Uploaded: 7 years ago
Owner: Emi
Tags: Oral Vore Hard Vore M/F Gore Blood Fatal chewing Macro/Micro Head First Mortal Kombat Human Prey Male Pred Kitana legs sticking out Glowing eyes god predator raiden
My quick gift drawing for Licklash
Actually I don't take requests and have no much free time for drawing, but I love Mortal Kombat so much that I couldn't stop myself from doing an exception:)
Zapor - 7 years ago
Ор - это ор =) В смысле - ну очень громко расхохотался )
Emi - 7 years ago
Don't worry, dear. Actually there IS some real criticism in his comment. In some point I agree, I SHOULD draw this more occurete, and this is *cries bitterly* all because of my lack of time and tons of work. As I mentioned many times before, I have no other work/source of money for living except my vore Patreon, this is why 150% of all my time goes to making CGI animations and models for these. I even don't draw Kuai *cries even more bitterly* I wish I had more time for drawing, I really should spend 2-3 hours more to this picture, and I hope some day I'll draw a new Raiden art which will look much better than this one:).
Emi - 7 years ago
Чо такое ОР?))
Licklash - 7 years ago
I just google-translated your comment and honestly, from what I've seen, it's really mean of you to say such a thing...Why don't you give Emi some constructive critism of the drawing instead of trying to put down her hard work?
Also, Raiden in this one is somewhat based off the one in the older games, where he is quite plump, and I don't see why you're so surprised that he's a bit fat. I think this piece is very dynamic and pretty to look at and I don't think you should be going up to it, insulting it and not attempting to constructively critique it in the slightest. It's mean and immature.
Zapor - 7 years ago
эх, жаль что нет сборки МК с подобными фаталками на всех чемпионах =)
PocketHero - 7 years ago
Haha, yes, I like this~
emikochan - 7 years ago
pretty well done :)
GuysSeriouslyImFine - 6 years ago
this almost feels like a meme (in a good way lmao)
Uploaded: 8 years ago
Owner: Emi
Tags: Oral Vore Tongue Soft Vore F/F Inside Giantess Saliva Throat Female Uvula Butt Female Prey Internal View Female Pred tongue play female victim Nude Female Giantess Vore inside mouth Nude prey prey character giantess pred
PocketHero - 8 years ago
I swear, you have such lovely skills... I really need to commission you again one day.
jackson22222 - 8 years ago
Looks nice mate. Always great to see a girl take ride on the meaty slip-n-slide.
Kreeyz - 8 years ago
Lovely :3
Emi - 9 years ago
You mean, hands are hard to draw? Yes, you're right. Hands and feet are really hard:)
PocketHero - 9 years ago
Quite well drawn... hands are hard! ... To me they are, anyway.
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: Emi
Tags: Stomach Digestion Inside Internal View inner view Inside view Inside stomach
Hey guys:) The Digestion Session based on my newest Stomach model v.4.0. is RELEASED!
Become my Patron and enjoy the set of Digestion materials: pics, pages and pure animation!
Umhuebr - 9 years ago
Does it contain scat? If so,I'll definitely support you on Patreon for it
ElPortero - 9 years ago
Will this ever be made available for purchase outside of your Patreon?
voreprey - 9 years ago
I love it! I could almost smell the acid in the air ;)
Zapor - 9 years ago
Спрашиваешь :D
В лиску ссылку на скачку, разумеется :) как обычно же
Emi - 9 years ago
о чем?)
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: Emi
Tags: Oral Vore Soft Vore Macro/Micro
Hey guys!:) Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/eatmei
You will not be disappointed!
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: Emi
Tags: Soft Vore Stomach Slime Digestion Inside M/F Saliva Female wet cozy Mortal Kombat Female Prey Inside view M/ff Inside stomach female victim inside belly humid Multiple Preys Cassie Cage jacqui briggs
This is what happens if you try to attack the hungry Grandmaster.
