Ty Lee knelt prone on the branch of a tall oaken tree in her tight fitting light red fire nation garb. She vaguely resembled a cat while hunting, her body and shoulders low, her eyes glared as she slowly brushed her chestnut coloured hair away from her eyes and her muscles tensed and ready to pounce.

It was dark out and a little chilly with a cool light breeze rustling through the woods. Alone in the cold dark knight was Ty Lee's prey, sitting down, hugging herself tightly next to a slow, dying fire. She was dressed in a light blue sleeveless gi, which was entirely inappropriate for this night. She had lush, long brown hair and large brown eyes. Her skin was dark and blended in quite nicely with the forest around her, she almost looked quite comfortable, if it wasn't for the shivers and the way her head would dart from side to side at every foreign sound.

Ty Lee was feeling the cold too. Her outfit was not exactly warm, she had sleeves in her outfit, but her toned pink belly was exposed and the material was quite thin. Still, she remained resolute, she had a predilection for cute things, and the sight of Katara, all alone, shivering… Ty Lee thought it was very cute. She was behind Katara and so was able to let herself drop from her branch to the floor with an almost unnatural grace. She landed on the ground softly and smoothly crouching down and standing up almost instantly as she hit the ground. As she stood there, it was clear that Ty Lee was extremely well developed with strong toned thighs and large soft breasts. The cute shivering prey before Ty Lee, who had not noticed her approach, was more petite and delicate, her legs thinner, her breasts a little smaller and her face not nearly as round as Ty lee's. Ty Lee readied herself as she was a few feet from her quarry, she had done this many times before, but it still needed precision. She readied her arms and stuck out her index and middle fingers, bending them half down she gave a silent gasp and leapt.

Katara had heard the minute breath of air and turned around in a panic to see Ty Lee upon her. Before she could make a movement she felt several dull thumps hit her at various points in her body. They didn't hurt, but as she made a gesture to Ty Lee and realized no water was being bent, she realized Ty Lee had hit her just right. Katara had hated it when this happened, she had always been kind of nervous of Ty Lee and her strange ability to `block her chi'. As hopped back, still poised to attack with a triumphant smirk on her face, Katara stood up her face stern and filled with malice, “What are you doing here you little circus freak!” Katara spit out harshly.

“There's no need to be like that, I just thought we could have a little play” came the soft, dreamy response. Katara began to edge back slightly, she was angry, but knew she had little chance of fighting Ty Lee away. Katara's attacker smiled as she noticed the nervous shuffle back and she gave a delicate cartwheel and leapt impossible high into the air landing behind Katara, who was almost mesmerized by the graceful movements. The water bender tried to run away when she felt another couple of dull thumps hit her back. She gasped as she felt her knees collapse and her body slump to the ground, her face landing on the floor and unable to move. The paralysed girl was flipped over onto her back and Katara could not help but look a little worried. Especially given the odd way that Ty Lee was looking at her while her foot lay on Katara's chest.

Ty Lee wriggled her toes a little and pushed her foot down softly onto Katara's chest, relishing the feel of the defeated girls breasts against her feet. “You know, I always thought you were kind of cute.” Ty Lee said softly leaning down towards Katara. The water bender did not know how to answer, instead her eye darted from side to side inside her wide sockets as she vainly struggled to move. Ty Lee took her foot of Katara's chest and knelt beside her, picking Katara up and letting the back of her head rest against Ty Lee's chest. Katara felt Ty Lee's delicate fingers run through her hair and rub her shoulders. She couldn't see Ty Lee's face but it her eyes were half closed and she had a contented smile as she fiddled with Katara's lush hair.

Katara gave a barely noticeable gulp, “What are you doing?” she asked her captor in an accusatory manner. She heard a giggle, felt it on her neck,

“I told you, I thought you were cute and I wanted to play.” Ty Lee said affectionately. Katara was getting a little nervous. She had an idea what Ty Lee meant, but she couldn't actually mean it, could she? Suddenly, the hands that were massaging Katara's shoulder slip under the neck of her gi and they slowly start to slide the costume off her shoulders. Katara was getting some movement back, she could wriggle her fingers and she did, frantically. The fact that she could not stop her disrobing was agony to her made all the worse by the occasional soft kiss on her now bare shoulder,

