Sarah battered her clogged up mind, what had she done this time? It was always such a struggle to remember things after you got reformed, but the last moments were the hardest for some reason and at the same time the ones most desired, as you wanted to know why you were here naked and wet from the regeneration process, quickly getting cold.
It took her a moment as she was ushered on to realize she wasn't in her own body. Something in the way the institution's personnel looked and tr
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: Throku
Tags: Belly Human Digestion F/F Same Size Reformation Toilet Fatal Muscle muscular Unwilling Prey Size difference Nudity Female Prey Human Prey Female Pred Original Character Disposal Human Pred Muscle Girl Nude Female Fast Digestion denied reformation
A trip to the reformer doesn't go as planned.
Short story.
dcvfgb1234 - 5 years ago
How would it be possible, though? Nobody knows Sarah was misplaced and nobody, but Adeline, knows that she was in that drone and tried to communicate. Even if it was found out that she'd been in a drone Adeline disposed of, then Adeline just would say she had no idea and that Sarah hadn't managed to establish contact before teh nom.
As much as I'd like for Sarah to be avenged, then I just don't see any way it'd be possible to do in a way which isn't basically a deus ex machina.
Throku - 5 years ago
Not sure about avenged, but prehaps revenge.
You see Sarah was so rich and filled Adeline up to the point that some of it spilled over and Adeline accidentically put on a few pounds, to the point that her dress felt uncomfortable in places.
Not used to manage bodyfat as a source of energy she had to rummage her memmory and her laptop for the digital copy of her old notes back from when she was studying.
She still kept them around, eventhough as she found out that it had been over seven months since last she had a look in the folder they were in.
It took her nearly an hour to freshen up her skills, but after that there was still enough left of the day, and she such a high maintenaince woman, that she didn't even need to go and work out to burn off the few pounds of padding Sarah had given her.
Meaning Adeline was free of that the same day, in just a few hours even, where as Sarah would have to wait over a week before she was set free from her Adeline prison and by that time Adeline had burned off every single calori she'd gotten from Sarah, even whet her predator self had stored, that and much more, otherwise sarah wouldn't have gotten all that company she had as she finally disembarked.
Throku - 5 years ago
Thanks! I've been mulling over reformation in my head for years now without getting anything down, and I never liked it safe and neither willy nilly from anywhere anytime. :)
And I guess this was mostly a stab at the concept, hence no outfleshed setings. I'm pretty sure I'll reuse it in otehr more fullfledged scenarios.
Mechdragon1k - 5 years ago
I kind of hope she gets avenged and the world finds out in the sequal?
Frequent calories
Charlie being six foot two and in decent shape, especially considering the stereotypical security officer, stepped aside, to make room and allowed Cameron's petite form to pass him by in her little black dress. She took the seat at the main computer at the security station they were in, while he went over to have a closer look at the wall of monitors.
”What?” he asked as he looked over his shoulder at her muffled snickering.
”Nothing.” She mused and tapp
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: Throku
Tags: Belly Human Digestion F/F F/M Reformation Story Female Prey Male Prey Female Pred
Security worker, keeping tabs on the female staff, one in particular.
Short story.
TW - 4 years ago
Yes, it happens, far too frequently. The good news is that your own work continues to give you ideas.
Throku - 4 years ago
Well in this case the main problem was that I had this story as it is, so all the ideas I had sort of sprung from it, meaning all ideas sort of started at the same place and time instead of one after one another. And since I didn't sort that mess out in time I ran in to my old nemesis the slippery slope. I take it you've dueled that beast too. Before you know it the hero of the initial story who saved the freaking universe if getting shat out of one of the dist mites left on the pillow of some random no one cares girl who just happened to be mentioned in the story and not even by name.
TW - 4 years ago
Sequals are always a problem, or even having large chapters. Nothing ever seems to want to flow the same after the initial idea gets on the page.
Throku - 5 years ago
Heh, thanks!
I sort of ran into trouble after this. I've started half a dozen sequels to this one but finished none of them and now it's a bit of a mess :P
TW - 5 years ago
Cute short. Nice to see some writing from you again.
Uploaded: 17 years ago
Owner: Throku
Tags: Comic Digestion Burp Toilet Butt gurgle Big Belly Full Belly Mass Vore Female Pred Defecation Kim Possible Disposal f/multiple Quick Digestion Multiple Preys
Kim Possible comic. (Yeah, just one BIG page) f/(multiple m) digestion defecation, you know the drill ;)
LavaTours - 10 years ago
I loved when Kim pooped out the team. I wish there could've been a shot of her seated on the toilet.
