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Alrighty, inspiration for this one is mostly from Runeterra, the League of Legends card game. There's a popular Soraka/Tahm Kench deck, and a card within that lets a unit consume an allied unit. Kinda writes itself, huh?
An alliance with the River King was unexpected, but Soraka was optimistic. She would be a positive influence upon the demonic being. No one was past redemption, even a creature such as he. Little did she know, that as the partnership continued, the one who would be influenced greatly was her.
Throughout their battles together, she watched with disgust as the gluttonous catfish monster devoured friend and foe alike. Their allies however, Soraka's brethren and Tahm's own goons, always returned from within the amphibious beast unscathed and protected. One day, the big fish made a small proposal. One that she swiftly turned down. Always charming, he graciously left the contract behind when he departed, "just in case". Consuming her own friends to protect them from any enemy, seemed reprehensible, at first.. But as Soraka looked at the curled parchment, she couldn't deny the River King's results.
The very next engagement with the enemy, Soraka was out of mana and faced with a desperate situation. Seeing no other way to save her ally, her thoughts turned to the demon's pact. With apprehension, she quickly agreed to it's terms. The deal was made, and the magic cast. Soraka's belly expanded violently, each of her belts straining and snapping, as the smaller purple skinned girl was transported to apparent safety inside of her. Soraka retreated quickly from the front lines. Tahm watched on, grinning widely. He had never informed her of the contract's true price.
While the catfish demon could relinquish allies with ease, Soraka found that she could not. Reassuring her crying companion that it'd be okay, while trying everything she could think of, she was helpless to stop her stomach from doing the job it was made to do. Filled to the brim with Ottrani meat, her gut gurgled noisily around the feebly squirming meal. The River King did not lie, her friend Illi was certainly safe from their enemies. And when her stomach was done, she'd be safe from harm forever, would she not?
Feeling horribly guilty, and ashamed of being tricked, the healer could only watch as the magically ingested star shepherd burbled away, the shape of her body gradually losing definition as it lost solidity. The girl that looked up to her, depended on her for protection, soon reduced to nothing but nutritious goop within her belly. Something about the taboo act.. A strange feeling bubbled up from within. A growing gnaw of desire that stirred her soul, the same way her middle stirred the dense broth that was, moments ago, a trusted companion. Soraka patted her bulging belly, letting out a pleasured groan and shivered involuntarily. She had harmed to protect before, was this not similar?
She was snapped from her trance by a raucous laughter and a slimy hand on her shoulder. The catfish demon, still chuckling, suggested that they weren't so different after all. Soraka swiftly returned to the battlefield to escape the fiend's mockery. While her meal was absorbed and her strength surged, the remaining enemies were powerless before her. Soraka tried hard to shake off the elation of the victory. To remember that what had happened with Illi was a mistake, to make sure it would never happen again..
And yet, with every battle that the pair won, and every ally that never returned, the Starchild found herself increasingly eager to partake in, what Tahm would lovingly call, "Bayou Brunch".
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Posted by PootisBear 4 years ago Report
This deck is the absolute bane of my existence in-game, but I can definitely appreciate someone making art inspired by it. Good work!
Posted by alphashows 4 years ago Report
It can definitely be a struggle to play against, but at least it gave me this idea. Thanks!
Posted by carlj 4 years ago Report
Your pixel art is sooo good!
Posted by alphashows 4 years ago Report
Thanks mate!
Posted by Silent_eric 4 years ago Report
All that for only three mana? Seems like a bargain River King.
Posted by alphashows 4 years ago Report
Corrupting people with deals that are too good to pass up is sorta the ol' catfish's whole operation, so a bargain it is!
Posted by Sekkinox 4 years ago Report
Can't believe you do it, that's awesome !