Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: ChaCheeryMousie
Tags: Furry Comic Fox M/M Mouse Non-fatal unaware Unwilling Prey Full Belly Internal View Male Prey Male Pred Fox Pred Mouse prey
The same comic, but this time with internals! Don’t worry folks, Cupie is a trained snack-squeak. He knows just how to get out of this situation without causing harm to the unaware fox, nor to himself. (Not that he is in any danger anyway.)
Commission for Chaosganonbowser on FA, sorry for the wait.
Chris the fox whom can’t be bothered to look before he bites, belongs to Chaosganonbowser
Cupie the stomach squeak belongs to me.
Avarice1of2 - 5 years ago
As long as he gets out safe
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: ChaCheeryMousie
Tags: Fox M/M Mouse Butt Non-fatal unaware Unwilling Prey Full Belly Male Prey Vore Comic Endosoma Male Pred Fox Pred Mouse prey Cupie
Posted 16 hours ago
It can be tough being in the food service industry, even more so if you are about three feet tall. Still, Cupie always has a smile on his face when dealing with customers, and is always happy to bring food out to sitting patrons. Now if only they would look before they nomph’d....
Comission done for Chaosganonbowser on FA sorry for the wait.
Chris the fox whom can’t be bother to look before he bites, belongs to...
[ Continued ... ]
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: ChaCheeryMousie
Tags: Furry Wolf Digestion F/M Mouse Nudity Drunk Male Prey Female Pred Mouse pred Wolf Prey Drunk pred
Uh-oh! Looks like Ashely has been nursing her bottle a little too much! Omega is looking pretty soft in there as a result. Glurg~
A commish I did for Omega_code93 on FA,
Thank you for the opportunity man^^
Uploaded: 8 years ago
Owner: ChaCheeryMousie
Tags: Soft Vore Drool F/M Mouse Swallowing Dragoness Hungry Male Prey Female Pred in color
Happy day after thanksgiving! ^^
Seems the dragoness might very well send our mousie friend to meet her gut afterall! Egads, he's gonna be late for work!
Uploaded: 8 years ago
Owner: ChaCheeryMousie
Tags: F/M Mouse Dragoness Pre-Vore Unwilling Prey open maw Male Prey Female Pred Wide hips glowing insides Burger hat Work uniform
So after tasting the tail, Paige goes full chow hound on poor Cupie. How's he gonna get out of this one?
So, s' been awhile since I uploaded and I wanted to go ahead and post this. Bork!
PAHNKAPIE - 8 years ago
That's a trick question, he's not getting out of this one. He's getting in. Into me, specifically :v
AcevisElecion - 8 years ago
Truuuuue...Ace isn't THAT provactive.
But Uniform!
ChaCheeryMousie - 8 years ago
Well, to be honest Cupie was kinda asking for it. I mean, just look at what he's wearing.
AcevisElecion - 8 years ago
You and me both. How's a hard working rodent supposed to hold down a job with these shenanigans D:
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: ChaCheeryMousie
Tags: Dragon F/M Mouse Slurp Dragoness Non-fatal Pre-Vore lips Male Prey Female Pred work imminent vore Endosoma Tail slurp procrastination
More times then not I have great difficulty getting up to go to work. Always feels like I weigh a great deal more then I actually do and seems like a staggering feat just to get out from under the covers.
So, why not this anchor of lazy be replaced with a dragoness that weighs more then you do by several hundred times? At least then when you call out of work, its cause you are physically confined within said dragoness and not cause you wanted to get an extra hour in to snooze....
[ Continued ... ]
PAHNKAPIE - 8 years ago
Out weights by several hundred times? Are you calling me fat? D:
BL1GHT - 9 years ago
ChaCheeryMousie - 9 years ago
Too late now! They are all gone! Mwa ha ha!
BL1GHT - 9 years ago
Awww, but what will the other commenters drone on and on about? Well there is always YouTube...
ChaCheeryMousie - 9 years ago
Wow. I'll correct those Grammer mistakes later.