TheWatcher10 - 12 years ago
Very nice indeed
voreadmirer - 12 years ago
shoot, she could eat all of those football players and come out skinny? she must have a very powerful metabolism
Throku - 12 years ago
It seems to be requested... I actually don't like fanfic material, I was suprised to findmyself drawing this one in the first place. :P
I guess it was the "I can do anything!"-motto I wanted to put a spin to. It's still good though, so perhaps. ;)
voreadmirer - 12 years ago
oh one more thing are you ever going to do a remake of the kim possible vore someday? :)
By: Throku
[email protected]
Completed 20070207 (That's February the 7th)
Disclaimer: This story includes scenes of f/any vore that is females swallowing other living things whole, in this case that means other females, men and horses. Those who do not wish to read about that stop now and go elsewhere.
Further I do not wish to have my work distributed, so if you want to post it anywhere, please ask me first, see e-mail above, I check it regularly.
Being a bit of a t
Uploaded: 18 years ago
Owner: Throku
Tags: Unbirth Horse F/F F/M Giantess Magic Story Fairy F/equiene horse prey giantess prey Fairy pred giantess pred F/equine
My third freestanding story. F/any as usual. ^^
You might not want to skip ahead to the "goodies" it might get really confusing if you do.
rugli - 6 years ago
You could always commison someone to draw the comic but that might be expensive.
Throku - 13 years ago
:P Strange, I haven't really written a stand alone story of stuff I really like, this one I suppose is the closest. Though it was really meant to be a comic, but I learned that I just couldn't draw it. I had the whole script in my head for several years before I gave up and wrote it as a story instead.
"Lazy" and "Happy Tummy" and what not have all been weird ideas that have invaded my brain a boring afternoon or other.
conix32 - 13 years ago
Correction, I meant to put this comment on "Lazy" >.< I fail....
conix32 - 13 years ago
Man, this was one of the first stories I ever read involving vore on writing.com, how the years have past...
ThatGuy - 14 years ago
XD. Yeah, I love micro-vore, too - or is it macro-vore, these names always get me... In any case, tiny preds. Most people don't do it, but glad to see I'm not the only one. ;)
Uploaded: 19 years ago
Owner: Throku
Tags: Oral Vore Digestion F/F Full Same Size Swallowing Animation Bikini Beach Cut-away Full tour Female Prey Internal View Female Pred belly expansion Graphic digestion full digestion animated full-tour
Samesize f/f vore with digestion.
Ehh warning it's kind of big...362 frames kind of big...
Throku - 3 years ago
Yepp, shame to have a prey fo to waste :P
Ultimax300 - 3 years ago
Damn that's an efficient digestive track, ingesting a whole human being but only having waste about the size of a golf ball.
Throku - 5 years ago
Yeah the way I prefer it, prey is food and shouldn't bother their predator ^^ And I perhaps wrongly assumed they were normal sized, but I guess that end lump could be 4 inches, but that's make them pretty tall to begin with. :P
htaed - 5 years ago
Gotta say, that's an astonishingly efficient digestive system. A full-size adult woman reduced to a perhaps a four inch turd.
TheFurryFeline - 12 years ago
Haha, true. =3
By: Throku
[email protected]
Disclaimer: This story includes scenes of f/any vore that is females swallowing other living things whole, in this case that means other females, men and cows. Those who do not wish to read about that stop now and go elsewhere.
Further I do not wish to have my work distributed, so if you want to post it anywhere, please ask me first, see e-mail above, I check it regularly.
Near the northwestern boarder of France in a beautiful meadow the lan
Uploaded: 19 years ago
Owner: Throku
My first freestanding story and also my first Frakass fanfiction. It's a short story about some of the creatures in Frakass's world, fith focus on my favourites, the Hap-hap elves.
f/f f/F f/M F/cow
Throku - 18 years ago
;) yay! More Hap-haps for the people! Ehh... and possibly more people for the hap-haps, they tend to have a bit of an appetite :P
Frakass - 18 years ago
I had to post a comment for this story! Thank you, Throku, this one is wonderfull, and even if the geographic location is not totally right, as these events never take place on Earth, It's a really accurate sight of the situation on Elviana! You succeed to show a totally realistic vision of the Hap-Haps. I promise, I will do more Hap-Hap Art!
Throku - 19 years ago
:D well they are my favourite Frakass creation, I hope he draws more of them...which could mean I'd make another story, who knows?
Shyguy9 - 19 years ago
Very interesting. The Hap-Haps are amazingly clever! Great story as well, I enjoyed every bit of it. ^^
Throku - 19 years ago
Thanks ;) Yeah it sure does. I wondr if he'll do some more art? I haven't seen anything from him in a year or so.
By: Throku
[email protected]
Disclaimer: This story includes scenes of f/f vore that is female swallowing other females. Those who do not wish to read about that stop now and go elsewhere.
Further I do not wish to have my work distributed, so if you want to post it anywhere, please ask me first, see e-mail above, I check it regularly.
