The fact that you remembered that old comic and were asking about a small thing such as the toilet is flat out impressive. I love questions like this that throw the artist for a loop.
Yes, I do remember some of the weirdest things, although this one is a favorite of mine that I like to revisit occasionally. I suppose it was also its sheer size and that it looks like it was repurposed from a bathtub that makes it memorable (I can't believe I'm using that word to describe a toilet of all things).
Ha ha ha. It's okay. We are all weird in this fetish community. I wasn't criticizing you. Was just finding it a bit funny that you remembered it. Then again I tend to remember small details like that in comics and I've posted similar comments as well. xD
I like your art Shyguy. No offense, but this sketch is the main reason why I would never be part of your Patreons : I love the vore concept, but I'm horrified when I see the side of this fetish, where preys are nothing but nutriments and poop materials. When I see a vore sketch, I always identify to the prey : So when I see a scat-vore-art, I can't stand the thought to be considered like shit (literally) : I'm really uncomfortable with it...
If you really hate disposal that much, you should go to the tags section in your account settings and blacklist tags relating to disposal. That way you can easily avoid posts that disturb you
ah, sorry about that! when i posted my response they hadn't said they didn't know about the blacklist. although saying that someone's kink is why you won't donate to their patreon as if you're gonna change their content is a dick move.
Looks like they didn't know about tag filtering. Glad to see they know now, as filtering is better. There is plenty of art of Sophie before she does the big finish after all ^_^
If you know Shyguy makes scat artwork (because that IS a large bulk of their content), then why are you here, bitching about it, when you could just unwatch them?
They didn't ask you. They didn't seek you out to get your opinion.
This sort of comment is why we've lost other artists on this site. Very much loved artists and content posters. This entitled, self-righteous attitude.
Posters like Miranda Dragon, and artists like Blondie-Velvet and others as well.
I don't personally care what you think gives you the right to shit on artists on here. Please just...take that toxic and entitled attitude and go else where. Even if it's else where on this site, just go else where.
Shyguy is one of the two artists get led me to Eka's, back when bad actors like you weren't rampant. Sad to see the vore fetish slowly turning to a shitstorm of a community as the fetish becomes more wide spread.
Shyguy your artwork is great and while I respect it's content not everyone likes, please ignore entitled and toxic shitheads like this one. They aren't worth your time and personally I wish they'd go away and stop scaring off artists like the ones I mentioned. :(
Honestly, knee jerk berating people is pretty toxic too... Maybe let the artist say their piece if they're going to, and follow their lead?
It looks like from their other posts that they were unaware of tag filtering and have responded cordially to a suggestion that still allows them to appreciate Sophie in her cleaner appearances.
But, once again, I wanted to remind you that I love the art of Shyguy: I really like his character Palmela, and I find some of his drawings incredible (just to name a few: "One Morning in Sanctuary "," Ventuswill Vore ", ...) so much so that I will probably order a custom design in the future.
I'm not here to be toxic: The thing is that scat art is the ultimate bullying for me : it's really painful to see that, especially from an artist I love. But I will now use tag filtering thanks to Muryoku's advice.
I had my car damaged by a shitty neighbor last night and the management company for my complex has a record of standing by and giving out excuses.
However I did not conduct myself very well in my reply as I have done in the past to similar comments from other users who say such things.
So you have my apologies there.
No, there is no hard feelings. I just am tired of seeing artists leave because of comments like that. It's very destructive to them and it doesn't help them do better in their craft.
If it's not too late, I'd like to redo my earlier comment with this bit of more constructive advise.
Next time you feel the need to write a comment like that, instead maybe write something more supportive but leaving out the negative "I will never become a supporter because of _____ reason". Something like "Hey I am not a big fan of scat content but I like your work and I appreciate the content you bring to this site".
I try my best to give advise like that and have in the past, I just was...having a really shitty night and I am sorry I didn't conduct myself better in my reply. I do hope you can forgive me.
