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So, where is Milly you ask? Well, if you checked her page you already knew the answer didn't you. I'm a firm believer that some of the perfect victims in the grand scheme of the food chain are apex preds themselves. It doesn't always happen, but sometimes you get your hands on that one moment where a perma-predator (or just an apex pred period) takes the final plunge and commits their life to the same fate as their victims.
Fenrir Accalia is one of the servers at the Cocksnack. For years, she'd been teasing Fen about maing her a brew, and the two finally got into a sexual stamina contest to see who'd end up on top, Fenrir using magic to give herself a cock of her own for the event. Milly started out well, but in the end it was Fenrir who prevailed. Admittedly, Milly was too cum and lust-drunk in the end to even debate the results.
Right at the end, she was just coherent enough to dare Fenrir to do it, or she'd try to turn the tables. She never got the chance.
Despite having ended the lives of fifteen other characters, Milly was next in line, and ended up brewed into a churnslut's snack herself. The brewer became the brewed, aptly named "Churned Brewer Delight."
Fenrir, a.k.a. https://www.f-list.net/c/Fenrir%20Accalia/ (c) her player
Milly, a.k.a. https://www.f-list.net/c/milly_the_milotic/ (c) Doku
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Posted by Perv404 3 years ago Report
It takes a special kind of predator/brewer to risk it all after brewing up so many~
Posted by Doku 3 years ago Report
*chuckle* I rather enjoyed the perverse symmetry of her passing. She was just about as panting and lustful as Katy'd been when she got slurped up for good. You enjoyed the show quite a bit didn't you? Been a while since you got slurped up yourself. You're usually on to these days...
*eyes Olga and Morino before smiling wickedly and winking* Usually.
Posted by Perv404 3 years ago Report
I do indeed enjoy watching shows of such perverted nature~
A cockvorno maybe? A brew? Or maybe even...handholding? fu fu~
Posted by Nightshadow101 3 years ago Report
What is this 'CockSnack' place? I understand its an RP group, but, is it still active? possible to join even?
Posted by Doku 3 years ago Report
The Cocksnack is a secondary chatroom on F-List.
Information on the room: https://www.f-list.net/c/The%20CockSnack
Join F-List, make a character up, type "Cocksnack" into the search when looking for chatrooms and you should be able to find it. It is quiet some days, and intensely active others. Most play is Cock Vore related. Hard Vore and particularly graphic/gorey stuff is taken into private.
Posted by Nightshadow101 3 years ago Report
ah, so, there isn't a discord for it then?
Posted by Doku 3 years ago Report
If there's a discord, I'm unaware of it. I don't RP on discord as a rule.