“You can't do this…I'm a girl.” Katara shrieked as the robe was slid down her bicep and were inches away from revealing her breasts. Katara held her head up, eyes closed and teeth clenched as if her breasts were about to explode if they were released. Ty Lee gave another giggle and licked Katara's neck softly, “I think girls are quite yummy.” Ty Lee said devilishly. Katara had goose bumps before, but they were getting more pronounced as Ty Lee continued to tease her. With a rustle, Katara's robe slid past her tits eliciting a shriek from both girls. One in joy, one in shock. Katara's nipples were quite hard from the cold and Katara herself had begun to shiver quite violently, “Awww, don't worry. I will keep you warm.” Ty Lee said chirpily as she rubbed Katara stomach and grasped on of the water benders breast, squeezing it strongly and flicking the nipple about.

Katara endured the humiliating experience for a while, her eyes closed tight so that she could pretend it wasn't happening. It was working until an occasional pinch of her nipple brought her back to reality. She didn't notice Ty Lee slipping off her own top. She did notice Ty Lee's own erect nipples rubbing against the back of her neck as well as Ty lee hungrily grabbing the water benders arms and having Katara grope her large orbs. Eventually, Ty Lee stood up, letting Katara's head drop backwards to hit the ground with a soft thump causing the girl to grit her teeth as her head hit the floor. Katara looked away at the half naked Ty Lee standing above her and she winced and grimaced as Ty Lee lay on top of her, the breasts rubbing together. Katara kept her lips pursed as Ty Lee gave them little kisses and nibbles.

Katara endured the giggling moaning Ty Lee, laying on top of her for another minute. She felt she could move now and decided to try. She rolled around harshly throwing a surprised Ty Lee off of her and she stood up getting ready to run. Unfortunately, her leg snagged on something, Ty Lee had grabbed the cuff of her ankle, causing Katara to fall over again. Still, Katara clawed a the ground pulling herself away, unaware that Ty Lee wasn't even trying, it was if she were a cat tormenting a mouse. Katara suddenly felt her pants being pulled down and without thinking she decided to let Ty lee have them. She wriggled and scrambled out of her trousers and was able to stand up and run, virtually naked except for some cotton panties.

She gasped as she galloped through the woods, a branch occasionally whipping her face and her small breasts bouncing uncomfortable in front of her. Soon her legs felt like led and her chest felt like it was about to explode. She hadn't even seen Ty Lee try to chase her, so she collapsed behind a tree, hugging and rubbing herself furiously as she shivered in the cold. She let out a small whimper, bemoaning her position and looked down at the ground wondering what to do. What she saw though, were Ty Lee's feet. She looked up hopelessly as there stood Ty Lee, it was impossible to tell that she had been running.

Katara breathed heavily, exhausted from the run as she recoiled back into the tree, visible scared of Ty Lee. Ty Lee simply stroked Katara's cheek and ran it down her shivering body to grip her panties, “No don't.” said Katara meekly. With a satisfied smile, Ty Lee ripped them off in one pull, causing Katara to yelp. Katara weakly placed her hands on Ty Lee's head, trying to stop it's descent into her crotch, she winced as she felt her lower lips being pried apart by Ty Lee's fingers and she let out a sob as she felt the warm wet tongue press against her flesh, entering her and teasing her. Ty Lee enjoyed the feeling of Katara's legs, weakly trying to close around her and the girls futile attempts to push her head away. She continued to lick and kiss and spent a lot of time on the clit, forcing the whimpering girl to reach orgasm. Despite Katara's attempts, she felt herself getting excited and she felt a sharp sensation of pleasure shoot through her body as her muscles went into spasms and she gave out a wail. Ty Lee lifted her head up and gave Katara a kiss, “I knew you would love it.” She said teasingly.

Katara openly sobbed now as her shoulder bobbed up and down and she held her head in her hands as Ty Lee's hands went through her hair. She felt a sharp tug as her face was pulled down. By the time she had opened her eyes, she realized that she was staring into Ty Lee's pussy, pink and slick, “Fair is fair.” Ty Lee said passionately as she pressed Katara's shocked face into her crotch. Katara could only mumble as her arms flailed about helplessly. Ty Lee let her Katara's head back a bit, “You can do better than that.” Ty Lee said to a gasping Katara. Katara looked up desperately, “Please, why are you doing this!” Ty Lee tilted her head to one side and said dreamily, “Their so cute when they beg.”

