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The long ride back has made Celestina quite bored, fortunately she has someone to accompany her.. for a long while...
Part one of a comic sequence I'm doing as a request that I left alone for awhile. I tried replicating manga style a little bit which is why it is in black and white although I plan to do a coloured version if it works out. It's my first time doing this sort of thing and also the first tail vore drawing. Part two is currently not ready and I'm not sure if I can get it uploaded by vore day but hey it's been while since I last posted with a little bit of motivation and couple days off work. Sela is the victim yet again but I want to draw another OC prey for the future.
Thank you to Vulgun for lending their OC Celestina and coming up with the monologue for this piece.
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Posted by FireRed2 7 months ago Report
Amazing work