
By: Throku

Disclaimer: This story includes scenes of f/f vore that is female swallowing other females. Those who do not wish to read about that stop now and go elsewhere.

Further I do not wish to have my work distributed, so if you want to post it anywhere, please ask me first, see e-mail above, I check it regularly.

No one knew why, but for some reason the aliens had set up their headquarters, not like all Hollywood movies would predict in Washington DC, or at least in the USA, but in a rather remote location in Belgium. Belgium also being the center of power in the European Union lead to that the choice of location made the US government rather nervous, fearing that they'd be left out and behind after having been the major power factor of Earth for so long.

So they sent agents and scientists to the alien center, knowing that unless they'd be hostile towards the aliens, or did any trespassing, they would get quite a bit of access and knowledge for free, maybe even a guided tour of the open to all areas. It would seem that these aliens weren't unfriendly, but rather the opposite.

Actually the aliens had saved the Earth's butt by dispatching the evil aliens that had attacked the Earth a few years ago.

So stepping into the alien base were two American female agents with a rather impressive scientific background. The US had sent females, because the aliens were known to have a different view on the needs and uses of clothing. Add to that, that the aliens happened to be beautiful well curved and endowed females. The US feared that sending male agents would lead to them having difficulty keeping their minds on the job.

The agents looked around and found a little surprised what they were looking for.

“Tourist information?” Jenna didn't quite believe her eyes. “Are they serious?”

Bea giggled a little also finding it rather humorous. “Well there's only one way to find out.”

The ladies walked over to the building and hesitated a moment before opening the door.

Inside they saw what looked like a souvenir boutique, only many of the objects for sale could have come from the porno industry, again a reminder that the aliens generally didn't think that clothes were of great importance.

Behind the counter stood a tall girl with semi-short brown hair, it looked nice on her and also showed off her long pointy ears, both decorated with a large gold ring at the bottom. In her hair she also had a fresh flower adding further colour to the pretty girl.

She wore an army like looking vest that struggled to contain her large chest and a net like stretchy garment underneath it. The Americans could see it sticking out from underneath the vest and cling to her arms in a fishnet stocking kind of way, only this was her arms and not legs, also it left her hands free.

Noticing that she had company the pretty freckled girl looked up from the comic she'd been reading and the Americans could tell that she was the “Golden elf” sort, something that suited them just fine.

“Can I eat y…opps” Trifine caught her tongue slipping and quickly added “Help you?” She giggled in a cute fashion. “Sorry, it's my first day!”

Jenna looked a bit surprised at her partner, her eyes sort of telling what she thought. “This might be easier that we thought.”

Bea got her partner's point and turned to face the girl behind the counter. “Yes actually, to both questions.”

Now it was Trifine's turn to get a surprise. She giddily stepped around the counter while looking at the two women. They looked a bit odd, large and burly and then there was that awfully strict uniform. What Trifine didn't see was the thick suit they wore underneath their uniform, it was the reason to why they looked large and burly. They were by other means quite average for human females, maybe a bit on the slim side actually.

“Well what can I help you with before I eat you then?” Trifine asked with a big smile on her face as she let her hands rest on her hips.

The Americans noticed them, just as prominent as her chest and they had wondered if she had clothes on the lower body too, which she did. Trifine had squeezed herself into a low-cut pair of pants that were so low cut that they actually left a bit of her belly bare between the pants and the army vest.

“Well wait just a moment.” Bea said and her partner opened a bag she had carried all along and from it produced two helmets, one of which she gave to Bea.

Trifine waited as she saw the two women put on weird looking helmets, smooth with a large view area and they reached down the neck and underneath the collar of the women's uniforms.

“There all set.” Jenna said and looked at her partner who gave her thumbs up.

Trifine thought that Jenna had sounded funny after she put the helmet on, kind of muffled, which was in fact because the helmet had connected with the suit underneath and now sealed the women from the atmosphere outside of the suit.

“You want me to eat you now?” Trifine asked, and thought that this might not be such a bad job after all, with humans coming in here and asking her to eat them.

The two women nodded.

“So who wants to go first?”

The ladies looked at each other and Jenna said.

“It doesn't matter really.”

“Ok!” Trifine took her eyes away from her meals to find the zipper of her vest. She opened it up, but left it on. With the zipper being up front her large breasts spilled out and held it open and the Americans could see that the stretchy fishnet garment did nothing to keep her chest in place, although it would seem that the elf was in no need of garments to support her fleshy orbs, they looked like they'd stay in a desirable shape all on their own.

