! I’m sorry, but he disappeared during the ride, handsome!â€
Mike heard the man, the chief’s giant son, communicate some kind of displeasure, followed by a loud pouting sound. The captain sighed initially as part of his response.
“I know you wanted to destroy his tight tush, trust me, I wanted to watch, but… Hey. Hey, you!â€
The woman stopped walking, and turned around wildly, causing Mike to yelp as he was tossed around like laundry in a washer.
“I don’t think I have seen you around before, beautiful.†the captain said, sounding somewhat suspicious of the woman, “Who are you? What's your job around here?â€
Oh, you- She doesn’t speak-!
“Oh, sorry, I’m not a native.†the woman suddenly said with a small giggle, in perfect American English, no accent, causing Mike’s jaw to drop, “My name is Gabby. I’m part of the ship's entertainment. You know, ‘Maxxie and the Titanesses?’ The belly dancers?â€
“Oooh! Right, I do believe I have heard of you!†the captain responded, chuckling, “Sorry about that! You look, what with the markings and your… Gorgeous, overall appearance-â€
“Oh, don’t worry, cutie.†Gabby, as Mike was shocked to hear, was her name, “I get mistaken for being a local all the time. Save by the locals themselves. I just got the right genes or some shit.â€
“Ah… And the-?â€
“Me and the girls figured it would be kind of sexy to put the tribal tatts on, for the show we’re gonna put on.†Gabby explained with yet another giggle.
“Hmm. Alright then.†the captain said, and took a swig of something, “Hey, by chance, have you seen a kind of scholarly fellow? He was with us on the riverboat when-â€
A slap from Gabby on her belly caused Mike to yip, and for a large amount of gurgling and popping to occur. Mike panted with disbelief and growing horror as Gabby let out a small laugh, at his expense.
“Yeah, I kind of ate him. Snagged him as you guys passed by, after I got ready for the show.†she explained, rubbing her ponch, “He looked like a good snack. Had some fun before I gobbled him up.â€
A small period of silence, save for the digestive sounds from Gabby’s stomach, occurred. Finally, after a few moments, the captain coughed nervously, and the chief’s son scoffed, before saying something rather condescending-sounding.
“Okay, handsome, I know you're upset, but- Ugh.†the captain said with a defeated sigh, “Well, Gabby… Enjoy your food, I guess. Guy was hoping to meet with some of the natives.. Guess he will have to settle for being a meal for a girl from…?â€
“Utica.†Gabby proudly proclaimed, “New York girls are always ready to fuck and feast!â€
Mike suddenly found the will to live again. He stretched his body out, and began to put up a fight, kicking, slapping, and banging as best as he could.
“CAPTAIN! HELP! GET ME OUT!†he screamed.
“Jesus. Is he still alive in there?†the captain asked, in a rather guilt-ridden tone, “Dude, sorry. Not much I can do here for you. Just lay back, and let nature take its course.â€
Mike was just flabbergasted at such a thing to be said. Gabby just giggled, and slapped her belly again, and again, until Mike was forced back into a ball.
“Well, I got to go, and meet up with my girls.†she said, before letting out a small belch, “Ooo! ‘Scuse! Well, it was nice meeting you two! Seeya at the show!â€
“Oh… We will.†the captain responded, “We most certainly will… Now,†he said to the chief’s son, “lemme give you some loving to make up for missing out on tearing that nerd’s ass open.â€
Mike slouched in Gabby’s belly, as she walked away from the captain and his lover, holding his head in defeat, and anger. He had been tricked. Bamboozled... He was so stupid!
I- I could have fought back! She isn’t indigenous! She’s an American, like me! This- MY SACRIFICE WAS FOR NOTHING!?!?!
He let out a guttural cry of absolute fury, and continued to struggle, trying to cause Gabby to barf him up. Instead, all it seemed to do was amuse the giant woman, as she patted her belly with a delighted sigh.
“Mhm, yeah, keep it up, dweeb… You’re making my tummy have an easy job of digesting you. EEERP!†she said, oh so seductively, before letting out a burp that caused her entire body, and Mike, to vibrate.
