"Please help me, dear God please help me," Anna mumbled desperately into the yellow sludge around her. Struggling only pulled her further into the mess like quicksand. As she sunk deeper she came closer to the intense heat of the hot dog beneath her, searing her back and only causing further distress. Above her was the nonchalant chitter-chatter of Anna's best friend and soon-to-be murderess, Thalia, and the rest of her relatively uninteresting and ultimately unimportant friends.
Each second was like torture. Having to watch Thalia talk above her, as if she was teasing Anna with the prospect of her consumption. She wasn't, of course. Thalia had no clue of her friend's fight for her life happening right under her nose, in what looked to be just a mediocre hot dog in general. But that didn't matter, food was food.
Eventually the mustard had to give. With one mighty contortion she somersaulted out it and back onto the surface of the hot dog. The pink meat beneath her was fire an inferno to her at such a small size. Trying to crawl back to the safety of the mustard only slid her bare skin x the ground and seared her even more. The worst was when she finally got a grip onto the hot dog, only to have it give and break away from the rest, resulting in her only being further filleted from the overwhelming heat.
Thalia still chatted on above her. "No, it didn't go like that," she giggled, "Jose grabbed me by the shoulder and...," it didn't matter. All of the sounds were drowned out by the pathetic racket Anna was screaming out. Finally she was able to dig her hand into the hot dog, burning it to hell, and she pulled herself back into the mustard. Its' cool embrace almost felt like a haven to her, something that could save her.
Passionfruit came on the radio, one of Thalia's friends laughed and said, "Hold on, I need to go..." before she stepped away to build with her SO. The girls watched her walk away then they all looked back to each other. There was a silence, Thalia took it as an opportunity to get to digging into her food.
Anna's relaxation came to a swift end as the world around her spun and swirled. She became fully aware of what was happening, snapping her out of her trance bringing her back into the action. Clawing out the mustard she stumbled x the searing surface of the hot dog, yelping in pain, making a run toward the bun. With the ground shaking under her she slipped and was sent tumbling and spinning toward the bun where she made impact and immediately started to slide.
The grease of the hot dog was like a firey lubricant that left her skidding down the hot dog. Thalia held it at an angle that resulted in Anna mercifully shooting down toward the opposite end, to the relative, albeit bone-shattering safety of a fall back toward the table.
"Oh fuck," Thalia said as a drop of mustard dribbled off the end of the hot dog. She whispered, "Shit," before readjusting it to keep any of that from happening again. Anna's hopes were shattered as her momentum slowly came to a stop until she was no longer moving, still a distance away from the end of the wiener.
But she was far enough down it that she wasn't going to get taken in the first bite. Trying to stand to her feet to run to the end of the hot dog, she pulled away and screamed in pain as her skin ripped away from her arm. It had been baked into the hot dog from the heat. Now bloodied and injured, she immediately fell back to her knees and began to sob in terror.
Echoes of music resounded x the room, "Passionate from miles away, passionate for things you say," supplying a cadence to the shouts of desperation Anna was supplicating. The hot dog was drawing closer to Thalia's mouth every second.
Thalia opened her mouth, pushing the front of the hot dog into it. Anna watched as the bread creased and crumbled on contact with the edges of Thalia's lips. Warm, stale breath washed over her. Thalia's top lip hung tallest above her, its glossed skin shining in the pale light of the room. Thalia's incisors pierced the hot dog. Anna heard the pop of the meat giving in and saw it recede into Thalia's mouth, settle on her tongue and then disappear behind her closing lips.
Thalia chewed and Anna watched. Anna was sickened to see Thalia rudely chew with her mouth hanging half the fuck open, exposing the mastication of her food to everyone. Pork intermixed with melting bread under the pressure of her teeth. Soon she closed her mouth fully and loudly swallowed it all, sending it down her throat like all food is.
Luckily the hot dog had begun to cool and now Anna could stand back to her feet. Regardless of the temperature, the skin of her legs too ripped cleanly from her as it was plastered to the hot dog as well. Pain screamed throughout her body but she still crawled and lurched along to escape.
One of the friends returned as Thalia finished her second bite. Passionfruit faded from the speakers and was slowly replaced by childish crooning, "The club isn't the best place to find a lover, so the bar is where I go..." Thalia laughed and said, "What the fuck, they're playing this?" All of her friends basically agreed on the total corniness of whoever the fuck the DJ of the party was.
Whenever Thalia set the hot dog down, Anna was given the opportunity to skitter down it and leap off the edge. She clumsily spun about the greasy flesh until she finally reached the end, where she could escape to freedom and hopefully somehow come back to size, injured but alive.
It didn't take long before Thalia came back for another bite. Whenever the hot dog once again soared into the air Anna involuntarily spiraled back into the mustard extremely violently, burrowing her deeper than she had ever been before. Without a single bit of her exposed to the outside world, she was now unable to breathe, or even see for that matter. Abandoned by her senses she had no idea if Thalia was about to eat her or not.
No, she wasn't. Thalia got another bite in and now there was one bit of it left, the part that Anna was trapped in. Anna gruelingly pulled her way through the mustard, picking a random direction in hopes that it would lead her to the edge. She picked perfectly right. Thalia spoke to her friends, and as she pulled the last bite into her mouth Anna dripped from the hotdog in a blob of mustard, down onto the paper that the hot dog had come in.