I open to you a secret. It's warm inside Sub-Zero! =)
Dragonic_Wolf - 8 years ago
Aaa so sexy <3
Emi - 9 years ago
MidnightRose - 9 years ago
Haha, yes! Cassie and Jacqui are so annoying. >:D
Deletedn4388stg - 9 years ago
Oooooo I loooooooooove this
Slippery Moment Of Life F/m [Linda and Ray] 002
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: Emi
Tags: Gulp Oral Vore Mouth Tongue Soft Vore F/M Giantess Saliva Throat Swallowing Female Teeth drinking Male Prey Female Pred victim Giantess Vore giantess pred
This is an only 30 sec animation, but I tried to make it look as much realistic as possible! It's very detalized.
One more pic:)
To have F/f, F/m and M/m versions, please, become my Patron!
Tons of exclisive stuff is coming for my Patrons!
Slippery Moment Of Life F/m [Linda and Ray] 001
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: Emi
Tags: Gulp Oral Vore Mouth Tongue Soft Vore F/M Giantess Saliva Throat Swallowing Female Teeth drinking Male Prey Female Pred victim Giantess Vore giantess pred
This is an only 30 sec animation, but I tried to make it look as much realistic as possible! It's very detalized.
One more pic:)
To have F/f, F/m and M/m versions, please, become my Patron!
Tons of exclisive stuff is coming for my Patrons!
Hola - 8 years ago
can I get the video without becoming a patreon?
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: Emi
Tags: Mouth Tongue Soft Vore Male M/F Throat Female Teeth Female Prey throat shot Male Pred Throat view
The Pill with a tiny girl/guy will be swallowed by the giant/giantess!
Deletedn4388stg - 9 years ago
Oh well, I do love the concept (girls in capsules getting swallowed)
I do miss seeing your girls getting gobbled up kicking and screaming. Any unwilling goodies in the future?
Emi - 9 years ago
There will be F/f and F/m versions:)
Emi - 9 years ago
This will be a video:) But she will not panic as she is a willing prey:)
Deletedn4388stg - 9 years ago
Is this an image series or animation?
Either way can't wait to see the little girl panic and fear as her pill capsul is slowly eaten away by stomach acids...and we all know what happens when the acids get to her >:-)
Deletedn4388stg - 9 years ago
Best healing potion ever!!!!!
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: Emi
Tags: Soft Vore Same Size Female Whole Goo transparent wet F/FF F/FFF Female Prey female victim Nude Female female vore same girls prey Multiple Preys
Second page
ILLEGAL ALIEN 93 - 7 years ago
Nice really nice can you tell me when you are going to post another page of this wonderful comic ? because I am really curious to see what is going to happen enxt
Emi - 9 years ago
Я не знаю:) Это какие-то личные фантазии заказчика:)
Modern45 - 9 years ago
Прикольно :) хорошая идея, и мне нравятся позы в последнем фрейме. Кстати, а что это там за фиолетовая штуковина?
Mouth Fitness F/F [Milena and Eva] 002
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: Emi
Tags: Oral Vore Mouth Tongue Soft Vore Saliva Female Teeth Macro/Micro lips Female Prey Female Pred 3D female victim mouth view female vore 3D Render Saliva strings
And Milena...
Watch the M/f version of this video for FREE: https://youtu.be/_1QdmMIHwII
F/f and F/m versions are here: http://www.serendipity-art.net/index.php?route=product/category&path=61
Dragonjaj - 9 years ago
Emi - 9 years ago
I just love to make male ones:)
Dragonjaj - 9 years ago
You know you could problry save time by not making the Male pred ones.
Deletedn4388stg - 9 years ago
Ooo if only there was footage of the "machines" getting hungry and seeing our little body builder as a snack!
Mouth Fitness F/M [Cassie and Ray] 002
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: Emi
Tags: Oral Vore Mouth Tongue Soft Vore F/M Saliva Female Teeth Macro/Micro lips Male Prey Female Pred 3D mouth view female vore 3D Render Saliva strings male victim
Next Cassie Screenshot!
