Chris groaned, laying in bed. Being sick sucked. It was time out without any of the enjoyment. And he still needed to get up and take care of his micros. They were obviously worried, Tifa, Nami, Juliet, Hinata, Sakura, Samus, and Super Girl were all looking at him in concern. Thankfully, they were immune, but he still wasn't sure if he'd be able to take care of them today. He groaned in his sickbed, “I'll have to call for takeout,” he mumbled, and started coughing.
Hinata took a step
Get Well Soon Chris
By: Jurodan
Notes: A Commission.
weather was nearly perfect, just enough sun, not too much humidity.
Oh sure, some of the more extreme cosplayers would probably be
suffering, Chris reflected, but that was always the case when they
entombed themselves in a costume rather than simply wearing one. As
for him, he had his camera, which he checked again. The batteries
were full. The settings were correct, at least, to the extent that
the untested settings said they were working
Cosplayer Collection
By: Jurodan
One Piece Vore
One Piece characters were created by Eiichiro Oda
Luffy wasn't sure what it was, but he knew something was wrong. He hadn't eaten in days… there was no food left on board, and he was feeling ill. Nami said he had Grand Line Fever too and told him to rest, but he couldn't, he was the captain after all. Taking a few unsteady steps, he fell laying flat across the deck. He was so hungry, he could eat ANYTHING right about now.
Above him, the sky seemed to spiral, the clo
Luffy eats Nami
By: Jurodan