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And here we have our famous little Gut Slut Lounge interlude, to give those of you who aren't into the next part a little breather. I also wanted to take this page to ask you all of you a question regarding the future of my work on here.
I've had a few people ask me if I have or have considered making a patreon (or something along those lines), and I figured I might as well ask the rest of you. I don't want any of you to feel like I'm e-begging or trying to take advantage of the good will I've received so far. I also really enjoy doing this, and something like this could help a lot to keep it more consistently updated and quality. Let me know your thoughts, please! I appreciate any feedback <3
Anyway, if you're into the uh... next phase of Batgirl's adventures on the magic school bus tour of Harley Quinn, keep on going to the next page! This is actually the longest, most in-depth scat sequence I've created thus far, just because it was too much fun doing stuff with these characters. I also had a really specific idea for what I wanted to do, and one page wasn't enough!
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Posted by fastwaffle 5 years ago Report
in my opinion you should use SubscribeStar instead of patreon. patreon has always given vore creators a very hard time because they treat unwilling vore the same as rape and have shut down people for it. karbo almost lost his lively hood because of their anti vore sentiments. subscribstar is a lot more open to it.
Posted by PhantaRheiComics 5 years ago Report
I've never heard of that, I'll have to look into that.
Posted by VOPhotoshop 5 years ago Report
Ill support you if you do!
Posted by PhantaRheiComics 5 years ago Report
Thank you!
Posted by blackwolf09 5 years ago Report
Well I'm more of a butt guy but great tits now to continue the story
Posted by PhantaRheiComics 5 years ago Report
All aspects of thicc are accepted in this house of godlessness
Posted by Santaman 5 years ago Report
Okay if you do a Pateron here is what I would do, if Your open to hear suggestions. But do what SCP illustrated does.
He release's videos first on his Pateron, he release's sketches first on his pateron, and I believe JoraBora that fetish artist does Raffles ( Bids ) on Pateron. Which I'm okay for.
just don't become Nye and sell your comics behind a paywall and I'll be fine.
Posted by PhantaRheiComics 5 years ago Report
No shade on Nyte, they do what they do, my plan regardless was that my main content would always be free! Early access would be something I could offer, but I don't think it would be nice of me to get such a great following on here and then be like "pay up fools you need 8 vore crystals to keep playing" lol.
Thank you for the suggestions btw! I'll look at how JoraBora and SCP Illusrated do things!