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Old stories (2009-2011)
The Battle of the Bulge Pt 1 (Story 25)
Views: 1,552
Earth 4042 Pt 2 (Story 24)
Views: 1,221
Earth 4042 Pt 1 (story 23)
Views: 1,939
Atlantis Pt. 2 (Story 22)
Views: 1,010
Atlantis Pt. 1 (Story 21)
Views: 1,892
Flight 666 (Story 20)
Views: 1,280
WIR,IV: Sons of Dor Chroom (Story 19)
Views: 895
When It Rains, It Vores: The Taken (Story 18)
Views: 1,276
Chamber of Secrets Naga?” Alli asked in disbelief, “Like half-human, half-serpents?” “Exactly,” Journey replied, examining the pyramid wall even closer. “I don’t see any,” Alli smirked. Journey shot her companion an ass-backwards look as she continued to scan the pyramid hieroglyphics. “It appears…” she began, “…that a divine ruler, half-snake, half-person, arose from the Nile River roughly…a millenniu
Riddle of the Damned (Story 17)
Views: 1,058
Views: 766
The Love Doctor Excuse me?” Journey asked, pointing out the television to the bartender, “Serial killer in Scotland? Since when?” The bartender looked up at the screen showing news of the seventeenth man to be murdered near Glasgow over the past seventeen weeks. “Since September,” he gruffly replied, “Can you believe it, murder on Christmas Eve!” “Christmas Eve?” Journey replied, “two-thousand…” “Nine of cour
Hearts and Minds (Story 16)
Views: 903
The New God Journey and her Green counterpart stumbled out of the time portal and onto a beach. It was an Earth-like planet with normal blue skies and normal trees. The two girls smiled adventurously at one another as they prepared to explore. Journey, happy to have a TARDIS once more, was recalibrating the time machine to her own personal settings. “Where do you think we are?” Green Journey asked. “Some place exciting I’m sure,” Journey responded. “I&rsq
Hunted (Story 15)
Views: 819
Whatever Happened, Happened Journey’s eyes shot open. She was lying on her back, her body sprawled out across the soft grass. She tried to sit up, but her muscles protested, burning in pain as she attempted to move them. “Where am I?” she moaned. The sky above was bright orange, and the clouds were a hazy blue. She lazily watched as a magnificently colored bird flew over head, screeching as it past. “What happened?” she asked to no one in particular. Journey
Another Journey (Story 14)
Views: 835
The Angel of Darkness (Story 13)
Views: 1,597
Sticks and Stones (Story 12)
Views: 1,456
The Doctor (Story 11)
Views: 1,585
The Ultimate Sacrifice (Story 10)
Views: 4,117
Fire In Thy Eyes (Story 9)
Views: 2,586
Black Magic Women (Story 8)
Views: 1,856
42 Seconds (Story 7)
Views: 2,413
The Canine Empire (Story 6)
Views: 2,015
Go Fetch (Story 5)
Views: 1,851
Contiuum (Story 4)
Views: 1,977
Bonekind (Story 3)
Views: 2,005
Till The End Of Time (Story 2)
Views: 1,995
Ghost Ship (Story 1)
Views: 2,969