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: ChaCheeryMousie
Tags: Oral Vore Inside F/M Invalid Tag sweater Internal View Will Don't Tight Belly fit Think smaller male larger female black insides
Emil is still alive in the villianous vixen's gurgling guts! What's worse is she has his beloved sweater! Oh my, whatever will our stomached squeak due under such dire straits!?
A sorta sequel to another picture in my gallery.
Hope you guys enjoy!
ChaCheeryMousie - 9 years ago
Thank you ^0^
zarpaulus - 9 years ago
You could paste the URL into the description.
ChaCheeryMousie - 9 years ago
Pretty sure the ideal is to avoid nommage altogether, but I'll run the idea by him for ya.
ChaoskampfNunc - 9 years ago
If he wants I could give him different belly to gurgle in
ChaCheeryMousie - 9 years ago
Well, I don't think most are too happy when they get eaten up. He's just a bit more sensitive about it. No worries, I'm sure he'll get over it.^^
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: ChaCheeryMousie
Tags: Belly Dragon F/M Mouse Belch Unwilling Dragoness Non-fatal Gas Belching gurgle Full tour Full Belly Male Prey Female Pred Gassy Endosoma still alive smaller male larger female pizza party
This could happen. An innocent little mouseling gave up a night of senseless video game and snack binging when the promise of pizza along with soda and Netflix was suggested by his Dragoness roomate, three whole pizzas later and we arrive here. A mouse in the tummy and one rather pleased with herself dragoness.
Just another picture I had laying about revolving around a little mouse character of mine getting savagely devoured by my friend's dragoness character, Paige. She was so...
[ Continued ... ]
Birichino - 9 years ago
Sorry...I like her glowing tongue, though!
Hopefully not radioactive. That'd be...bad...for her snack.
ChaCheeryMousie - 9 years ago
Ouch, I guess i'll keep that in mind.
Birichino - 9 years ago
Honestly, the term "Netflix and chill" annoys me enough that, for once, I'm not super concerned about his well-being.
But it's fortunate she's a nice(ish) dragon.
GenericBunny - 9 years ago
I suppose some people may enjoy the prospect of squirming through dragon intestines more than others.
ChaCheeryMousie - 9 years ago
I suppose that depends on your interpretation of the word "lucky". He is most definatly stoked to see another tomorrow though. Just not the hours of shower afterward.
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: ChaCheeryMousie
Tags: Soft Vore Digestion F/M Same Size Unwilling Male Prey Female Pred Tight Belly satisfied face
Bedtime Belly Buddy comes with everything seen here! Please ask parents permission before going online.
Another shot of the Foxie friend! This time she is preying on a more substantial meal. Not sure if she or her prey are a part of this site, but if they are I will update accordingly!
Xaphelm - 9 years ago
XD I know that feeling, my comment is genuine lol
ChaCheeryMousie - 9 years ago
Daw... you're just saying that. =u=
Xaphelm - 9 years ago
Wow, this is very nice .O.
Squeaky Snack or Macabre for a Mouse
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: ChaCheeryMousie
Tags: Fox F/M Mouse Swallowing Unwilling Swallowed Non-fatal Male Prey Female Pred Endosoma smaller male dream event main character immunity
Mice just don't get a break! They get run out of houses, they are caught by predators daily, and even pet store mice are usually bought for the sole purpose of being fed to bigger pets!
Just a picture I did for a friend of mine whom I'm not sure is on this site or not. She's the Foxie fox and the unfortunate little mouse is a character of mine called Emil, sand his sweater. I happen to like Emil a great deal so this is more a hypothetical if not him just going to end up totally...
[ Continued ... ]
Birichino - 9 years ago
Maybe he'll learn to make the best of it~
ChaCheeryMousie - 9 years ago
Darn tootin' Missy! >:o
Birichino - 9 years ago
I'm sure she's just playing.
ChaCheeryMousie - 5 years ago
Well yeah, that’s what the “non-fatal” tag’s for, silly.