If Scott had once been unsure if he was in the right place for the party, the booming music and strobe lights pouring out of the open windows and the dozens of people congregating in the gardens of the otherwise long-abandoned mansion ensured him that he had arrived.Well, that, and the short manlet of a demon pushing him from behind. “Hurry up, we’re gonna late, dumbass.” Radsi’s sharp nails dug into Scott’s back as he picked up the pace, hopping over a demolished p
A Devil's Dinner Party
By: Cryos
This was the first time Cordelia or Lucina had ever seen Robin make a miscalculation. Unfortunately, as the raven-haired tactician slid down Tharja’s throat, it was made rather clear that it was also going to be the last time. Drool streamed down the dark mage’s chin as she brought a single finger to her lips and pressed it against Robin’s forehead, slowly, agonizingly pushing the girl’s shocked face further into the abyss at the back of her throat. Lucina and Cordelia st
Tharja Hyperscat Commission
By: Cryos
Ele and Sarah had spent their day off watching old horror movies and fucking, as they had the home to themselves for once. Unfortunately, that was coming to an end. The door to their bedroom flew open, and the girls saw Ele’s younger brother Evan invading their space without a care in the world, his fat, distended gut squirming and screaming beneath his t-shirt..
The nineteen-year-old femboy waved, before swiping the remote from Sarah’s hands. “Hey Sis, Sarah. Scooch back, my s
Dirty Dutch Oven
By: Cryos
WARNING! This story contains hard vore, as well as post-vore scat! Read at your own risk~
There is something almost surreal about seeing the countryside at night. The safety and comfort and streetlights and houses fade away the further from town you travel, until nothing remains but fields of grass and forests and farmland.
October had always been your favourite month of the year. Watching the trees change colour, the warmer weather finally dying down, and of course, the spirit of Halloween slo
Hide and Seek and Hellhounds (Pre-Halloween)
By: Cryos