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Tags: ?/F ?/ff ?/FFF ?/Ffff ?/multiple Absorption Alicorn Alicorn prey Anal Vore Assimilation boob squish boobsquish crotch boobs crotchboobs F/F F/FF F/FFF F/FFFF f/multiple Fatal Feet first Female Female Pred Female Prey Feral Pred Feral Predator Head First Headfirst hooves lactating lactating breasts Mare Mare prey Metabolize Multiple Preys My Little Pony Oral Vore Parasite Pony Pony Prey Princess Cadance Princess Cadence Princess Celestia Princess Luna princess twilight Story in description The Thing Thingpone tits out Twilight Sparkle Unbirth Unwilling Unwilling Prey
A touch was all it took, a gentle poke to sow the seeds of catastrophic corruption that took root in a few jerking seconds of panicked protest before with a shudder the seized nutrients capitulated the perfect predator. That small window of contact was all that Thingpone required to add another soul to the cancerous mass of assimilated biomass that was her congealed carcass of a body. The theft all encompassing, adipose tissue, minerals, protein even memories; all claimed and repurposed by her malleable metabolism as she took the morphology of her prey to further propagate her predatory species. Fire the only thing that could stem the tide of claiming corpulence, but such fear of the heat had done little to save the sun goddess and her princess peers.
Their meeting morphing into screams as the orange abomination fell from the ceiling with a meaty splat spreading out like a marmite amoeba enveloping the regal mares in a single sticky snatch. Horns flaring up in startled spells before dimming a few seconds later as the nerves commanding such power were neatly snipped by marauding enzymes worming their way through pampered flesh. The omnipotent ability of alicorn magic leaving the regal ponies arrogant in their age, as they believed through their unquestioned hubris of their own assumed immortality. Such a belief a folly as their supposed power was contained in a fallible form that was as easily broken as any other ensnared equine leaving the couth and collected leaders of Equestria little more than jibbering hunks of divine mare meat to be absorbed at the abomination’s leisure once her tendrils had latched on to her meal’s glossy coats.
The contact a contract for their destruction as like diseased fingers Thingpone sank into their plush bodies like pliable putty. The marbled meats aged for aeons crumbling into DNA rich chyme as she felt the very core of their essence crackled upon her web-like taint. The ambiguous bulk of Thingpone’s body creeping into the princesses like a virulent mould as she pulled them into her to form part of a greater whole allowing her to experience every part of the venerable mares as she digested their dainty corporeal forms. The quartet still fighting as they sank into the bulbous blob that was their assassin, unable to do anything other than mentally scream as they were locked into a body that was no longer reading from their hymn sheet.
The feeling of powerlessness overtaking the normally commanding ponies, as they just gasped and writhed as the sensation of burrowing beetles strummed along their shivering spines as years of perfect posture melted away in a calcium slush. Thingpone allowing her tentacles to trickle down her prestigious prey’s throats so she could digest their above-average builds with more ease. The sugary taste of cake and other sweet treats in their stomachs adding an opulence as she digested their dinner out of their own heaving belly just as easily as the surrounding royal wrapper. The probing procurement cementing the immutable fact that everything that was the four princesses was now hers, and by the time she was done not a single slither of their past existence would remain once her perfect processing had run its course.
The conversion clean, Thingpone wearing her victims like socks, simply an extension of her crooked organ systems allowing her to savour the stimuli from her shuddering snacks. The confusion overcoming all but Celestia instantly, as through sheer willpower or perhaps a sporadic spasm her back hoof came to Thingpone’s leathery hide as if she could somehow pull herself out of the toxic tar trapping her. the venerable mare putting up the most fight, as even in her snagged state she intended to break a hoof off in this cretin who dared assault the sanctity of her palace in such an audacious attack. The motion more drunken then calculated as even as the kick was in motion her spine was being severed by seditious snakes slithering beneath her skin. The penurious placement of her tender frog just creating another point of contact allowing marauding tendrils to work through the hoof and begin to ingest the toned calf with impunity.
