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Latin: "Seven". The annual change-up of my avatar. =)
This one is interesting because my early sketch design began a lot different than how this final design ended up; I originally thought two interlaced pentagons in the center would look good, but couldn't visualize how to layer them. But then I thought, since it's my seventh anniversary with the Portal, go with a heptagon (also referred to as a septagon). The heptagon was tough to design since the interior angles are a fraction of seven, and therefore, are irrational numbers. It's not a perfect heptagon, which isn't possible to draw with a compass and straightedge, but it's very close. It took some trial and error to get it to look just right, but I think I've got it pretty close. And along with my seven theme of the heptagon, the overall circle measures seven inches in diameter.
(Note: Color update on Dec. 5th.)
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Posted by Sergit 7 years ago Report
Oooh, nice! It's a fairly symmetrical shape! Though compard to the previous ones it is a tad colorless.Are there plans to color it, or not?
Posted by CGR-7 7 years ago Report
Thank you, Sergit. =)
Yeah, I'm gonna color it, I've just been busy. I'll get to it as soon as I can.
Posted by CGR-7 7 years ago Report
Ta-dah! Now in color. =)
Posted by Sergit 7 years ago Report