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Tags: Anthro Anthro Pred Anthro Prey Avian avian pred avian predator bath bathing bathing pred bathtub Bird Bird Pred Bones bones in belly Bulges belly Digestion Digestion Noises F/M Female Pred Internal View Legend of Zelda Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword loftwing Male Prey Melting melting prey melty digestion Oral Vore Rito Rito Pred Size difference skyward sword Snake Stomach Vortixx
After a long day, it's nice to be able to take a nice hot bath away from prying eyes. It's also a nice way to let your meal digest~ Not the first time that I came here to rest as Cy might be able to tell by what remains in my gut while he stews away....~
Done as a Christmas gift for my partner CryoticSerpent and myself!
Lua (pred) belongs to me!
Cydronix (prey) belongs to CryoticSerpent !
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