I just...don't want this site to lose anymore really amazing and talented artists. People who already have to deal with the societal connotation of "Vore = Bad and wrong" when they create what they do. I.e. the Shame of creating something you love to make.
Like The Jocker from DC said : " Everyone can have a really bad day" ^^
I also admit that my remarks were clumsy and they can be be interpreted as offensive or hurtful.
I will be more careful with my words next time.
Even if I'm still ill at ease with fatal & scat vore, I must accept than an vore artist I appreciate can be multifaceted, some sides please me, and some are definitively not my thing.
So, no hard feelings F1reDem0n, and always remember : "Vore = Nice and good" ;)
I can speak from experience when you brought up how you can appreciate the artist but not something they create. For me it's just the other way around. I had a really harmful and toxic interaction with a artist on this site, one who treated me like trash and just was a negative person to be around.
Yet they make some good artwork and I still enjoy it, even if the person that the hand is attached too isn't someone I wish to be around. I don't comment on their work but I do favorite it from time to time.
Kill with kindness in a sense I guess. Be the better person and continue to work on that.
I am glad you don't hold ill against me and that we've been able to make-up. Thank you. <3
Ohhhh hot damn, not seen a picture of Sophie THIS drop dead freaking sexy in an age and a half. Looooove seeing that slimy, goopy, harsh, wonderful looking belly of hers~. Looks wonderfully inviting inside!
And definitely love seeing inside the toilet as she luxuriously starts to let loose, to release her last lucky victim and date. Can only guess who the next one will be, and if he'll be agreeable. Can't wait for the next page, and hope to see loads more like this one!
Also, I love how bloated you made her helly look, only to provide a cutaway view to the abdomen to confirm that all of that weight is in her intestines; whoever it was is lomg gone now.
Posted by Fischie 5 years ago Report
The empty, slimy stomach is a really nice touch.
[ Reply ]
Posted by ZShogan 5 years ago Report
What happened to this toilet:
Did it come after the remodeling she's talking about?
[ Reply ]
Posted by Shyguy9 5 years ago Report
That toilet was too big for Belinda to use comfortably. Living with roommates of such differing sizes must be difficult.
[ Reply ]
Posted by F1reDem0n 5 years ago Report
Amazing reply to the question. Did you have to think about a in-universe lore reply to that, or did it just come naturally. xD
[ Reply ]
Posted by F1reDem0n 5 years ago Report
The fact that you remembered that old comic and were asking about a small thing such as the toilet is flat out impressive. I love questions like this that throw the artist for a loop.
[ Reply ]
Posted by ZShogan 5 years ago Report
Yes, I do remember some of the weirdest things, although this one is a favorite of mine that I like to revisit occasionally. I suppose it was also its sheer size and that it looks like it was repurposed from a bathtub that makes it memorable (I can't believe I'm using that word to describe a toilet of all things).
[ Reply ]
Posted by F1reDem0n 5 years ago Report
Ha ha ha. It's okay. We are all weird in this fetish community. I wasn't criticizing you. Was just finding it a bit funny that you remembered it. Then again I tend to remember small details like that in comics and I've posted similar comments as well. xD
[ Reply ]
Posted by meuporg490 5 years ago Report
I like your art Shyguy. No offense, but this sketch is the main reason why I would never be part of your Patreons : I love the vore concept, but I'm horrified when I see the side of this fetish, where preys are nothing but nutriments and poop materials. When I see a vore sketch, I always identify to the prey : So when I see a scat-vore-art, I can't stand the thought to be considered like shit (literally) : I'm really uncomfortable with it...
[ Reply ]
Posted by RyanKrakinski 5 years ago Report
I don’t think the artist asked you.
