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Tags: anilingus Anthro assassin Autofellatio Biting Bones in scat Cuddling cunnilingus Digestion F/M Fatal Fear fear of death food chain Fox M/F Masturbation Naga Naga Pred Naga Prey Nudity Oral Sex Oral Vore Paralysis peeing Peeing standing pheromones Pooping Reincarnation Scat Sex soul scat Soul Vore Story tail sex Taur urine Vaginal sex Venom
It's been one thousand years, but hopefully it's been worth the wait.
This is the final part of my first story posted here that I just never finished. I certainly don't like leaving loose ends lying around for too long. I began writing it at least a year or two ago, but I got distracted by other projects and just left it sitting there. I hope someone enjoys it. I know at least one person was wondering when I was going to finish this thing, and this is my salute to you, whoever you are out there. Thank you for showing interest in my wacky stories <3
If you compare it to the other two parts, you'll be able to see how much my style has changed... and how much it hasn't. This one's a little more sadistic in places then my usual stuff but I think that aspect of it is balanced out. My whole idea of this story was to explore an aspect I enjoy in vore: a predator becoming prey.
Note: I don't know what I can do about the weird formatting. I wish I had an easy solution that didn't involve me loosing things like bold text and italics. If anyone has any suggestions, let me know. Right now I work off of Google Docs and save it to my computer as a docx, which seems to be the best option out of all the file types it lets me choose.
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Posted by Cobbly 6 years ago Report
Nice. You should post more, but so should I, so perhaps I shouldn't judge. I like your stuff.
Posted by TETRO 6 years ago Report
Yes, I should, shouldn't I? I actually had a lot of fun finishing this thing. I was a bit down in the dumps for a while, but working on this really helped improve my mood.
Yes, you should write more too. Every little bit of practice helps.
I would like to know however, which part of the story did you like the most?
Posted by Cobbly 6 years ago Report
Well, I like the setting idea, female prey, scat, and sentience play. Emphasis on that last bit. Sentient disposal, sentient fat, sentient cum, sentient clothing... I'd commission a story from you, but last time I checked, there wasn't anything there.
Posted by TETRO 6 years ago Report
Well, I don't really know much about taking commissions and how it's supposed to work. I also worry that I'll get busy with something else and not finish the commission quickly enough.
However, I do take requests every now and then if I think the idea is fun. If you have some interesting ideas, let me know on Discord.
Posted by MercyVII 6 years ago Report
I'm so glad you updated the series!
Posted by TETRO 6 years ago Report
Aha! It was you! You can really thank yourself for showing interest and asking me about finishing the story. Without that comment, I might not have finished this by now. I hope you enjoyed it. That salute in the description is to you.
Posted by AMemeticHazard 6 years ago Report
Very nice. That mouse and beetle may be in for a nasty surprise when they find themselves in the taur's stomach again, instead of a womb ^_^
Posted by TETRO 6 years ago Report
Oh my! I didn't think about that. If he faps a lot, they might have to do a lot of traveling back to his balls until he finally gets laid again :P
They might have to go through his intestines a few times before their next life. Thankfully, even if he cums onto the ground, they can use any of his orifices to get back inside him. Hey, maybe they'll enjoy all the little adventures if they go through it all together.
Don't worry, I'm sure he'll have a date with a lady or herm taur soon enough and they'll find themselves safe and sound growing in the womb of their new mother <3
Since they're in his balls, increasing his hormone production, they're making him a little bit hornier and a little bit sexier, so it will increase the chances of them being born soon.
Posted by Cobbly 6 years ago Report
That beetle girl has had one hell of a rough day.
Posted by TETRO 6 years ago Report
Ah yes, such is the wavering dance of Samsara! The real truth is, she was never born and she will never die. There was only a journey of transformations. Her true self always was and it shall always be.
Posted by Cobbly 6 years ago Report
Is not a true self but a collection of memories and series of hormones? What is self but a mere label.
Posted by KeyteeChan 5 years ago Report
I love the description of soul absorption, though i would prefer for the male to absorb female soul like that ^_^
Posted by TETRO 5 years ago Report
Thank you. I like thinking about different ways the souls of prey can find a new mode of existence.