Katara face was reluctantly forced back into Ty lee's crotch as the water bender's face was coated in Ty Lee's juices. Deciding to give Katara a little incentive to do more than mumble into her crotch, one of Ty Lee's hands gripped Katara's firm rump and teased her little ass hole. This got a high pitched scream which greatly pleased Ty Lee. She wanted more though and decided to viciously force her finger all the way in with a pop. Katara felt the sharp sensation travel up her colon, her mouth went wide and her eyes rolled up into her sockets as she screamed, her tongue trying to loll itself out of her mouth but only managing to lick Ty Lee's pussy unintentionally. Ty Lee let out a moan and she swung her head back with her eye's closed. She finger fucked Katara's ass hole getting more screams into her pussy. It wasn't long before Ty Lee's body clenched, her hands balling into fists and her toes curling as she climaxed, her powerful thighs crushing Katara's head as it was jammed tight into her pussy. Ty Lee relaxed and slid her finger out of Katara's ass with a delightful pop as she stood up to look at the poor water bender, lying belly first on the ground, head to the side, eye's rolled back into head, tongue lolling out and drooling, body, twitching slightly.

Ty Lee sucked on her finger mischievously while she waited for Katara to regain her composure. Katara took her time as she lay their, completely defiled, wondering what would happen next, and perhaps it would be best if she just lay there. Eventually she closed her eyes and crawled up into a ball. Ty Lee took this as a full recovery, “Well that was fun, we have got to do that again some time.” Katara's head shot up shocked, with tears welling in the eye's, “Please no. I wont do it again…”

Ty Lee's cheerful demeanour became quite frumpy and she gave a childish scowl, “Look, you are going to travel with me and we will do this again.” She said demandingly,

“I-I'll run away the first chance I get” Katara replied softly, trying to keep from bursting into tears. Ty Lee gave a smile,

“Well, if running away is the problem, then we are all fine. I'll just keep you in my stomach till I'm horny again!” Katara wasn't sure she heard what she just thought she heard. She uncurled from her foetal ball and started to scurry away on her hands on feet as Ty Lee laughed, watching Katara's ass wriggle away from her. Katara then felt a warm, wet, sucking sensation on her ass and turned around to see Ty Lee's lip sucking on one of her ass cheeks. She tried to kick away but Ty Lee's arms held up Katara's knees to her belly and with a sickening feeling in her stomach, Katara was lifted up into the air as Ty Lee stood up, her lips sucking on Katara's ass and to Katara's horror, the lips were stretching! She could feel the biting cold of the night disappear as the lip and mouth stretched over more and more of her rump, “Thi-this isn't possible.” Katara moaned as soon her entire rump was resting in Ty Lee's mouth. She couldn't understand Ty Lee's mumbled reply, but she could feel the tongue probing between her cheeks and penetrating her ass. She felt like she would vomit at the thought of it as the warm strong tongue wriggled inside her as yet more of her hip and the bottom of her toes sank into Ty Lee's mouth. Katara continued to wriggle her hips, hoping it would free them, it just seemed to make Ty Lee groan.

The knotted feeling in Katara's stomach was not helped when she heard a hideous sucking noise as her legs were pulled into Ty Lee's mouth while her ass was kept in place, skewered as it was on Ty Lee's tongue. The sensation, if not for it's horror, would have been satisfying. Compared to the now bitter cold, it was warm and soft inside Ty Lee's mouth, like being wrapped in a blanket, a wet spoogy blanket. Still the warmth did not abate Katara's shivering as her delicate legs slid into the mouth like wet pasts to disappear into the tight confines of the throat. Katara was not claustrophobic, but it was frighteningly tight in the throat, her legs wrapped together impossibly tight and unable to move at all, the sensation caused Katara to panic as she yelled desperately, “No don't swallow me. I will stay with you, I will do what ever you want!”