[ Reply ]
Posted by Muryoku 5 years ago Report
If you really hate disposal that much, you should go to the tags section in your account settings and blacklist tags relating to disposal. That way you can easily avoid posts that disturb you
[ Reply ]
Posted by meuporg490 5 years ago Report
I didn't know I can do that. Thanks for the tip Muryoku
[ Reply ]
Posted by SnowTheOcto 5 years ago Report
broke: using your blacklist
woke: being a dickhead to an artist over their fetish
[ Reply ]
Posted by onyxlion 5 years ago Report
I actually thought their post was respectful, even if unprompted.
They're even responding cordially to sincere advice since it seems they were unaware of tag filtering.
[ Reply ]
Posted by SnowTheOcto 5 years ago Report
ah, sorry about that! when i posted my response they hadn't said they didn't know about the blacklist. although saying that someone's kink is why you won't donate to their patreon as if you're gonna change their content is a dick move.
[ Reply ]
Posted by meuporg490 5 years ago Report
Yeah, sorry about that :(
[ Reply ]
Posted by Shyguy9 5 years ago Report
That's an interesting take on it.
[ Reply ]
Posted by onyxlion 5 years ago Report
certainly an opinion out of left field, eh XD
Looks like they didn't know about tag filtering. Glad to see they know now, as filtering is better. There is plenty of art of Sophie before she does the big finish after all ^_^
Thanks for all that you do
start to ~finish~ <3
[ Reply ]
Posted by F1reDem0n 5 years ago Report
If you know Shyguy makes scat artwork (because that IS a large bulk of their content), then why are you here, bitching about it, when you could just unwatch them?
They didn't ask you. They didn't seek you out to get your opinion.
This sort of comment is why we've lost other artists on this site. Very much loved artists and content posters. This entitled, self-righteous attitude.
Posters like Miranda Dragon, and artists like Blondie-Velvet and others as well.
I don't personally care what you think gives you the right to shit on artists on here. Please just...take that toxic and entitled attitude and go else where. Even if it's else where on this site, just go else where.
Shyguy is one of the two artists get led me to Eka's, back when bad actors like you weren't rampant. Sad to see the vore fetish slowly turning to a shitstorm of a community as the fetish becomes more wide spread.
Shyguy your artwork is great and while I respect it's content not everyone likes, please ignore entitled and toxic shitheads like this one. They aren't worth your time and personally I wish they'd go away and stop scaring off artists like the ones I mentioned. :(
[ Reply ]
Posted by onyxlion 5 years ago Report
Honestly, knee jerk berating people is pretty toxic too... Maybe let the artist say their piece if they're going to, and follow their lead?
It looks like from their other posts that they were unaware of tag filtering and have responded cordially to a suggestion that still allows them to appreciate Sophie in her cleaner appearances.
To quote Xander Cage
[ Reply ]
Posted by meuporg490 5 years ago Report
Thanks for your understanding and your support, onyxlion ;)
[ Reply ]
Posted by meuporg490 5 years ago Report
I understand your anger, F1reDem0n.
But, once again, I wanted to remind you that I love the art of Shyguy: I really like his character Palmela, and I find some of his drawings incredible (just to name a few: "One Morning in Sanctuary "," Ventuswill Vore ", ...) so much so that I will probably order a custom design in the future.
I'm not here to be toxic: The thing is that scat art is the ultimate bullying for me : it's really painful to see that, especially from an artist I love. But I will now use tag filtering thanks to Muryoku's advice.
So, no hard feelings F1reDem0n ;)
[ Reply ]
Posted by F1reDem0n 5 years ago Report
I had my car damaged by a shitty neighbor last night and the management company for my complex has a record of standing by and giving out excuses.
However I did not conduct myself very well in my reply as I have done in the past to similar comments from other users who say such things.
So you have my apologies there.
No, there is no hard feelings. I just am tired of seeing artists leave because of comments like that. It's very destructive to them and it doesn't help them do better in their craft.
If it's not too late, I'd like to redo my earlier comment with this bit of more constructive advise.