Watch the M/F version of this video for FREE: https://youtu.be/_1QdmMIHwII
F/f and F/m versions are here: http://www.serendipity-art.net/index.php?route=product/category&path=61
Mouth Fitness F/M [Cassie and Ray] 001
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: Emi
Tags: Oral Vore Mouth Tongue Soft Vore F/M Saliva Female Teeth Macro/Micro lips Male Prey Female Pred 3D mouth view female vore 3D Render Saliva strings male victim
And finally, a screenshot from F/m version of my newest video "Mouth Fitness". Beautiful Cassie is a predator here!
Watch the M/F version of this video for FREE: https://youtu.be/_1QdmMIHwII
F/f and F/m versions are here: http://www.serendipity-art.net/index.php?route=product/category&path=61
mojaveraider - 9 years ago
Some of my guy friends say "You gotta big mouth." This would sure show 'em! LMAO!
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: Emi
Tags: Oral Vore Soft Vore Same Size Swallowing Female Whole Goo transparent wet F/FF Female Prey Female Pred female victim dissolving clothes pregnant prey Nude Female female vore same girls prey Multiple Preys
Emi - 9 years ago
I think because this one is pregnant...:)
Emi - 9 years ago
This is for Eka's, but I will also add some of my comics to my website, too.
ILLEGAL ALIEN 93 - 9 years ago
Nice comic but can you tell me why one of the female victims has suck a big pregnant looking belly
Maexam2 - 9 years ago
Is this a new comic for Eka's or is it the preview for a comic/video on your website? Looks good, by the way.
Slowly Down [Mark and Ins] 002
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: Emi
Tags: Tongue Soft Vore Male M/F Female Female Prey tongue play Red Head Male Pred Red hair tongue sticking out tongue out
M/f =)
Deletedn4388stg - 9 years ago
All the !!!!'s
Emi - 9 years ago
!!!! =)
Emi - 9 years ago
yep she is:)
Deletedn4388stg - 9 years ago
Damn!!!!! The detail on that face is top notch!!!!!
As always viva Zera!!!!!!!
BigBrownie - 9 years ago
Looks happy to go down :)
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: Emi
Tags: Soft Vore Stomach Swallowing
Hey guys:) Great news!!! I've FINALLY set up a new site. This is friendly for USA and Europe customers!;) So, please visit:
Emi - 9 years ago
Depends on where I am or the second admin (my loved husband). If any of us is online and see your order right when you payed, you will recieve it immediately. If we sleep or away or anything, you will recieve it in a few hours:) But no more than 24 hours:) At least if we are alive alive:)
SoupsLewd - 9 years ago
How long does it take for the order to go through?
MKX: Edenian Snack [Sub-Zero/Tanya]
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: Emi
Tags: Oral Vore M/F Macro/Micro Mortal Kombat Female Prey Human Prey Human Pred Tanya Male Pred Sub-Zero
Hey!:) Another piece of my MK vore here:)
This is what I call "eating alive". Not "hard vore" where the prey is chewed or torn to pieces, and not "soft vore" where the prey is just swallowed - gently and unharmed. I prefer it this way: the prey is just eaten. Devoured. And the pred doesn't care about that it's alive. It's just a piece of food which must be pushed into the mouth. And he also doesn't care that limbs may break if they bend a wrong...
[ Continued ... ]
Emi - 9 years ago
I'm happy to know that someone likes my Sub-Zero stuff:) Thank you!
[Dinobonoid] - 9 years ago
As I said before, glorious. All the better being a Sub-Zero main myself.
