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Tags: A Goofy Movie Alien Angel clawhauser Cock Vore Cum Digestion Digestion Disney Disney Vore ducktales dumbo Elephant elephant pred F/? Fatal felix Female Pred Frenchfry gantu Implied Digestion Implied Disposal Interactive Story Jerry Jumbeaux Jr. Judy Hopps Lilo and Stitch M/? Male Pred Mickey Mouse Nick Wilde Oral Vore pumba pumbaa Rhino pred Robin Hood Shrinking Simba Stitch the great mouse detective the jungle book the lion king timon trunk vore unaware pred unaware vore Zootopia
Hello everyone,
It took quite some time for some update for this interactive story!
But here it is!
A very big update!!!
Go here to read it:
Whats new?
- Lilo and Stitch section opened!
7 Preds, 16k words!
- The framework for Robin Hood is mostly done
- Lots of small fluff story bits!
Since we got our first $25 Patreon, the next predator that will be added is for Zootopia, the polar bear Drill instructor.
Most things are straight forward, except for the Zootopia part, where there are hidden pathways etc.
If you ever want to get help what to reach, just give me a poke on Discord.
The Lilo and Stitch part was quite expensive with around 16k words, so now I have to gather funds again to pay TheBigD off first, before starting something new x)
Please consider donating to the patreon!
Every dollar helps furthering this project!
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Posted by HisashiHinata 6 years ago Report
What does hidden pathways mean? Like, there are choices that are hidden?
Posted by Katojana 6 years ago Report
There are pathways which require different prerequisites. There's one directly at the beginning of the game before you enter the different themes.
And then in Zootopia there's a big pathway that requires a prerequisite.
Posted by Nickcasey 6 years ago Report
Have you considered adding characters from Finding Nemo?
Posted by Katojana 6 years ago Report
No, actually not. Maybe in a future x)
currently I have enough to do with these "few" movies.
Posted by Cho-Ran 6 years ago Report
is the gender choice supposed to work? I went to the Frenchfry section as male and it mentioned skirts and panties, so... is it functional? or just an oversight/bug?
Posted by Katojana 6 years ago Report
That probably is just a bug. I'm going to take a look and fix it
Posted by Katojana 6 years ago Report
Yep it was a capitalization error on my part ("Boy" instead of "boy") should be fixed in a few minutes (uploaded the new version, takes a few to update)
Posted by Rygami375 6 years ago Report
Are you supposed to get stuck with the polar bear lady when we get to the ZPD?
Posted by Katojana 6 years ago Report
If you walk into the ZPD if you do not have anything else to take there, then yes, its only Polar bear lady currently.
But if you bring something there, because you found something beforehand, it leads to either Judy or Clawhauser OV.
Posted by Rygami375 6 years ago Report
Ok. Thank you.
Posted by Katojana 6 years ago Report
If ya need any walkthrough or so, just send me a private message
Posted by sinryelectrix 6 years ago Report
i cant seem to find any stories to read. is it just a bug?
Posted by Katojana 6 years ago Report
Thats not a bug. There are a lot of empty pathways. But there is also quite a bit of story in it.
Posted by HallaDeck 5 years ago Report
The fact that goofy is going to be a pred eventually is something that i never assumed i wanted to read until seeing how skilled you are at typing out these storys. Cant wait for everything to be completed, id help via patreon and such but sadly ive not really any way to transfer money online
Posted by Frungi 5 years ago Report
Hmm… how do we get into the "Secret" at the beginning?
Posted by Katojana 5 years ago Report
Try to go back and forth from fountain to an area entrance and back to fountain.