Next time you feel the need to write a comment like that, instead maybe write something more supportive but leaving out the negative "I will never become a supporter because of _____ reason". Something like "Hey I am not a big fan of scat content but I like your work and I appreciate the content you bring to this site".
I try my best to give advise like that and have in the past, I just was...having a really shitty night and I am sorry I didn't conduct myself better in my reply. I do hope you can forgive me.
I just...don't want this site to lose anymore really amazing and talented artists. People who already have to deal with the societal connotation of "Vore = Bad and wrong" when they create what they do. I.e. the Shame of creating something you love to make.
[ Reply ]
Posted by meuporg490 5 years ago Report
It's fine, apologies accepted ;)
Like The Jocker from DC said : " Everyone can have a really bad day" ^^
I also admit that my remarks were clumsy and they can be be interpreted as offensive or hurtful.
I will be more careful with my words next time.
Even if I'm still ill at ease with fatal & scat vore, I must accept than an vore artist I appreciate can be multifaceted, some sides please me, and some are definitively not my thing.
So, no hard feelings F1reDem0n, and always remember : "Vore = Nice and good" ;)
[ Reply ]
Posted by F1reDem0n 5 years ago Report
I can speak from experience when you brought up how you can appreciate the artist but not something they create. For me it's just the other way around. I had a really harmful and toxic interaction with a artist on this site, one who treated me like trash and just was a negative person to be around.
Yet they make some good artwork and I still enjoy it, even if the person that the hand is attached too isn't someone I wish to be around. I don't comment on their work but I do favorite it from time to time.
Kill with kindness in a sense I guess. Be the better person and continue to work on that.
I am glad you don't hold ill against me and that we've been able to make-up. Thank you. <3
[ Reply ]
Posted by meuporg490 5 years ago Report
Thanks for this smart answer ;)
[ Reply ]
Posted by Shyguy9 5 years ago Report
You're right. I was going for something that didn't quite translate as well as I'd hoped. I'll go ahead and fix it. Cheers.
[ Reply ]
Posted by atak 5 years ago Report
Ohhhh hot damn, not seen a picture of Sophie THIS drop dead freaking sexy in an age and a half. Looooove seeing that slimy, goopy, harsh, wonderful looking belly of hers~. Looks wonderfully inviting inside!
And definitely love seeing inside the toilet as she luxuriously starts to let loose, to release her last lucky victim and date. Can only guess who the next one will be, and if he'll be agreeable. Can't wait for the next page, and hope to see loads more like this one!
[ Reply ]
Posted by Shyguy9 5 years ago Report
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Posted by DragonRider69 5 years ago Report
would still totally go on a date with her. x3
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Posted by Gutswimmer 5 years ago Report
Nothing quite as satisfying as giving birth to a hefty food baby.
[ Reply ]
Posted by Gutswimmer 5 years ago Report
Also, I love how bloated you made her helly look, only to provide a cutaway view to the abdomen to confirm that all of that weight is in her intestines; whoever it was is lomg gone now.
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Posted by Skelebro3 5 years ago Report
The bathroom in my house is very large. Enough room to fit a leviathan. If sophie wishes she may consume me and move in
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Posted by Skelebro3 5 years ago Report
Just a quick fyi i have no idea how big sophie is. If she's a average dragon size then she would enjoy my house's size. If bigger then....maybe not
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Posted by Lurker45 5 years ago Report
"Ritual", huh? Neat idea. I like the way she talks as if he can hear her. She definitely gets something out of the whole process from start to finish.
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Posted by jazzyboy12 5 years ago Report
Two pieces of vore art with sophie farts so close to one another. Its like Christmas all over again
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Posted by hax 5 years ago Report
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Posted by F1reDem0n 5 years ago Report
I love how Sophie has embraced the chub. I do love my ladies to be thicc and curvy. <3
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Posted by Xgamingodz 5 years ago Report
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Posted by Xgamingodz 5 years ago Report
Where part 3
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Posted by Flippy 5 years ago Report
Oh she can feek it alright!
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