Deletedn4388stg - 9 years ago
I love the idea of prey having her bones broken but is alive and struggling when swallowed. This is one of my favorite scenarios, because it makes her more helpless when she enters the stomach and is digested alive *evil grin*
Emi - 9 years ago
This is what I call "eating alive". Not "hard vore" where the prey is chewed or torn to pieces, and not "soft vore" where the prey is just swallowed - gently and unharmed. I prefer it this way: the prey is just eaten. Devoured. And the pred doesn't care about that it's alive. It's just a piece of food which must be pushed into the mouth. And he also doesn't care that limbs may break if they bend a wrong direction. The food lump must be comfortable to swallow, this is the only thing he cares about.
Emi - 9 years ago
Cool! =)
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: Emi
Tags: POV Mouth Tongue F/F F/M Saliva Throat Female F/? Uvula Teeth mouthplay Mouth play Female Pred tongue play Interactive female human Mouthshot mouthful mouth view mouth shot female vore Saliva strings Uvula play mouth open
Hey, guys!
I've finally released the new project. But this time you are not only an observer!
"Interactive Mouth" is an interactive animation. Touch the different areas of Milena's mouth clicking the left button of your mouse and see what will happen. Press directional buttons to look around. But be careful! You never know what will make her gulp you down.
Find this thing right here: http://gastronautics.net/index.php?route=product/category&path=61
[ Continued ... ]
Emi - 9 years ago
:) Да не так уж и много оно весит. Я для тебя залью отдельно, поиграешь:)
TDF9055 - 9 years ago
Because this ISN'T the actual interactive mouth. There is a link in the description to the store page where you can buy the mouth that you can actually interact with.
justinrpg - 9 years ago
this is NOT WORKING!!! it loads to 100% and NOTHING happens!!!
Zapor - 9 years ago
О боже... выглядит офигенно, но я жопой чую что оно будет весить докуку и больше - ибо гамак и твое фирменное несжатие) но выглядит эффектно, я б поиграл... а эти слюнки просто НЯЯЯЯ! ^,^
Emi - 9 years ago
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: Emi
Tags: Gulp F/F Hard Vore Same Size Gore Blood Swallowing Female Fatal Swallowed Guro vomit Mortal Kombat Fatality Female Prey Female Pred vomiting swallow whole Swallowed alive female victim Mileena Kitana female human
I know, I know guys, you love Mileena. Everyone who loves vore and MK loves Mileena =))) I usually don't do any female vore for myself, but this is an exception. Because I also love MK, Mileena and klassic fatalities:)
Also I must inform you: I do have ALL FEMALE MODELS from Mortal Kombat 9 and MKX.
I'm OPEN FOR MORTAL KOMBAT KOMMISSIONS!!!;) I mean, I can create a picture or a comic for you using the real MK models from the game. PM if you're interested;)
[ Continued ... ]
XDDX - 9 years ago
I liked Mileena more when she didn't have the stupid half mouthy lips things attached to her face. Her MK9 demon face was much much better. Grrr silly game developers!
Modern45 - 9 years ago
Rothar - 9 years ago
Looks like the result of someone who ate to much strawberry jam :P
Deletedn4388stg - 9 years ago
Bye bye Kitana!
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: Emi
Tags: Gulp F/F Same Size Swallowing Female Fatal Swallowed Mortal Kombat Fatality Female Prey Female Pred swallow whole Swallowed alive female victim Mileena Kitana female human
I know, I know guys, you love Mileena. Everyone who loves vore and MK loves Mileena =))) I usually don't do any female vore for myself, but this is an exception. Because I also love MK, Mileena and klassic fatalities:)
Also I must inform you: I do have ALL FEMALE MODELS from Mortal Kombat 9 and MKX.
I'm OPEN FOR MORTAL KOMBAT KOMMISSIONS!!!;) I mean, I can create a picture or a comic for you using the real MK models from the game. PM if you're interested;)
[ Continued ... ]
Darkyamato80 - 9 years ago
ohh yesss!!! great job . i hope netherrealm will see that!! realy great job :)
Wolfwood - 9 years ago
Yay for voretalities ^^
Mileena is my soul reason for getting into Mk.