The other three fairing no better as they fidgeted feebly in Thingpone’s seeping stranglehold, unable to do anything more as they felt the feeling’s fade as neurons were nibbled as the mare’s own nervous and pulmonary systems were used to spread their own undoing. The monstrosity examining the make-up of her meal with curiosity as she thought of ways to use their skin, their muscle structure and any other component in the broken globule that was her normal state. The throbbing threat’s chameleon-like capability’s allowing her to make use of much more than the form of her food as every facet of their morphology was integrated into her fluid genes as their genetic code joined countless others in her chimeric chromosomes.
Thingpone exerting complete control over the princess’s Junoesque bodies as she explored every nook and cranny of their intimate internals. Each twist and turn of their bowels an adventure as years of life and adventure were reflected in from their pretty faces to their pinching ponuts as the freak fondled them further than any lover ever might. The sensation of a svelte neck gagging gently in her grasp to the slight squirm as she nipped at tantalizing breasts euphoric as the feeling of a gluttonous gorging released invigorating endorphins into Thingpone’s crooked core. Light jerks and quivers rippling through the alicorn’s squirming soma as soon the tiptoeing taint would claim their knowledgeable brains as it seeped into their skulls allowing the fatty grey matter contained within to be reduced to a steady stream of lipids and ichor.
The consuming coup taking its time, as Thingpone fondled the frames of her food as she got to know each mare better than they knew themselves. No secrets allowed to linger as their individuality was stripped from them as they were added to a greater whole in one last journey before they became part of a better being. The sun the first to be extinguished as Thingpone cradled Celestia’s heart within her chest, feeling the pump pounding to the fuel of adrenalin and primal fear. The organ trying to give the venerable mare the energy to fight but with a gentle squeeze, it stalled to a stop and like that a thousand years of rule ended with a whimper. The thrall of death earning a short spasm from the older sister as her weakened leg shattered as in the blind bucking her dead weight collapsed to the floor leaving a gnarled stump at the princesses partially processed knee as she came to a rest on her padded groin pleasure pillows. A bone protruding from the open wound scraping the marble floor as the melting mare was drawing into the waiting embrace of her devourer. Celestia’s tail twitching as her dock dabbed for a few seconds offering false signs of life before with a fibrous crunch it came away and was slurped into Thingpone’s body like a billowing noodle leaving just an alabaster ass protruding from the beast’s massive middle. A lost vine peaking from one of her nipples like a scared garden eel, wriggling about a bit before it blindly recoiled back into the warm embrace of Celestia’s violated interior.
During this, the other princesses were having an equally terrible time with the princess of friendship faring the worst, as with her smaller build Twilight had already been reduced to little more than a twitching tail slowly being threaded into a puckered orifice. The purple pony’s shorter life allowing her to be claimed much more easily than her more mature peers, as every lesson and spell the neurotic equine had learned was leeched from her entombed body before with a compression the sapped skull was shattered like a glass on concrete allowing the craniums calories to be claimed. Thingpone forming a polyp around the pulverized pony, as soon the entirety of the battered bookworm was bundled up as a mangled mare meatball slowly stewing as all that study was reduced to a slowly shrinking bulge.
Cadance following suit with the mare she used to foal sit, as she too was dragged into a waiting maw. The pink pony’s love jugs scraping over the cold floor, leaving goosebumps to pepper the doughy flesh as she felt the tactile tide overcome her cringing face. The mare retching as she felt feelers plunge down her nose as something parted her pearlescent teeth and began to tickle her tonsils. It was too much for her compromised system to process as the princess of love felt a slimy snake slither between her thighs and cup a hold of her mons before applying a tentative touch and gently slight her forward into the claggy sheathe surrounding her. the motion was akin to one pulling up a pair of tights, as inch by inch her well-groomed fur was entombed in the brown blob guzzling her. the simulacrum of her shape swelling back against the feeding fiend’s flesh as soon she was contorted just like Twilight as nothing more than a scrunched-up hunk of horsemeat slowly rounding out as she was turned to nutrient-rich sluice. The mare’s horn pointing proudly out of the vicious veil like a proud obelisk only to slowly erode to a stub as the glowstick was ground to little more than ivory bone meal, as the sound of crackling bones began to fill the air like someone munching on ice cubes.
