Me and my girlfriend Sarah wanted to take a cruise vacation, but after counting up our vacation fund we only had enough for 1 ticket. I called Sarah to tell her the bad news.
Sarah: Hey whats up?
Me: I think we won't be able to take a cruise vacation
Sarah: Why?
Me: We only have enough money for 1 ticket
Sarah: Ugh. Hold on i'll be right over, I think there is still something we could try
Me: Alright, bye *click*
Sarah arrived and rushed through the door to hug me
Sarah: I figured it out, we don't need the other ticket
Me: What do you mean?
Sarah: Just follow me into your room, and you'll see
Me: Alright
I followed Sarah into my room and she began to get naked
Me: Woah, what are you doing
Sarah: I'm going to carry you in my womb while getting on the cruise and then let you out once we get our tickets scanned
Me: I guess that could work, alright we'll try it
Sarah quickly undressed me
Sarah: Are you ready?
Me: As ready as ill ever be
Sarah began shoving my head in her pussy, it took a lot of pushing, but after a couple minutes my head popped in her womb. She let out a loud moan, and her juices started running down body. She then proceded to to pull in my shoulders, she rubbed her juices on me to make it easier to pull my body inside her pussy. She got my whole upper body in her pussy in what seemed like minutes, all the action made Sarah orgasm. After calming down a bit she started to pull in my legs, and she suprised me when her pussy slurped up my legs like spagetti, it took mere seconds until only my feet were not in her pussy. That quickly changed, she simply flexed her vaginal muscles and my feet went all the way to her womb. I was now fully trapped in her womb. She then laid down to relax after all the pleasure she just experianced. She then heard muffled words escaping her pussy.
Me: Why are you so good at that?
Sarah: I don't know maybe its just my natural talent
Me: Anyways don't forget to pack my clothes
Sarah: I won't
I than began to think about the ticket and how I forgot to actually hit buy for the ticket on my laptop.
Me: Oh no
Sarah: Whats wrong?
Me: I forgot to hit buy on the ticket
Sarah: Don't worry i'll order it
Me: Thank you
Sarah then struggled to get up due to her 7 month pregnant looking belly, she waddled over to the laptop and ordered the ticket
Sarah: Alright I got a conformation email on my phone, and the cruise will be on November 5 at 2am
Me: Wait what, what day is today?
Sarah: November 3rd
Me: WHAT!!! I thought it would be same day
Sarah: It will be fine you can stay in my womb until then, it will only be 2 days
Me: Its fine
Sarah: Well, its getting pretty late I guess i'll lock up your house and go back to mine and sleep
Sarah got some clothes on, took the house key locked the front door and hopped in her car and drove home. Once home she went to bed. She took off her clothes, so it would be easier to get air through her pussy.
Sarah: Good night, sleep tight <3
Me: Good night
Sarah quickly drifted off to sleep. I was getting pretty tired too, her womb was so soothing, it was warm, tight, and her rythmic heartbeat made me drift off to sleep.
Sarah: Wake up sleepy head
Sarah hit her huge belly and woke me up
Me: Huh
Sarah: Its morning
Me: Already
Sarah: Stop your groaning, i'm going to take a shower.
Sarah walked to the bathroom and got in the shower. She turned on the shower and started to clean herself. I felt the water droplets that felt on her belly, they were very soothing. She finished her shower pretty quickly. She got a towel and dried off. She left the bathroom, I could tell because, I could see through the cervix to the outside world, I also noticed that she didn't dress herself after showering.
Me: Are you not going to put clothes on?
Sarah: Why should I, i'm going to be all day anyway
Me: Well what are we going to do today?
Sarah: Well i'm going to eat breakfest and then after I thought that we could have a day of fun <3
Me: Sounds good
Sarah served herself a bowl of cereal and started to eat. I could no longer see anything because she was sitting down. Eventually I started hearing noises and realised it was the sound of her stomach digesting the ceral. She then finished her cereal and washed the bowl. She then walked back into her room and laid down on the bed.
Sarah: Can you start moving in there for me?
Me: Of course
I started to kick my legs against the walls of Sarah's womb, this made Sarah moan. She started to rub her clit and told me to struggle more. I did as she pleased. My movement and her clit rubbing made her orgasm. All I could see throught the cervix was white fluid dripping from her pussy. I also noticed that her pussy lips were opening and closing almost like they were gasping for air. Sarah just laid there for a while and then got up.
Sarah: Ahh, I have to use the bathroom
Sarah rushed to the toilet and plopped down on it. From my perspective, I saw a stream of pee hitting the toilet bowl.
Sarah: Ahhhhhhhhh
Sarah: Well, i'm going to go to bed now
Me: Really!? It only 6 pm
Sarah: Yeah, but I have to be at the docks by 2 am
Me: I guess you're right
Sarah then walked to bed
Sarah: See you tommorow <3
Me: Good night.
We both drifted off to sleep... BEEP...BEEP...BEEP.
Sarah: HUH!? What it's 1 AM aleady!
I was woken up by Sarah's panic, all I could see was her running to the closet to get some clothes on, after that I couldn't see anything due to her leggings. She then got the luggage and rushed to the car. The rumbling from the car engine felt good. She then sped off so that we could make it in time. We arrived in 10 mins, found some parking and then she rushed to the cruise boarding. She got her ticket scanned and was escorted to her room.
Employee: This is your room ma'm, have a nice time
Sarah: Thank You
She then locked her room and threw the luggage in a corner.
Me: Are you gonna let me out now?
Sarah: *Yawn* Maybe later, it's really early and im tired
Me: Alright
-Hours Pass-
Me: Sarah wake up it's 7 AM and I want to get out
Sarah: Ugh alright
Sarah got naked and then tried to give birth to me.
Sarah: I need you to get passed my cervix for me to let you out
Me: What I can't do that
Sarah: Well I guess you're trapped until I choose to go to the Docter
Me: Wait what "Until you choose to go"
Sarah: You know what I might just now go to the docter and leave you in there
Me: NO! Im sorry.
Sarah: Well im not going to the docter until we get off the cruise, so you might as well enjoy the view you have
This is my second story that will have a sequel, and I have a one parter story in progress. I hope you enjoy, leave suggestions for what you want to see in the squeal.
Posted by Nightcrawler99 5 years ago Report
Love this! ^^
Wonder if she'll let him out because she misses him outside.
Would be interesting if she did as who knows what could happen.^^
Someone on the cruise staff might get suspicious of his presence or her suddenly not looking pregnant anymore, and start snooping around.^^
Posted by bartek21 5 years ago Report
please more