pulled the blankets a little closer and muttered under her breath as
she felt the motion of her girlfriend sliding out of bed.
my gosh, I swear it’s gotten colder since last night!” Lora
squeaked through chattering teeth.
thin and dainty young inkling grabbed a heavy robe from the arm of a
chair by the bed and pulled it on, her pointed teeth already starting
to chatter. Ticca felt sorry for the petite little thing. While being
what the internet lovingly called ‘thicc’ was
Take Care of Your Little Squid
By: marloweny
back in her desk chair, Jora groaned quietly as she slid her glasses
off her face before rubbing an eye with her hand. She had been
staring at her computer screen for close to three hours now, working
away on her latest project, and while she had made some headway on
some of the technical elements, she could tell it was still going to
take longer than she first anticipated. Jora glanced to her bedroom
window, tearing her eyes away from the screen and taking a few
moments to watch the sto
BB: Belly Buddies (Part 3)
By: Darkarri
between Jora’s fingers down the hall, through a living room, and up
a flight of stairs, Dari took in her surroundings with idle
curiosity. Nothing stuck out to her as too abnormal. The living room
was a bit messy, with a couple of plates and glasses left out on a
coffee table, a pillow and single blanket laying crumpled across the
couch alongside a woman’s top and, oddly enough, a black pirate
captain’s hat. After going upstairs, Jora carried Dari past
doorways to what looked to be
BB: Bath Buddies (Part 2)
By: Darkarri