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Tags: Absorption Belly Boihou Boihou Compilation bratty pred Crossgender Digestion Domination Drunk Drunk pred Femboy Femboy Pred Footplay Giant Humiliation M/F Macro/Micro marisa kirisame Oni Oni pred Oral Sex Oral Vore Rape Same Size Sex sizeplay smut Soul Vore Suika Ibuki Tattooification taunting teasing touhou touhou project trampling Trap Trap pred Unwilling writing
some pandemonium and oni tum for yall, please be aware this features a genderswapped boy!suika, so if that's not your style heed this warning.
but hey if you like boyhus, read on, because man they're really fucking hot imo. I had this story practically finished and lying around on my harddrive for AGES, ended up dusting it off after a little conversation with a friend about boy touhous eating cute girls. Had to spend a while correcting ancient grammar mistakes I made a year ago, and do a little bit extra to spice up the story, but here it is!
I should also warn yall this is a bit more heavy on porn, smut, sex, that kinda stuff, as opposed to vore. Personally I prefer vore stuff way more than smut stuff, but I was branching out and experimenting with a few other things by the time I wrote this!
oh yeah also i swear i will eventually write the next part of that lustful lucid dreaming story aaaaaaaa
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Posted by NeverOokami 5 years ago Report
I wish genderswapped 2hus were more common. This was a very interesting read and was very enjoyable, thank you for posting it.
Posted by colemercer 5 years ago Report
amazing, mission completed you make a exquisite story of touhou with vore and futanari content i hope you make a part 2 i wanna see suika digest that stupid miko pat put her soul in that sexy ass