The waning moon faring the best out of her fallen kin, as Thingpone’s cruel caress had draped over her waist like a lover’s coat during a cold night. The infection eating into her haunches like the patter of acid rain as the pressure gradually tightened like a torturous tourniquet slowly forcing the air from her lungs like a choking constrictor. The unfortunate attachment point giving Luna plenty of time to see her looming fate, as tears trickled from her paralyzed eyes, as she felt the festering fade overtake her divine derrière, the same derelict sensation overcoming her right foreleg as it slowly sank into the stinging soup. The first jolt agonizing, knocking any fight from her body in a winding whack but as the seconds drew on it faded into the light tingling as her body could no longer compute the catastrophic carnage cascading through her model specimen of the feminine form.
Luna squirming lightly in her last moments of motion, allowing her other forehoof to come to a rest on her sister’s regal rump, cushioning the fumbling frog and allowing the little sister to feel the moment Celestia tensed up as she expired and her nipples sprang a leak as she for the first time in years relaxed. The sporadic shudders emanating from the cushioned posterior offering false hope of like as such follies of the solar sister’s survival was hopeless optimism border on mental illness as by now most of the mare’s attractive front half was probably just pulpy paste. The lesser sibling watching the light of her life fade and die in front of her as in her peripheral she could make out the forms of the other princess floundering into the folds of some devouring demon. Visceral sounds filling the air as Luna drew haggard breath, her body failing as her mind raced to each alien stimuli wrapped and distorted the defiled organs within her wheezing barrel.
The dire situation only escalating as gentle snaps and crackles began to fill the air in an erratic melody, as bones and gristle filled the air like a bag of cooking popcorn. Luna knowing full well the morbid music was the sound of her peer’s skeletons crumpled under the weight of more powerful biology, as her buttocks began to quiver in an involuntary shudder. Her piping quaking as her body’s faculties were raked over the coals and stripped from her in a series of sweeping seizures. Darkness creeping into the corners of Luna’s eyes like an extinguishing eclipse as her brain began to boil, the flesh faltering under the bath of bilge swimming through her now blackened veins. Luna’s cyan eyes losing their glow, as the mist of death began to glaze over the desperate glances, as she saw tones of her coat reflected in the surrounding flesh as her very celestial spirit seemed to seep into the undulating flesh like prismatic emulsion.
Her sight going blurry as her irises wavered, as she was barely cognizant when a sprouting tentacle emerged from Celestia’s lax ponut like some sort of intestinal serpent. The normally puckered portal yawning wide to allow the monstrous tapeworm to pass, as it seemed to wave weakly as it concluded its twisting journey through a deity’s bowels. the mucus drenched tendril worming its way closer before gently sliding around Luna’s swan-like neck like a scabies scarf as it began to pull her into a heavy-handed hug. Luna impotent as she felt the pressure around her middle increase before with one last gasp her ribcage buckled, and she folded in half with a blood-chilling crack like a falling tree. The sound dragging as the mare bent like origami before like a capsizing ship, she was dragged below the wafting waves of the formless feasters engulfing form. The broken and bent babe sinking fast as soon just her hoof tips sank past a lipless rim as the moon was swallowed by the living sea which seamlessly sealed behind her as she was relegated to a dull lump distorting writhing tissue.