Unfortunately she was still trapped in the grip of the mustard. Having been stuck in it for so long, it started to burn at her skin and work its way down her throat and into her lungs. When she finally emerged out onto the paper she retched and vomited globs of mustard x the floor.
So she was safe. The mustard still felt like acid on the exposed muscle in her arms, but sobbing and crying wasn't helping anything. Her best bet was to stand up and get the fuck away from Thalia before something else happened.
But she couldn't stand. The excruciating pain of the mustard covering her raw legs kept her jittering and shaking like jelly, she only fell back to the floor. Just as she began to give up, she saw the long, caramel finger of Thalia coming to scoop the remaining mustard from the paper so she could eat it too. With a renewed sense strength, she crawled and stumbled away from the mustard screaming at the top of her lungs. But it wasn't enough.
Thalia's finger pressed down into Anna and slid x the paper, gathering any remaining juices, crumbs and mustard, Anna included. Thalia brought her finger to her mouth...
"Thalia, Thalia!" Anna screamed. Sobbing, she hoarsely shouted out, "You have to see me!" before Thalia pushed her finger through her lips, silencing Anna's protesting.
The finger slid through the lips and Thalia was suffocated and engulfed by the glossed flesh. Sweetness filled her mouth at first, but when she passed the incisors and was forced into the tongue it was replaced with the warm sludge of Thalia's saliva. The finger receded and Anna was left stranded in the center of the tongue, pressed against the hard palate as Thalia tried to suck the life out of her. The tongue was engulfing her entire body, one enormous wall of solid muscle pressing her against another.
All at once, the remaining slop that was once a hot dog gathered to the center of Thalia's tongue, bringing Anna with it. Her world was now one huge pool of thick, unforgiving slime. She wanted to hurl again.
Then Thalia swallowed. Everything was sucked to her esophagus. Her hard palate above Anna became her soft palate, and then Anna violently slammed into the bouncy wall of her tonsil and easily slid with the other food toward the valve keeping Anna from what she knew was going to kill her. Anna continued pathetically weeping, hoping against hope that somehow she would be noticed, coughed out or anything to let her survive this ordeal.
But nothing came to her. For only a split second the valve opened, and that was enough to suck everything down into the esophagus. Now Anna was pressed at all sides by contorting and convulsing muscle that worked to move her deeper and deeper, toward her death. To a careful observer outside, you could see the lump that was Anna sliding down her throat, down, down, down until it disappeared behind her collar bones, and then Anna was forgotten.
Another valve opened and Anna was shoved through it down into a boiling pit that was much, much smaller than she had wished it would be. Slippery flesh left her bouncing and skittering through the chamber until with a wet plop she was submerged in the lurching vomit of Thalia's stomach.
By now Thalia and her friends were walking away from the table, out the door to get out to somewhere else. Her rapid steps shook the contents of her stomach, mixing and blending it all up into a further unrecognizable slurry of pre-digested food, food including Anna.
All of the food in Thalia's stomach weighed down on Anna's thrashing body, sucking her deeper into the mess with a sickening shlorp. The chewed and masticated food slipped all along Anna, pulling her around and slamming her further down. As Thalia continued to walk her stomach produced squelches to the slushing of the vomit. Bits and pieces slid between the folds of the stomach, sometimes including Anna in its unstable current.
To no one in particular Anna attempted to delusively mutter to herself, repeating, "Why didn't you see me, why didn't you see me..." as if it would reach Thalia. Her consciousness was slowly sapped out of her as the slush in the stomach was compressed by the walls around it against another valve and then ejected into the tunnel of Thalia's small intenstine.
Thalia and her friends drove along thirty-five, unaware of the dying woman tucked behind her slim midsection.
Small, pebbled tentacles rubbed into Anna. Peristalsis slowly wormed her through the small intestine, villi ensuring that the extremely small amount of nutrients inside of her were greedily sucked up to supply Thalia. Mucus collected around Anna's unmoving body, encasing her in the goo. Unable to fight back, Anna contorted and bent as the mucus compressed her further. All of the oxygen was taken from her, and in horror she felt the power of Thalia's digestive system finally completely suck the life out of her, leaving her as only a morsel for Thalia's gluttonous appetite.
Collected waste surrounded Anna's wrinkled cadaver and entombed her. Everything was packed into a firm tube, resting at the end of Thalia's colon. Anna was thankfully not alive to experience the complete horror of her fate, being reduced to her best friend's shit along with the rest of the meal she was greedily consumed with.
The next morning all of the shit squeezed out of Thalia's bottom, individual logs heavily splashing into the toilet and sinking deep into the piss water. Thalia sat on her iPhone, swiping through friends' Snapchat stories. A friend dm'd her, asking if she had seen Anna. She worriedly replied no and hoped that Anna was okay, unaware that she was disposing of her friend now by flushing the toilet, leaving all the shit to spiral down into the drain like everything that came before it.
Posted by wisecrack3 7 years ago Report
Attractive title
Posted by Juliet 7 years ago Report
Thanks, next story will be titled Shit Whore. I'm edgy like that
Posted by wisecrack3 7 years ago Report