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: Emi
Tags: Scat Belly Stomach F/F Inside Fart Same Size Female Farting Butt Non-fatal Gas Anus Full tour Non-digestion Female Prey Female Pred Inside view females Belly bulge Inside stomach Gassy Endosoma female victim female human Shitting Sakura Haruno Ino yamanaka female vore inside belly Naruto Uzumaki Casual vore scat in hair
Seelane - 7 years ago
Still one of the best full tour to this date.
fetish71 - 8 years ago
Seelane - 8 years ago
I really like This comic, I hope to see another comic like these two,you are really talented in drawning comic.
jedsho1234 - 9 years ago
Awesome stuff! Ino is lucky to survive that
momonari - 9 years ago
Thanks for the suggestion but I'm not into collages or poser images =P
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: Emi
Tags: Belly Stomach F/F Inside Burp Same Size Female Non-fatal Full tour Female Prey Female Pred Inside view females Belly bulge Inside stomach Endosoma female victim female human Sakura Haruno Ino yamanaka female vore inside belly Naruto Uzumaki Casual vore
Commission for my dear friend Matt.
Please, visit my site: www.voraphilm.com
The new female vore video is released!;)
Septia - 9 years ago
I really love this one and the next one~ So good~
Deleteduser532 - 9 years ago
Love it!
MelancholyClownD - 9 years ago
I prefer ino but this is also great. ^^
SoupsLewd - 9 years ago
AAAAAHHHH!!!!!! *panics with joy* Thank You!!!!
The K - 9 years ago
very cool. Sakura had a big meal.
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: Emi
Tags: Oral Vore Tongue Comic Hard Vore M/F Saliva Gore Blood Fatal Teeth Jade chewing Macro/Micro Mortal Kombat Female Prey Internal View Human Pred M/multiple prey Male Pred Mileena Kitana shrunken prey Frozen prey Sub-Zero Sonya Blade Sheeva Multiple Preys
Yes. Randomly crunched pieces of ice... Looks like Sonya is still lucky!
Deletedn4388stg - 9 years ago
Lurking mainly
Been quickly popping on and off (not as active as I have been)
Emi - 9 years ago
I'm so glad to see you again!:) Where have you been, dear friend?:)
Deletedn4388stg - 9 years ago
loooove it!!!
Emi - 9 years ago
It's right:) Actually, I love that too. And you are free to use this in the story, too, to bring difference;)
PocketHero - 9 years ago
No, but he always loved teeth and crunching. ; D
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: Emi
Tags: Oral Vore Comic Hard Vore M/F Blood Fatal Jade chewing Macro/Micro Mortal Kombat Female Prey Human Pred M/multiple prey Male Pred Mileena Kitana shrunken prey Frozen prey Sub-Zero Sonya Blade Sheeva Multiple Preys
C'mon guys! Please, comment:) I will appreciate this much!:)
Emi - 9 years ago
I wish it was, too:) Thank you!
Dragonic_Wolf - 9 years ago
If only this fatality was in the actual game. Haha. Very great. Mans gotta snack! Might as well put useless enemies to good use as nutrition.
Emi - 9 years ago
Ah, really?? I'm so happy to hear that! Can't wait to read your story!;)
PocketHero - 9 years ago
This has helped inspire me with the story I am working on for you.
Emi - 9 years ago
Наверное. Ледышки пока еще не мертвые:) В желудке тепло. Теоретически они могут оттаять и прожить еще несколько минут. По крайней мере, те, у кого не раздроблен череп:)
Probably yes. Pieces of ice are not dead yet:) It's warm in the stomach. Theoretically, that may melt and stay alive for some more minutes. At least, these ones whose skull is not crushed;)
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: Emi
Tags: Scat Fat F/F Anal Fart Absorption Same Size Female Anal Vore Farting Butt dream Gas Anus Blonde Post-Vore nightmare Full tour Post Vore Scat Girlfriend Female Prey Woman Prey Female Pred Postvore Facesitting Anal Insertion Butt Expansion Gassy fat pred Butt crush Shitting dreaming Ass Play anal play fat ass Farted dream vore post vore fart
Comission for LoneCatboy
...or is it? The vengeful soul of poor Sarah has decided to fuse itself with the very waste that killed her, turning the sloppy pile into a creature all its own! Time for a little revenge! A horrible smell wakes the evil ex-girlfriend in the middle of the night, just in time for her to be engulfed alive by the massive waste creature. Looks like she created a monster!
