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Tags: demons Jagged Jagged jimmy Jimmy Lore
Jagged Jimmy lore time! A summary on how entities can acquire a physical body for themselves.
• The main difference between pacts & possessions is control. In a possession, the entity attempts to subjugate the host's body & mind. The Odkraft of host and entity mixes unpredictably. This can lead to an unstable physical integrity and various deformations, as well as loss of sanity.
• A pact is a controlled Odkraft exchange between host and entity. The pact master remains in a more dominant position, as the host can draw from the entity's Od, but the entity cannot mess with its pact masters' Od or mind. A pact master may offer any part of his/her own body for the pact demon to dwell in. And grant the entity limited control of that body part.
• Curses happen when a separated piece of an entity's essence gets stuck in a physical body. This piece will usually be without any consciousness of its own. It's like getting a tack stuck in your foot. But the tack is a tooth or claw or something like that... This piece still has some qualities of the demon it belonged to, and will cause various effects on its host. A demon may even willingly rip out a piece of itself, to put a curse on someone.
• Incarnation is the creation of a body from nothing. Having acquired enough Odkraft to pull it off, the entity can then create its ideal body as it pleases, and permanently fuse its essence to that body. The downside is that the entity become mortal, it cannot separate its essence from the fused body anymore. If the body dies, so does the entity.
There are also special cases like Strix's Angel. Which was created by fusing possessed bodies, cursed pieces, category zero demons, and a whole buncha stuff together... Angel technically has a body of her own, but it's a blobby immobile mess. Not exactly ideal.
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