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MacroMarch 2025: What if Jess Grew Part 3: Page 1: The Tunnel
I've honestly wanted to do this one ever since I discovered Jess' urethra was to scale the same size as a subway tunnel...
For the thousands of commuters gathered at the subway station, the day had started business as usual. The morning rush had just begun and the trains were packed to bursting as tired and grumpy businessmen and women waited to be delivered once again to their mundane jobs.
One train operator looked out his window as the hundreds of people passed each other boarding and exiting his train. Checking his clock, he shut the doors and began to pull out of the station.
As the train pulled out, the train operator looked back to the platform for a moment and noticed a tall, tan, muscular girl with short black hair running towards his train in vain. “There’s always one.” the conductor thought to himself as the muscular girl placed her hands on her knees bent over in defeat. It sucked to be her, but she’d just have to wait for the next train to arrive.
The platform and the unfortunate girl soon disappeared out of view as the subway entered the tunnel. The bustling platform was quickly replaced by the featureless cement walls of the tunnel. The train operator had lost count of just how many times he had driven this route over his many years as a subway train operator, but the lack of scenery was always his greatest regret. Today, however; would prove to be just a bit different than usual.
After a few minutes of driving through the seemingly endless dark long tunnel, the train operator was blinded by a bright light.
Almost instantaneously he was thrown to the ground as the entire train lurched forward… no it was more fair to say it was as if the entire train line had been suddenly ‘scooped up’ by some unknown force.
Grasping around blindly, the train operator managed to find the emergency brake as the metal wheels screeched and sparked trying to stop. Something was clearly wrong as what should have just been a smooth flat ride somehow now felt like sailing through rough ocean waves as the subway rose and fell repetitively.
As the train finally managed to halt to a stop, the train operator’s vision also had begun to return to him, but the sight before him was one he couldn’t explain.
Gone was the familiar scenery of the monotonous subway tunnel with its smooth round cement walls and periodically placed lights. In its place the train now sat in a slightly larger pinkish tunnel with moist walls and hilly uneven terrain. What’s more, the smell within the tunnel was pungent. Even within the train, the train operator’s nose burnt from the acidic yet somehow oddly familiar smell. There was no light source save for the headlights of the subway, but from what the train operator could see the tracks (while now incredibly hilly) were still there.
Unsure of what else to do, the train operator attempted to radio into the command center, however all he managed to get was static. Out of options and unsure of where he even was, there was nothing left to do but wait.
As the hours passed, the situation aboard the subway only became more bleak. The train operator had continued to radio in periodically but if anything the signal was only getting worse. With the incredibly humid heat that filled the moist tunnel as well as just the inexplicable situation they were in in general, passengers were becoming increasingly agitated. In spite of making every attempt to reassure them, spending hours in an overstuffed subway in a humid tunnel that was almost 40C was enough to drive anyone to madness.
At first, the intense smell outside was enough to keep the passengers inside the train. However, as one by one more and more of them began passing out from heatstroke, some became brave enough to venture outside.
Unfortunately the temperature outside the train was even worse than that of inside. In addition, seeing the tunnel up close only led to more questions.
The ground was unnervingly soft. It was almost as if it was made out of some thick, soft rubber more than stone or cement. In addition to this, there were tiny puddles of yellowish liquid everywhere, which also seemed to be the source of the intense smell. At one point, one passenger half delirious from heat stroke actually became desperate enough to try the putrid liquid, but it was neither cool enough to be refreshing to touch nor did it have a flavour that one could stomach.
In spite of the train operator’s protests, some of the most furious passengers announced that they were going to follow the train tracks back to see if they could return to the previous station. On foot the journey would take at least a half an hour, and… while it was unlikely any trains would be running on such an uneven track, the professional in him made it difficult to permit anyone to walk along active train tracks, least of all an unlit one.
In the end the train operator’s pleas fell on deaf ears as about a dozen or so passengers left to make their way down the pink fleshy tunnel leaving the remaining members to return to the overheating subway. At least the power rail was somehow still active even in this strange new location meaning that they could move if need be and could at least have the basics of air conditioning; as insufficient as it was. Still, as time passed, the train operator was becoming increasingly conflicted.