mojaveraider - 5 years ago
The thought of being swallowed alive by a giant blob of shit.
Hereforvore - 7 years ago
She was half digested and burned, and she got buried and left to suffocate.
Sharktooth - 7 years ago
Where is the rest? And how did she die she was alive when she was shat out
Karkat - 8 years ago
"It's a shit demon!"
DoctorBirkin - 9 years ago
Just google for great mighty poo and you know whats meant.
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: Emi
Tags: Scat Fat F/F Anal Fart Absorption Same Size Female Anal Vore Farting Butt Gas Anus Blonde Post-Vore Full tour Post Vore Scat Girlfriend Female Prey Woman Prey Female Pred Postvore Facesitting Anal Insertion Butt Expansion Gassy fat pred Butt crush Shitting Ass Play anal play fat ass Farted post vore fart
Commission for LoneCatboy
Why is all of this happening? Well Sarah gets her explanation from the devious ex-girlfriend once she is completely released, thought almost entirely buried in nasty waste. Once the evil plan is all laid out, the poor girl is finished off and buried completely, left to suffocate in the bathtub. Looks like this is the end for poor Sarah...
ILLEGAL ALIEN 93 - 9 years ago
Nice artwork but why can't Sarah break out of the poop ?
maxpayne98 - 9 years ago
Also, YES!
maxpayne98 - 9 years ago
What Septia said, man
Emi - 9 years ago
Absorption will be on the next page
Emi - 9 years ago
Thank you, my dear!
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: Emi
Tags: Scat Fat F/F Anal Fart Same Size Female Anal Vore Farting Butt Gas Anus Blonde Post-Vore Full tour Post Vore Scat Girlfriend Female Prey Woman Prey Female Pred Postvore Facesitting Anal Insertion Butt Expansion Gassy fat pred Butt crush Shitting Ass Play anal play fat ass Farted post vore fart
Commission for LoneCatboy
Sarah is kept in her tight, stinky prison for a little while, before a little movement begins to send her on her way back out...along with everything else that was eaten well before she got there. Things are starting to get a little messy!
banzai - 9 years ago
a big belly and a big turd, nice :D
SoupsLewd - 9 years ago
She just looks covered in shit, maybe a little burned
maxpayne98 - 9 years ago
Is she partially digested?
SoupsLewd - 9 years ago
I love this version of Full Tour!
lakai - 9 years ago
Not enough dirty excretions. Lovely. Thanks!
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: Emi
Tags: Fat F/F Anal Fart Same Size Female Anal Vore Farting Butt Gas Anus Blonde Girlfriend Female Prey Woman Prey Female Pred Facesitting Anal Insertion Butt Expansion Gassy fat pred Butt crush Ass Play anal play fat ass Farted
Commission for LoneCatboy
Things take a turn for the worse once poor Sara feels the pucker of the bigger woman begin to suck on her face. Before she knows it, she's packed deeply into the tight, smelly bowels. Looks like someone is having a little daydream about being extremely pregnant!
maxpayne98 - 9 years ago
I looking forward to this ^u^
Emi - 9 years ago
Yes, stay around, you will see. But warning, there will be some scat ;)
Emi - 9 years ago
Yes :)
ILLEGAL ALIEN 93 - 9 years ago
Nice artwork and is there going to be a part 3 ? because I really want to know what the taller girl meant with Hmm maybe someday
maxpayne98 - 9 years ago
Will there be another sequence to this?