Mike was so furious, he couldn’t form words. He just kept making non-verbal insults and cries as he kept struggling, trying to give his all. But it did nothing. Gabby was still walking away, her thicc thighs causing her footsteps to thunder about, and she just kept burping as he was slowly losing his mind.
“Yo, Gabby! Where da fuq have you been?!†a woman loudly asked, sounding partially drunk, “The party got started, like, 10 minutes ago! We’re on in 5!â€
“Yooooo! Hey, Bernie! Sorry, got a little sidetracked!†Gabby responded, and Mike guessed she slapped both of her bare thighs, before loudly licking her lips, “Just had to fuck, dine, and dash with this dweeb!â€
“Oooo! Do tell!†another woman inquired with a laugh, “Do tell!â€
“Judy, get this, okay, I was walking along the river, after we got dressed and shit,†Gabby explained, and Mike, whose senses were now beginning to really dim as the boiling stomach slime was starting to swallow up his body, “when I saw this cute nerd on a boat, pouting-â€
“Ooo!†both women went.
“Yeah! And I just grabbed him without a second thought. We fucked for a bit.â€
“Oh, oh! But this is the best part! Dweeb thought I was a native girl!†Gabby cruelly teased, grabbing her belly and sloshing it about, “When he saw I was going to eat him, he was like: ‘Okay, go ahead. I wouldn’t want to disrupt your culture.’ or some shit! HAAHAHA! I PLAYED ALONG! HA!â€
The other two found Mike’s ignorance equally as hilarious, the jeers and laughter hurting the anthropologist more than the acidic stew was.
“Was he good? For a shortie?†Judy asked with glee.
Gabby sucked in a little air to say something, only to let out the wettest, ground-shaking, stinkiest eructation that she had released yet. Mike screamed as he was pulled under, into the now bubbling digestive pool, where he lost most feeling and sensation.
“Fuck yeah he was!†was the last thing he heard Gabby exclaim with pride, giving her belly a solid slap, “Come on, let’s go dance! I bet the boys will love to see my Buddha-belly shake!â€
And then… There was no more. Nothing more to hear. To feel… Nothing of Mike.
“Man, those pictures look so amazing!†Hannah said as she sat back down with Margo and Thomas.
The 50’s style diner was abuzz, people coming in to order era-appropriate food, and to, as Thomas and his girlfriend had designed to, drink some really good milkshakes.
He sighed as he set the rest down on the table. His Uncle Mike’s photos of his trip to South America were truly amazing. A portal to a part of the world he had once longed to accompany his uncle to at one point.
Once… Not anymore.
“Oh, baby,†Margo said softly, pulling Thomas towards her, resting his head on her shoulder, “don’t get so worked up about it… Being part of the food chain is all a part of life.â€
“Yeah, at least the woman who ate him sent you all his stuff.†Hannah remarked as she handed out the milkshakes, “And you're gonna have a cousin soon! I bet they will be utterly adorb!â€
Thomas frowned as he sat back up, and shuffled through the photos. There was one that his uncle did not take, mixed in with the others he did… Technically, he was in the photo.
As pudge.
The giant woman who claimed to have swallowed Uncle Mike whole and alive, Gabby, or ‘Maxxie’, as was her stage name, was with her two, equally as enormously tall, friends. They were on the cruise ship Uncle Mike had taken, in his room, posing for the picture, acting like complete party girls.
While Gabby held his uncle’s camera with one hand, her other was sinking into her tanned belly fat, stretching it out, all the while licking her lips and winking at the photo. Her friends, the blonde Judith, and the black woman, Bernie, were fake-licking each others’ tongues as they hugged and looked off at the camera.
Margo leaned in, eyebrow raised, “Hmm… Gabby looks the same, just about. Big belly, but with a baby in it, instead of baby-daddy soup.â€
“Heh,†Hannah smirked, as Thomas sadly rolled his eyes, “Mike went to the Amazon, looking for some ass, but instead ended up as a part of Amazonian ass. HAHAHA!â€
Thomas groaned, and held his head as he shook it. His anthropologist uncle had actually gone down to do research into his field, hoping to dispel fantasy from fact, and to gain new knowledge of the natives down there.
But he wouldn’t be remembered for that.
Instead, he would be remembered and looked upon as the fat on the hips of the woman, from fucking Utica, who ate him unnecessarily.