Protocol stated that given the state of the emergency, they should all stay with the subway until help arrived, but in addition to the ever increasing amount of time that had passed without any contact from a rescue team, there were two worries that made the train operator want to get out of this tunnel fast.
The first was the frequent and constant loud booms which shook the entire tunnel causing many to lose their footing. While there had been no sign of structural weakness yet, if they were experiencing numerous earthquakes, the risk of being buried alive in the subway train was high and would not be a pleasant experience.
The second, and more concerning factor was… as much as the train operator’s logical mind refused to accept it; the tunnel appeared to be… moving…
Sometimes it was a slow shifting, other times it was fast and unpredictable twitching. The ground beneath the power rail was ESPECIALLY active seeming to be almost pulsating and vibrating from the electricity being continuously sent into it.
At first the train operator wanted to deny what he was seeing. He wanted to believe it was just a trick of the shadows or the heat getting to him. But after being stuck in this tunnel for several hours he could deny the facts no longer. After all… it was getting worse.
About 30 minutes earlier a giant earthquake nearly threatened to derail the subway as for a brief few seconds everyone aboard had experienced 0 gravity as the whole world felt like it was falling. After a few more minutes the reverse took place as everyone was suddenly pressed into the ground before the usual frequent thumping and shaking returned. Ever since that disaster however; the twitching and shifting of the pink fleshy walls around them had been rapidly increasing.
“Should we risk it?” the train operator pondered aloud, his hand resting on the subway’s throttle.
Suddenly, almost as if in response to his question the whole world was hit by yet another giant explosive hit. This time however, it was not the calm before the storm but the beginning of the end.
Mere seconds after the train operator had managed to lift himself up off the ground he noticed the tunnel walls had gone from subtle twitches to full on convulsions. To make matters worse, the humidity and heat were rapidly rising as the tiny puddles of clear yellow liquid were beginning to pool into tiny streams.
“Ah fuck it…” the train operator cried out, honking the horn to warn the passengers before starting the train up full speed ahead. Even if it broke protocol, every fiber of his being was telling him that they had stayed in this tunnel far too long and needed to get out NOW!
The ride was incredibly unpleasant as the train lurched up and down along the uneven tracks through the now convulsing tunnel. Even the train operator had no idea how they hadn’t simply derailed and tipped over at this point, but as they continued to pick up speed he decided not to question a good thing.
The loud rumbling of rushing water could be heard, even louder than the train’s engines as something was coming up on them fast.
Having near given up all hope, the train operator almost shouted out for joy as he finally saw a bright light at the end of this hellish, convulsing, pink tunnel. This joy soon turned to despair however, as the subway burst out into the open world only to see that the train tracks simply ended. Snapped off hundred of feet up in the air. It was far too late for the train operator to hit the breaks. Even if it wasn’t it would have been a futile effort as a high pressure flood of yellow liquid collided with the rear cars shooting the entire train out of the tunnel like a bullet.
As the subway plummeted towards certain doom, time seemed to slow for the train operator allowing him to take in the scenery around him. The stream of yellow liquid shot out of the tunnel at such a high pressure that it pushed the train far enough away to truly make sense of where they were.
On either side of the train, tan muscular legs stretched out for several kilometers, their feet pressing into distant mountains with so much force that the rock began to crack.
The tunnel they had just been blown out of was located where these two monstrously large legs met… a thick jungle of black twisted trees surrounded the tunnel like an impenetrable jungle.
Beneath the comparably small hole they had just come out of lay a far larger cavern which pulsated even more violently than the tunnel they had been in. Broken trees and the rubble from destroyed streets and houses lined the pink folds of the walls of this massive cavern as hundreds of people scrambled along the folds desperately trying to find safety from a tidal wave of a thick clear viscous fluid which threatened to wash them all away. The train operator knew now what he was looking at. It was something he hadn’t seen in person himself for many years now, and never at this scale before. It was simply the impossibly large pussy of a young woman having an orgasm.
“Heh… so an entire subway line was less than a kidney stone to you.” the train operator chuckled to himself, accepting his fate as the entire subway along with the hundreds of people packed inside plummeted into the ever growing lake of urine and cum hundreds of meters below them.
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