Ty Lee stopped, her tongue still wirggling. She offered her mumbled response with Katara's hips still in her mouth, “O wha I angh oing oo you” as she laid on her back causing Katara to become perpendicular to the floor. Katara had understood the request and her arms went rigid as she thought of what to do. Solemnly, she bent at the waist as Ty lee spread her legs. With clenched eye's she rested her face on Ty Lee's crotch her captors contortionist legs lifted up, until the rested behind Ty Lee's head. This gave Katara a first class view of Ty lee's large soft ass, “Do what I am doing to you” Katara repeated to herself softly as a tear streamed down her face. She opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue and with a soft arrgh like you would give for a dentist, she gently let her tongue touch the rim of Ty Lee's ass hole. As the tongue made contact, she felt like retching and pulling back, her eye's looked socked and her iris' were quivering. Then she heard a swallow as her hips went further down, her head pulled away from the as and more of her legs were sent into the claustrophobic throat, “No stop I'll do it.” Katara said in a panic and without a second thought began for filled Ty Lee's sickening request. Ty Lee murmured and writhed in pleasure as she used her hands to tease herself, her tongue still wriggling in the despondent Katara's rectum. Katara did not know how long she performed the act, she had held kept her breath for fear of the smell but would every so often be forced to take a big whiff. Eventually though, Ty Lee's legs sprang from behind her head back into a position normal people would hold as her ass cheeks clenched around a surprised Katara's tongue as she climaxed again.

“So, you'll let me out now.” Katara said hopefully trying to forget what she had just done. Ty Lee's tongue slid sloppily out of Katara's ass and she gave a massive swallow taking the whole of Katara's hips into her throat. Katara was livid, “You said you would let me go!” she said flailing about furiously, her randomly moving arms caught by Ty Lee and forced into her mouth as she gave another swallow taking Katara up to her stomach. Katara gave a high pitched gasp as she felt the neck muscles constrict and pull her down wetly. Her hands were now in the stomach and they couldn't even wriggle their fingers. The claustrophobic feeling came back and Katara renewed her pleas, “This isn't fair, you can't do this.”

She heard a mumbled giggle as she looked down at Ty Lee caressing her own perfect body as Katara's sank down into the warm soggy pit. Katara's large eye's looked down in fear as her head looked up, as if she were trying to pull herself out with her head alone. Even her teeth were clenched and her mouth open as if she had gripped an invisible rope with her teeth. Her stomach slid down slowly and unstoppable as she felt Ty Lee's tongue trace up her navel. There was another swallow, the contracting neck muscles forcing the wind out of Katara's lungs as they contracted around her stomach. Now Katara was down to her chest. Her breasts had sunk in with a disgusting slurping nose as the squeezed through Ty Lee's stretched lips like a glob of Jelly being sucked up. Katara wriggled and writhed, “I don't want this, I don't want to be in your stomach, please don't” Katara said, her voice breaking. She felt a hand rub her temple as if she were a dog and Katara blubbered and then cried profusely, wiling up into the air as Ty Lee licked her soft luscious orbs before giving another sickening swallow, Ty Lee's lips stretching over the shoulder and wrapping tightly around Katara's neck, “Urk!” Was Katara's only response as her crying was cut off.

Katara may have given a sigh of release as her toes were finally into the stomach after passing through the tight convulsing throat. She wriggled her toes giving thanks for being able to move. It was short lived though as Katara's face sunk into the mouth with an impending sense of dread covering Katar's face. More of her body was being forced into the stomach and soon, her toes could no longer wriggle as she was balled up. It was worse then the throat, at least in the throat she was straight, as her was body was being balled up into the stomach it ended up in uncomfortable cramped positions that Katara couldn't reposition herself from.

Ty Lee's lips closed over Katara's face and the tongue went over the young girls face as it went into the back of the throat. Katara closed her eye's and keeps her lips shut tight avoiding the copious amounts of Saliva entering them. Of course it was covering her face and lips and every time Katara made a raspberry sound to get rid of it, some got in. her once lush hair was matted and sticky as it frayed, some covering her face, the rest clinging to her back shoulders and neck. She kept perfectly silent as she slid down the throat, the corrugated face rippling against her face as it was coated in mucus. Eventually, all of Katara was balled up uncomfortably in the stomach, she tried to move, tried to make herself more comfortable, but every movement only made her more uncomfortable. She panicked at times, which only made things worse and of course she would plead, “Please let me out!”

