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As Crystal was minding her own business laying down enjoying the day in the sun. A random human came by and noticed her there. He was bored so he thought of a fun idea. then started talking to her about a bet about her can't catching/eat him while she was drunk by drinking soda. Crystal was interested on how this would turn out so she accepted this challenge with a hungry grin on her face.
Later that day he comes back with a 6 pack of Grape Soda. She chugged a few and started to feel a bit funny, then drank the rest of the grape soda. Crystal became so drunk that she couldn't talk right and swayed back and forth. The human started laughing on how Crystal could barely keep her balance as she tried to stand on her 4 legs.
As his eyes were closed and started to water laughing so much, he didn't pay attention to what was Crystal doing. She started to move in a Zig-zag motion drunkenly to him without knowing. A moment later she luckily jumps and pounces the human then grabs him by the shoulders. The human got surprised and trying to explain to her that she had to give him a chance to run before trying to catch him. With a drunken voice she saids "hurhur...yo..yhou.. didn't say that..*hic* in the beginning of the bhet did ya? All yhou said...said...was to catch yhou, which I dhid...*hic*". He tries to escape but Crystal's grip and strength was too great for him even when shes drunk.
A moment Later Crystal starts to swallow him down as he tries to escape. It was futile, he struggled so much his shoes now started to fall off his feet. In One last gulp, he slid down her slimy gullet and the he was inside the belly of the purple beast, Crystal picks up her nice full, drunken belly and saids
Crystal:Ah-HA... Looks...like I....Won the bhet Hooman...*Hic*
Human:Ya...Ya...you didn;t give me a chance to run. Now can you let me out now?
Crystal starts to think, she was too drunk to figure out how to spit him out.
Crystal:Ummmm....Er...Uh...Hm....How do I do that again??? *Hic*
The human lets out a big *sigh* knowing that hes not going to be coming back out anytime soon until Crystal is no longer drunk (whenever that will be).
Many many hours later, Crystal finally wakes up from her deep sleep all confused wondering why she has this bulging belly. She kept thinking and thinking about it until she remembered that she had this bet with this one human. Then she starts to her him start talking to her saying to let him out now since shes no longer drunk. Crystal starts to rub her full belly and told him "nah I don't feel like it, you'll just gonna stay in there until I say so" with a satisfied smile on her face.
I wanted to make another Story/Drawing about her becoming drunk again, so this was created. If you don't understand about her getting drunk by soda, it's because Mystic Animals can't handle the carbonation in the soda so they can get drunk off of it. Their bodies is just a bit different than normal animals. Here's another picture I made awhile ago that shows a lil more about them with soda if you want to take a look at it.
Crystal the Saberain © Liednar Me
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Posted by dragonfred 13 years ago Report
very nice
Posted by thepokemonguy 13 years ago Report
she did win the bet
didn't she?
Posted by lolFoxdB 13 years ago Report
Definetly one my favorite post vore poses you've done! :D
Posted by Liednar 13 years ago Report
thanks. XD