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Look, i get it. Tagging shit on Eka's can be a bit of a nightmare - so many redundant if not downright pointless tags that can obfuscate a picture rather than make it discoverable to those who are into something specific. But if I see another "digestion" picture that shows NOTHING I swear to god I'm going to tear my hair out. You know what I think of in a digestion pic? Showing a prey that's actively melting. Showing a sequence of a belly that's gradually receding. Even just a simple before and after pic that shows that the digestion ever happened at all.
Surely that's not a hot take, right? You want to imply that the prey is going to be digested, but can't be bothered showing it? IMPLIED DIGESTION. THAT'S A TAG. USE THAT INSTEAD AND STOP BEING A MISLEADING BLUE BALL. CHRIST.
Don't even get me STARTED with all these story writers who shamelessly steal interesting looking art that isn't theirs without permission or credit from the original author or linking the original picture, to use as a thumbnail without any indication ON the thumbnail that the piece is a story and not an art piece until you click on it. Stop that too. At least link the original picture if you're going to engage in that kind of fucking annoying clickbait. Auuuugh.
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Posted by AphWishes 2 months ago Report
You have become the very thing you swore to destroy…
Posted by chibi-wolfy 2 months ago Report
I swear I didn't tag this as digestion myself. Was it added through Tag Approvals or something? Is THAT why this shit keeps happening??? Christ, what a headache.
Posted by AphWishes 2 months ago Report
It’s still kind of funny that that’s the case lol
Posted by Ediblestranger 2 months ago Report
I agree with everything you said. Tagging is a bit of a pain sometimes but it is super necessary and important. If you mistag something you run the risk of ruining someone's mood. Digestion, no digestion, fatal, reformation, endo, age and gender of the pictured pred and prey, etc. are all key factors for what some people enjoy, despise or are turned off by. Creating stuff, even for free, still comes with a modicum of responsibility.
And that bit about the stories, it is so frustrating! I read and write stories but it doesn't take much effort to slap a picture in paint and write "story" on it or some kind of other indicator. If you want a thumbnail for your story instead of just the bland text scroll then go for it but please make it clear it's a story. And if you do use a picture, please put a link to it. Even if it's your own people will still want to see it sometimes.
Posted by chibi-wolfy 2 months ago Report
I mean, responsible tagging for the user's comfort is great and all, but what I'm taking issue with is actually the opposite problem - tagging a picture with something that it clearly not depicted in any form. It's one thing to see an image tagged with something and be able to identify it probably won't be your taste in vore, it's quite another to see it tagged with something you WANT to see and often don't even get - and that's uniquely common with Digestion, as though just the knowledge that the prey isn't intended to be kept whole gives it equal weight to the prey actually being shown as digesting for some reason???
Nevertheless, the reaffirmation is appreciated o3ob
Posted by LobsterMaster 2 months ago Report
That's the price you pay for using old ass forum shit like this
Posted by chibi-wolfy 2 months ago Report
The Eka's backend IS indeed dated, but I don't think that has anything to do with tagging your pics with something that very clearly isn't shown in them. It's not like there's a software limitation preventing you from tagging something as Implied Digestion instead of actual Digestion.
Posted by LobsterMaster 2 months ago Report
I meant more that the etiquette on any site with communnity sourced tagging will always be a fuck fess