Ty Lee traced her fingers down her throat as the Katara's face, slightly visible through the neck, disappeared into her chest. Ty Lee licked her lips, her face scrunched up in joy as she felt Katara being compacted into her stomach which was now rather round. “Your going to make it difficult to move about you know.” She said with a joyful sigh. She patted and rubbed her stomach and she noticed at times it would wriggle and writhe as Katara panicked inside. Other times she heard the same despairing pleas, “Let me out!”

Ty Lee laid back, head resting on her hands, “Sorry, I am kinda pooped out after tonight. Maybe tomorrow we can have some fun.” There came a sob and in between sobs, “Please, I don't want to be in here. Oh god I can't move… please!” Ty Lee stroked her tummy and gave it a pat, “You are a horny little minx, but like a told you, you only get out when I am horny, then you go right back in.” Ty Lee smacked her lips and rolled her tongue around her mouth, rubbing her tummy and giving a satisfied groan, imagining eating Katara again. Inside Katara sobbed, and struggled and cried as she imagined being eaten again and again and again.

“This isn't fair!” Katara railed. Ty Lee was feeling kinda sleepy, “I am going to sleep now, if you don't be quiet, I will shit you out instead of regurgitating you. Would you like that you filthy little minx.”

Katara continued to beg, “Please… I don't want this. Let me go!” Ty Lee gave a sigh, it looked like Katara wasn't going to make a very good pet. Ty Lee yelled with a frustrated expression, “Fine then you ungrateful little bitch!” At that moment Katara heard a gut wrenching churning noise in the stomach. It was too dark to see, but she felt a thick warm liquid squirt and slather her body, filling up Ty Lee's tight little stomach, filling it with the noxious liquid. Katara tried to yell but could only gag and cough as the bitter smell assailed her senses and made her eye's water. She wriggled trying to push herself up through the entrance to the stomach, her face desperastely trying to force its way through the hole, but the hole wouldn't opened.

Ty Lee, still frustrated, grabbed her belly and wriggled it maliciously, forcing the acids in her stomach to coat Katara from head to toe, she took pleasure in imagining Katara covered in her slick juices, being slowly and painfully digested. She could feel Katara struggling inside her trying to get out, Ty Lee spat out, “I hope your happy now.”

Katara wasn't. Her skin felt like it was on fire, every time she screamed, more fluids sloshed into her mouth causing her to gag and vomit. Katara kept her eyes shut tight as she felt her flesh peel away and fall off. Her fingers and toes curling back on themselves like burnt paper. She yelped between screams, “I'm sorry. Please… I'll do as I'm told.” The pleading caused Ty Lee to ponder for a second. She didn't ponder long, “Sorry, but you probably don't look as cute any more. You can die now.”

Katara's heart sank as the cruel words entered her ear. She was unable to writhe as she once did, she was merely twitching uncontrollably as her body slowly melted away, her arms and legs turned to goop, her buttock wasting away, her stomach falling in on itself and her breasts drooping and falling off her chest. She breathed heavily, unable to scream or beg anymore, hoping for some miracle to come save her, still struggling to stay alive, her chest heaving as she struggled to continue her existence, holding out for something to save her. Then she felt the stomach close in on her, forcing her body together, crushing her half digested body against itself. She clenched her teeth in fear and then she died.

Ty Lee's frustrated expression had disappeared, to be replaced by one of contentment as she lay on her ground, hugging her round belly tightly. She gave her stomach another tight hug, relishing the feeling of Katara's half digested body, squelching inside of her. She gave her stomach a few more prods and let out a quiet dignified burp. “Excuse me” she said in a very lady like manner before giving a long yawn, her mouth opening wide before she laid her head back and fell asleep.

The morning came and Ty Lee awoke with a stretch, glad to see her stomach had returned to its previous, gorgeous shape. Still, “Katara had to go somewhere” Ty Lee thought to herself with a devilish grin and half closed eyes. She sauntered back to the camp where she found the lone water bender, noticing the now dead fire. Still naked, Ty Lee squatted over the fire and let out a dainty grunt as Katara's remains were forced out of her rectum to fall sloppily onto the now dead fire. Ty Lee scrunched her face and forced a little more of Katara out followed by a loud sloppy fart, which caused Ty Lee to giggle. Using the clothes that she took of Katara, she cleaned herself off, throwing the water bender's messy pants and gi. She set all of the items on fire taking a great fascination as all that was left of Katara was burnt to cinders. She thought to herself happily, “You really should have been less difficult.”