Thingpone mulling the influx of nutrients as she sat sprawled out on the floor like a greedy amoeba. The tentacle writing from her agape anus forming a thick knot before with a sharp yank it pulled what remained of Celestia’s lower half into her accommodating body so she could seal the monarch in a private suite to stew. Thingpone’s very nature frenetic and volatile as she wore others like a dress, and these fine examples of mare morphology would fare her well as she set about processing their lingering remains before she could slink away and use of their bountiful bodies for her own amorous ambitions.
The whole process concluding with a relaxing sigh as the uncanny gormless expression plastered on Thingpone’s face morphed back into a more presentable expression as the exertion of gorging on fresh quarry faded allowing her concentration of her assumed form to return. The psudeomare proud as she felt the disintegrating mass within her as she had ended years of planning and peace with a single confident strike and a few stern swallows. The mare letting a gentle burp mixing a cocktail of spice from the four sluiced females sealed away in temporary stomachs, cementing her conversion of the four princesses into nothing more than sacks of simmering stew to be expended at her discretion. The congealing curry sure to do wonders to her adaptable figure as she had seen the way Anon ogled those images of the now ruminating royals. The mares nothing more than fresh clay for the plasticine pony as intended to form the perfect sexual conglomerate of the four first-rate flanks, Celestia’s buns, with Luna’s virgin vagina, Twilight’s tight ponut and Cadance’s Kegels in the perfect coitus composite. The devious thoughts she could manifest with these mare suites incredible, as she could pleasure him infinitely better than his shoddy VR porn as she made a perfect mimic of the princess polishing his penis. A smirk coming to Thingpone’s face as for all that experience the exquisite equines had been reduced to little more than an expendable sex toy, as once their flavour faded she would need to assimilate another attractive mare to please her sempai……….
It seems Thingpone has had a gander at Anon's naughty mags, and she has decided to assimilate a couple of alicorns to try out during her already distorted bedroom activities.
One of the many unfinished sketches spitballed by me and Crazy water ( https://derpibooru.org/tags/artist-colon-crazy+water ) which I had coloured by my friend plaguetyranno
I then wrote my ussual lemon, so I hope you all enjoy this exotic predator :)
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Posted by VoraciousSincerity 4 years ago Report
The neutral expression on Thing-pone's face is...rather amusing to me honestly. This isn't really to my taste, in any sense, but that part is rather funny...especially since I checked in on a story with Thing-pone in it on FiMfiction yesterday...
Posted by doomfister 4 years ago Report
Thingpone is a fun concept, so I was happy to dabble in her with my own crooked canon :). Just remember its hard to keep an assumed form with four shapely mares squirming withing your octopus-like grasp XD
Posted by nysmnyd 4 years ago Report
Now all you need to do is make some Super Mutant ponies, for this iteration of The Master
Posted by doomfister 4 years ago Report
XD well i have done FOE stuff in the past, so you never know. Just be careful not to tell the "perfect," being it's sterile, if your speech check is not high enough your gonna have a bad time ;)
Posted by nysmnyd 4 years ago Report
Posted by doomfister 4 years ago Report
The cyle of the superiour being XD
Posted by pokebreeder25 4 years ago Report
i'm getting flood vibs from this.
Posted by doomfister 4 years ago Report
Some of the aspects of the flood are directly taken from the horror classic "The Thing," if you're into some quality practical effects and body horror I fully recommend checking out the legendary film.
Posted by pokebreeder25 4 years ago Report
i know the film and seen many of the scenes from it and it as terrifying XD
Posted by doomfister 4 years ago Report
Aye its a horror classic, one of my faves :)
Posted by pokebreeder25 4 years ago Report
i liked the blob. it was a very interesting concept.
Posted by doomfister 4 years ago Report
Another great one, a very exotic monster, even if it is incredibly simple in design.
Posted by pokebreeder25 4 years ago Report
yep. i still think the parasprites would make a good story idea.
Posted by doomfister 4 years ago Report
Perhaps one day 0-0
Posted by pokebreeder25 4 years ago Report