Bea looked amazed at the elf's fantastic body, and as her partner seemed to be busy doing the same with a touch of envy in her eyes, Bea decided that she could go first and stepped forward.

“So how do you want me?” She asked Trifine and offered her hands.

Trifine took them and smiled back. “Yeah head first will do fine.”

Bea looked puzzled, but when Trifine put both of her hands in her mouth and swallowed bringing with a yank her head to the elf's lips she got the idea.

Trifine swallowed again, easily taking the woman's head and shoulders in and the next swallow just as easily dragged Bea's breasts and waist in.

“Whoah!” Jenna had been caught off guard by the action, and it had woken her from her daydream. She watched, amazed by the effortlessness in how Trifine swallowed her partner.

Before she was ready to accept what was happening Trifine was smiling at her and licking her lips.

“So you want me to eat you too now?”

Jenna looked unsure, because she was a bit nervous and she looked at the large bulge in Trifine's stomach before nodding her approval, not quite trusting her voice.

“Oh goody!” Trifine laughed and skipped up to the remaining woman, apparently the weight of Bea didn't trouble her at all.

Taking a hold of Jenna's arms and holding them to her sides, Trifine took a leap into the air and coming down she had her mouth open. *Schlluurrp* Was all that was heard as Jenna's upper body vanished into the mouth of the pretty elf.

Trifine found her balance and lifted the rest of Jenna over her head as she swallowed again and again and in a few seconds Jenna was sharing the confines of Trifine's stomach with her partner.

Trifine patted the huge bulge of her stomach, the stretchy garment she wore actually managed to stretch along with her body, though it might not have been able to handle another human, whereas her stomach would have no problem doing just that.

Waddling back behind the counter almost knocking a few things to the floor along the way, Trifine started searching for something. “Now where did I put it?”

Inside her stomach the two occupants felt their world shifting about and their host bumping into things from time to time, clearly doing more harm to them than to her. Bea being at the bottom had also felt Trifine's knees slamming into her a few times.

The two women were calmly tapping away. It was so, that when they had put their helmets on, their gloves had filled up and taken on a spherical shape. The inside walls of the gloves now acted as a keyboard while the helmet not only let them see inside the dark stomach, but also acted as a monitor, all the time displaying data sent by the different sensors in the suit.

They knew that elves ate their foes and hence they wanted more information about the digestive process of the elves. So therefore Jenna and Bea had been sent, equipped in the way they were.

Jenna looked out, away from the numbers and texts and noted that their uniforms were almost gone by now.

Trifine while continuing her search registered a change in flavour, her meals still didn't taste very good though and she wondered how much clothing they had worn.

“Ahh, here it is.” Trifine had found the device she was looking for and happily jumped to her feet.

She took it in her right hand and firmly pressed it to the back of her neck. The thing attached itself to her and injected something. She felt it start to work almost right away and her tummy let out a pleasant rumble.

“Hey what is going on?” Bea wondered as the stomach suddenly got a whole lot more active.

“I dunno!” Jenna answered as she looked around.

“Hey weren't these suits meant to protect us?” Bea wondered as she noticed that her suit didn't look top notch anymore, a second after that her screen ceased to receive more information.

Trifine caressed her tummy that was now making all sorts of noises. The Ttrucilian had given her this thing and told her to use it if she ate something big while she was working and instructed her how it worked. They never told her what it did though.

It felt quite nice and her stomach continued to rumble as she both saw and felt it shrink away. Soon enough she looked merely pregnant, but the stomach still diminished.

With a final gurgle her stomach was back to normal, flat and sexy and she felt the thing loosen, so she plucked it from her neck and put it on the counter.

“Ohh, that could come in handy.” Trifine thought and sipped her vest up again. It wouldn't go all the way though, eating made her breasts grow and she was forced to leave an ample cleavage showing. Eating also made her hips and rump fill out too, and she was now close to bursting out of her pants.

“I wouldn't want to loose this.” She said and picked up the item she used earlier and put it in her pocked.

“Thank you ladies, you hit the spot.” The Trifine said and giggled as she patted her tummy one last time before returning to her comic.

She didn't know that the two women had no idea that their gear wouldn't protect them and that they never imagined that they'd end up as the two small mushy lumps at the end of Trifine's digestive tract that they now were.

Trifine flipped a page while she stood there swaying her lovely bottom to and fro waiting for the next person to step inside, hoping that whomever it was he or she would want her to eat them too.

The end.

My thanks go to Frakass who has inspired me once again with his great art and ideas. This time it was the entry image of his yahoo group

that haunted me in a good kind of way and led me to write this little tale.

I hope you enjoyed it! /Throku ;)