The fairy’s name was Nilly, but that probably wouldn’t matter soon. The legendary hero, practically a giant in her reckoning, was engaged in a fierce contest of strength with a shadowy being whose aura of sheer evil nearly overwhelmed her senses. A passenger on Link’s journey, she paid close attention when he found himself up against a foe that might best him, ready to do what she had to to help him at a moment’s n
What The Fairy Sees
By: Brainfood
Favorited: 5 years ago
The Lizardman Part III: Princess Caitlynn
Princess Caitlynn was a bit annoyed with her father following the noon meal. She wasn't upset, exactly, but she sometimes wondered about the old man. Yes, he had reputation for hospitality and generosity, and yes, that was a good thing. But sometimes it seemed like upholding that reputation was more important than running the kingdom. Being a monarch meant that sometimes you had to make hard decisions. Sometimes, for the good of your people, you had to d
The Lizardman Part III: Princess Caitlynn
By: Scorby
Favorited: 5 years ago
The Lizardman Comes to
By Scorby
Jackie wasn't exactly
happy the first time her husband talked to her about inviting Keruk
to stay with them. Graham, a cultural anthropologist at the
University of Oremy – well-known for his groundbreaking work
applying his field to cultures outside of humanity – had met and
befriended the lizardman during a field expedition to Shlgishlak. The
first human to venture to the lizardman nation in at least 200 years,
he'd left Keruk with an open invitation to
The Lizardman Comes to Town
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The Lizardman and Bryanne
The servant girl returned shortly after sunset. ``The message has been delivered, My Lord,'' she said as she curtseyed demurely. ``King Oravin and his Queen are eager to meet with you. The guards have been instructed to expect your arrival. They will grant you entrance to the city and provide escort to the castle.''
Baron Slkozilk smiled. Tonight would be the final night of the long journey, for tomorrow they would finally enter city of Oremy, Capital of the Human kingd
The Lizardman and Bryanne
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Girls with social media.
The music was blaring all around Susan while she sat at the bar, her short skirt barely containing her ass while she kept it firmly planted down. She leaned back watching people on the dance floor grinding up against each other, Susan could make out at least six people that were outright having sex in the group, while the people around those engaging in the sex were eith
Two girls one dog girl (2025)
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When Erin opened her eyes, all she could see was a growling maw full of incredibly pointy teeth. Terrified, her eyes followed a thread of hot drool as it dripped slowly down, reached her face, and then ran down onto the forest floor she lay on. She was pinned by the monstrously large, furry creature on top of her, the clawed paws nearly crushing her arms as she struggled. She’d found her: the werewolf on top of her, fur shining in t
By: Brainfood
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Sex toy:
“So there it is.”
Mary walked into her sister’s room, she had been curious about a new toy that her sister had ordered online, at first she thought that it was a simple blow up doll but had been completely wrong. Mary had only lived with her sister for a couple months,
By: Winny
Favorited: 5 years ago
The Doom that Came
to Manhattan
by the Wolf
Commissioned by
street glowed below as Broadway broke from the stone skin of his
sleep and looked down into the city. Not the usual glow of
streetlamps and light from windows, but a pale, purplish luminescence
that flowed throughout the entire surface of the street and almost
hurt to look at. Lifting his head to gaze out over the city, he could
see that the glow covered most of Manhattan, flowing through alleys
and main thoroughfares. It too
BWYW: The Doom That Came to Manhattan
By: the_Wolf
Favorited: 5 years ago