Your stomach rumbles hungrily, distracting from the task before you. Three hours of idly flipping burgers has left you utterly famished. You rub your hand against your protesting belly. “Just five more minutes till break…” you mumble to yourself, eyeing the juicy patties before you. Your middle gives another light growl in response as you turn your attention back to your work. However, despite your attempt at focusing, the alluring scent of the food before y
A Generous Lunch
By: Maja
Favorited: 4 years ago
Yoko slithered through town her mind wandering before suddenly being pulled back as she bumped into something,
"Ah, I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings," the naga hissed out of reflex not even looking to what or who she had bumped into, a young-sounding voice replied to her.
"It's fine it happens all the time," Yoko looked down to see the owner of the voice before her was a short Asian harpy with black wings
Attending a party
By: nervousvampire
Favorited: 4 years ago