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: Emi
Tags: Fat F/F Fart Same Size Non-Vore Female Farting Butt Gas Anus Blonde Girlfriend Female Prey Woman Prey Female Pred Facesitting Butt Expansion Gassy fat pred Butt crush Ass Play fat ass Farted
Commission for LoneCatboy
When Sara gets a call from the ex-girlfriend of the man she is currently dating, she is told that she will get some advice on how to make him happy. By the time she's under the ample rear end of the heavier girl, I think she starts to suspect something is up, especially after the rank fart is blasted into her face.
Cantbearitanymore123 - 7 years ago
Id trust her to facesit on me
RossTheEmeraldFox - 9 years ago
Brand new meme, "what have you just said?" It's up there right next to "All you're bace is ours now"
Septia - 9 years ago
This is such a good comic, and later on it has some amazingly drawn stuff~ so Much so it makes me want to commission you.
ublover1 - 9 years ago
lucky gal :3 im so jelly :P
20002000 - 9 years ago
What have you just said?
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: Emi
Tags: Oral Vore Soft Vore Character Digestion Anal F/M Giantess Female Butt Anus model Post-Vore Post Vore Scat Male Prey Female Pred Postvore 3D Post Digestion Mileena 3D Modeling ass expansion Ass Play Giantess Vore 3D Render tiny man milena tiny guy
Here is the end of this story. Thank you guys for being with me and with Milena all the way, I hope you enjoyed this picture sequence!
Don't forget, I promised to publish the videocomic "Milena: Ass Event". It's coming soon. So, visit my gallery not to miss it!
If you would like me to create a personal picture sequence for you (with Milena or any other of my models), please, PM or email me. This is really cheap (see the details here:...
[ Continued ... ]
Emi - 9 years ago
Emi - 9 years ago
А по-моему толстая:) Ей чем мужиков жрать, лучше б в спортзал походила, жир слила, мышцы отростила, сама бы вкусняшкой полезной стала :P
Thorzain - 9 years ago
I really liked this story. It was lovely :3
Modern45 - 9 years ago
Классная задница, отращенная стараниями маленьких мужичков)
Nice ass grown by little men)
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: Emi
Tags: Oral Vore Scat Belly Soft Vore Character Digestion F/M Giantess Female Toilet Butt Anus model Post-Vore Post Vore Scat Male Prey Female Pred Postvore 3D Post Digestion Mileena Shitting 3D Modeling ass expansion Ass Play Giantess Vore 3D Render tiny man milena tiny guy
JWesh - 9 years ago
Is she looking for more volunteers? ;)
Umhuebr - 9 years ago
He's just shit now!
Pulchritudinous_Cenobite - 9 years ago
Wish we could watch
joeburp22181 - 9 years ago
Not a good bye, he'll forever be a part of those cruel t&a.
Thorzain - 9 years ago
Bye little brother :)
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: Emi
Tags: Oral Vore Scat Belly Soft Vore Character Digestion Anal F/M Giantess Female Toilet Butt Anus model Post-Vore Post Vore Scat Male Prey Female Pred Postvore 3D Post Digestion Mileena Shitting 3D Modeling ass expansion Ass Play Giantess Vore 3D Render tiny man milena tiny guy
ScaledWall - 9 years ago
You should look into MakeHuman. Free, and with it maybe you'll be able to release stuff more often.
Duncan-Idaho - 9 years ago
I absolutely love the idea withholding her prey as scat. Torturing them in her bowels.
Modern45 - 9 years ago
Такое хитрое и злорадное лицо)
joeburp22181 - 9 years ago
Man, gotta love that cruel attitude! So devious yet sexaaaay!