No one knew why, but for some reason the aliens had set up their headquarters, not like all Hollywood movies would predict in Washington
Uploaded: 19 years ago
Owner: Throku
My second Frakass fanfiction. I guess one could say it resolves around the front picture of Frakass's Yahoo-group. f/f
Throku - 5 years ago
Well I'm in the process of trying to move across the country (back home), so that's what's keeping me, when that's done, I'm looking into rebooting the interactives onto CHYOA, an interactive site that looks quite promising and I've been in contact with the admin, so content wise there's no problems. Still quite the undertaking though and well I'll only be able to upload what I've done, the other contributors will have to re-upload their stuff if they feel like it.
As for the VRPG-stuff...been looking through the old threads here apparently the uploadlinks are not working anymore. Perhaps I should just upload the conversations.txt to the library? It's going to be akward reading as lines doesn't break and it's in code format and as such conversations and options are semi-randomly listed.
rugli - 5 years ago
Any way to access those by other ways?
Throku - 5 years ago
True enough ^^ A shame most of my writing is in strange formats, so I haven't been able to upload it here. I mean I wrote like 300 pages of conversations for Dumautef's VRPG for one and I think at least twice that for various interactive stories. Unfortunately writing.com has gone down the drain, so linking won't do much good since after the first four chapters of a story you run into their pay block wall. :/
rugli - 5 years ago
You,are welcome :) but I find this myself actually…often the best way to enjoy something properly if one's self has written something is leaving it for a long time. Also what I like about your gallery is even if you haven't done much or any writing since back then is that you have allowed this to stay online with easy access since we have seen it way to often when people feel they don't want contribute anything (stories or art) futher they tend to want delete everything they have done. So all that turn up when someone else
Throku - 5 years ago
Thanks :) Feels almost weird reading it now, like someone else did it. :P
Uploaded: 19 years ago
Owner: Throku
Tags: Male Female gif Growing High Heels animated gif
For once the guy isn't me, this is the fifth avatar I made and it ends prematurely because that's where I hit the filsize limit and well I got annoyed because of that and never got around to finish it, naturally she was going to eat him :P I doubt I'll ever do pixel animation again so it will forever stay unfinished
Throku - 18 years ago
Unfortunatly I never finished this one because I couldn't compress the filesize anymore and the forum I was on at the time had a maximum avatar size of 15kB. Now it seems late to finish it, of course she was supposed to eat him like the ladies in my other avatars are eating or about to eat the guy in them.
DragonessLife - 18 years ago
She get mad with guy. I love that. Great job!
Uploaded: 19 years ago
Owner: Throku
Tags: Oral Vore Soft Vore F/M Giantess Swallowing Animation Macro/Micro icon gif Male Prey Female Pred Throat bulge
Number two again Giantess(Redhead)/me
Yeah, this was made after something Redhead said, I don't remember what it was though, supposedly that whist stuff is girl-juice, there was no chance in hell I could make anything translucent within the filesize limit.
Throku - 18 years ago
Thank you! Luckily he isn't stuck for long, her stomach knows its business ^^
DragonessLife - 18 years ago
She looks beautiful. Poor guy stuch in her stomach. You did good job!
Uploaded: 19 years ago
Owner: Throku
Tags: Oral Vore Soft Vore F/M Giantess Swallowing Animation Macro/Micro icon gif Male Prey Female Pred Throat bulge
Again, giantess/me, gotta hold on! :P
DragonessLife - 18 years ago
Guy will fall down her mouth or Maybe She will bite his. I love that.
Uploaded: 19 years ago
Owner: Throku
Tags: Oral Vore Soft Vore Digestion F/M Swallowing Animation midriff loop hands first hand on belly
The fourth one I made...even signed this one...it was meant to be used of Stuffed online's forum and it was, though I did manage to register, but I think that was all I managed before the site was taken down ;( Oh, the lady eating me is HipHuggerHippie ;D
Throku - 5 years ago
Bah now you make me feel bad that I never got around to making a large version of it... (this was the max size both in height and with and filesize that the forum allowed for at the time.)
HipHugger - 5 years ago
Oh, hi there HipHugger of the past! This is HipHugger of the future coming to let you know that I still love this pixel art ;) Stay groovy, girl.
DragonessLife - 18 years ago
Wow. She swallowing his. I like her belly. You are great work hard!
HipHugger - 18 years ago
*giggles* I still love it!
Uploaded: 19 years ago
Owner: Throku
Tags: Non-Vore Animation Pixel art pixal
The first avatar I made, the guy was simple because I wanted to try things out first, but then well...it just got more detailed :P
Giantess/Simplified me
DragonessLife - 18 years ago
I love her mouth. Great job!
DragonessLife - 18 years ago
I love her mouth. Great job!
Mechdragon1k - 2 years ago
There might be a recording somewhere. People who might inspect Sarah disappearance and know she arrived at the reformers but did not come back out, raising the question is there a critical flaw in the reformers, enough study into that might reveal she was a drone. Adeline Might stilll be able to play the no contact before nom card but her fate was revealed.