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: Emi
Tags: Oral Vore Scat Belly Soft Vore Character Digestion Anal F/M Giantess Female Toilet Butt Anus model Post-Vore Post Vore Scat Male Prey Female Pred Postvore 3D Post Digestion Mileena Shitting 3D Modeling ass expansion Ass Play Giantess Vore 3D Render tiny man milena tiny guy
Emi - 9 years ago
Спасибо:) Это делалось на заказ, лично я бы тоже добавила:)
Bautunnick - 9 years ago
Классно получается) Было бы еще показано барахтанье жертвы в желудке... Ну ладно, не буду лезть со своими заморочками:)
Emi - 9 years ago
Ah, poor brother:))) I'd prefer to switch their places:)
Realmwars - 9 years ago
There is such a great family bond between these two. I'm so proud of them.
joeburp22181 - 9 years ago
Awww, how precious, the older sister just digesting her brother away, soon to become nothing more than a rank pile of shit... how tender <3.
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: Emi
Tags: Gulp Oral Vore Mouth Soft Vore Character F/M Giantess Commission Swallowing Female Swallowed Butt model lips Licking Male Prey Female Pred swallow whole 3D Swallowed alive Mileena 3D Modeling Swallowing whole Giantess Vore 3D Render Swallowing alive tiny man milena tiny guy lips lick
piioniic - 9 years ago
awesome work
joeburp22181 - 9 years ago
"It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine......."
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: Emi
Tags: Non-Vore
Mouth of my model:) Soma saliva added?
If you like this stuff and want to support me, please, become my Patron!
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jitensha - 9 years ago
very sexy <3
Zapor - 9 years ago
прямо в процссе анимации? Тогда ок =) Просто не знал я про такое дело =)
Emi - 9 years ago
А зачем с помощью морфов?) Их можно просто hide/unhide)
Zapor - 9 years ago
то есть чтобы ниточки слюня можно было бы заставить появляться или исчезать рпи помощи морфов - как моргание к примеру
Emi - 9 years ago
В смысле - возможность убираться мимикой?)
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: Emi
Tags: Gulp Oral Vore Mouth Soft Vore Character F/M Giantess Commission Swallowing Female Swallowed Butt model lips Licking Male Prey Female Pred swallow whole 3D Swallowed alive Mileena 3D Modeling Swallowing whole Giantess Vore 3D Render Swallowing alive tiny man milena tiny guy lips lick
Emi - 9 years ago
joeburp22181 - 9 years ago
Pray for the rest of her family then, or if you know her, just don't get shrunk around her if you want to live!
joeburp22181 - 9 years ago
Emi - 9 years ago
Looks like she doesn't! This is Milena from "Cruel Girls" show;)
joeburp22181 - 9 years ago
OMG, she just freaking swallowed her 'little' brother!!!!!! What a fate... phew! *Eyes boggled*. Does she even care I wonder? It's not like he's coming back from there! What a beautiful fantasy...~
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: Emi
Tags: Oral Vore Mouth Tongue Soft Vore Character F/M Giantess Maw Saliva Commission Throat Female Mawshot Uvula Teeth Butt model wet lips Licking mouthplay Mouth play Male Prey Female Pred slimy 3D Mileena 3D Modeling mouth view mouth shot Giantess Vore 3D Render humid tiny man milena tiny guy lips lick
Thorzain - 9 years ago
Moar <3 <3
Uploaded: 9 years ago
Owner: Emi
Tags: POV Mouth Tongue Giantess Throat Female Mawshot Uvula Female Pred
Look here guys, I worked over Milena's mouth just a bit. Added some "randomness" to her throat and tongue. This must look even more realistic now:)
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Zapor - 9 years ago
Emi - 9 years ago
Милена говорит, что она не против :3
Zapor - 9 years ago
Она без твоей отмашки вообще ничего не сделает :3
BigBrownie - 9 years ago
Looks amazing Zera :)
Realmwars - 9 years ago
I'd be down with that actually.
Licklash - 7 years ago
Even if they're right, it's still really rude of them to put it in such a way....It doesn't feel right...