Somewhere in the slums of Tokyo Bay, the streets were mostly quiet as everyone either went to work, went to school or slept in the early morning. Mostly quiet, except for a loud, almost animalistic noise coming from a certain small shack.
“Nomf, nomf, mmmm… gulp.”
Mako Mankanshoku, student of Honnouji Academy, was enjoying a rare instance of being home alone. She loved her family, of course, but the rare peace and quiet left in the house resulting from her parents having to go pay a fine for her brother to be released from a youth detention center after he was caught stealing was certainly a good change of pace.
She wasn’t fully alone, though. Of course, she had been sharing her home with a certain girl for quite some time now.
“Ryuko! C’mon, mom only made us so much rice and croquettes before she left! If you don’t hurry up, I’m gonna eat the rest!”
Mako could hear the shifting of bedsheets coming from Ryuko’s room.
“Maybe she’s just talking to her clothes again…”
Ryuko groaned softly as her head rolled against the pillow. The sound of her friend encouraging her to get up reverberated on her head, and the smell of food lingering in the air made her stomach groan.
“Hmph… maybe I should get up. I am pretty hungry…” She thought to herself.
Tilting her head up, she rested her chin on the pillow, seeing her uniform hanging on the wall in front of her.
But something else caught her eye. On the corner of her field of view, she spotted something… something pink.
She turned right to focus on this. Whatever it was, it was right beside her.
“Wait a…”
She quickly recognized what it was: A pink boot, decorated with lighter pink laces.
“Wait, wha?!”
Almost jumping out of bed, Ryuko stared up: Right there, with one leg firmly planted on each side of her, was none other than Nui Harime. Staring right down to her, holding a life fiber in her pinkie. But this life fiber seemed… different.
“Hii, Ryuko-chan~”
After several minutes of waiting for Ryuko to get out of bed, Mako finally heard the door to the kitchen open. With a mouthful of rice that she was working on chewing, she turned to see her friend.
Ryuko was still wearing her pajamas, her messy hair from having just woken up drooping down and covering her left eye.
“Hey, Mako.” Ryuko spoke mid-yawn.
“Good morning, sleepyhead! You almost ran out of breakfast!” Mako pushed a plate full of croquettes and a bowl brimming with rice next to herself.
“Thank you…” Ryuko sat down beside Mako, munching on a croquette.
While she ate, Ryuko turned her view towards Mako. More specifically, towards the food she was eating. She stared attentively at the rice as Mako’s chopsticks lifted several grains at once and brought them to her maw, before being sealed away by her lips.
And, in the blink of an eye, Mako’s tongue was already pushing the ball of food down her throat and getting ready to eat some more.
This odd staring didn’t go unnoticed by Mako, though.
“Uh, Ryuko? Your food’s over there, heheh…”
“Oh, I’m not hungry right now.” Ryuko gave a small smile.
“You’re not? But you keep looking at my food…”
“Yes, well… I’m not looking at it because I’m hungry.”
Ryuko’s tone of voice was… odd. Mako had no clue what she was talking about, and this tone of voice wasn’t very frequent of her.
“Oh? What does that mean?”
“I’m a bit…”
Ryuko blushed.
“Jealous of your food.”
Mako stopped eating instantly.
“You’re whaaa-?!” Some grains of rice fell down her mouth as her jaw hung open.
“Just… your food gets to explore so deep inside your body, see things I could never see, it makes me wish I could be there with it…” She looked to the floor.
“Ryuko… I… have no idea what you’re talking about. But you’re my friend! And if my friend wants to get eaten by me I will support it, n-no matter what! It’s not in anyone’s position to judge someone for wanting to be eaten, or for talking to their clothes, or for-”
As Mako went on, Ryuko looked at her face and smiled. Beneath the hair that covered her left eye, a perfectly hidden pink eyepatch almost briefly became visible as Mako’s erratic hand gestures moved the air around them. As she felt this, the woman that called herself Ryuko quickly stood up.
“Yes, well, I have to go do something, stay here, I have a surprise for you~”
Mako was further confused as she heard Ryuko say this. That… didn’t sound at all like something Ryuko would say. But then again, neither was saying she wanted to be eaten. Maybe she was just feeling weird that morning… and the idea of Ryuko having a “surprise” for her was certainly enticing!
As Ryuko walked past her, her extended pinky subtly weaved a red fiber into Mako’s white sailor uniform.
Walking back into the bedroom, Nui undid her Ryuko costume in a moment, letting the clothes fall on the floor, and turning to the upturned mug on the floor.
“Oh Ryuko~ It’s time to show your best friend your cute new appearance!”
Nui kicked the cup, throwing it to the student’s bed and making it split in half in the process. Underneath the cup, a small black speck started moving…
Ryuko could barely process what had happened. In one moment, she was calmly laying in bed, then she had the person she had been trying to track down and kill for so long appear in her room, and in another moment, said person had caused her to shrink down to a sizer smaller than a bug that was dwarfed by Nui’s pink boots.
Ryuko attempted to take off her orange pajamas, but they refused to come off. Whatever life fiber Nui had sewn into them to shrink her that small was thin enough to be of a normal width at Ryuko’s size, and was long enough at said size to be sewn all over the outfit, top and bottom. Just like Senketsu when she first wore him, it refused to come off, but unlike Senketsu, it didn’t speak.
After failing to take off the pajamas, Ryuko hesitantly looked up, to the gigantic face of Nui Harime staring down upon her.
“Aww! You’re just so completely adorable at that size!” You’re like the cutest speck!” Nui fawned over Ryuko, which only worried her further.
“Sh-shut up you damn murderer! Take these stupid clothes off me or I’ll kick your ass!”
Nui brought a hand to her ear, leaning down as if trying to listen to Ryuko.
“Oh, did you say something? Insulted me, perhaps? Well, I’m afraid I can’t understand you from aaaaall the way up here~ I could finish you by just lifting my foot and letting it come back down on top of you, but that’d be boring, wouldn’t it~?”
Ryuko took a step back. Dodging a giant foot would be easy enough, so she didn’t like that she seemed to have something else in mind…
“For now I will keep you in your cute porcelain room!” The pink-clad girl picked up a nearby cup, casually putting it on the floor above Ryuko…
Having successfully disguised herself as Ryuko and set the real Ryuko free, Nui kept track of the black speck on the floor. She was moving a bit too fast for what she wanted to do…
“Hmm…” Nui turned her mouth, her eyes darting around the room.
Spotting Ryuko’s heavy white sneakers, Nui happily walked towards the footwear, and picked up the right shoe.
“Hm, not really my style, but they definitely look cute on you, Ryuko!”
Nui turned back to Ryuko. She was still running towards the door. Nui sighed.
“At least you’re not very fast when you’re smaller than a piece of lint…”
Nui dropped to her knees behind Ryuko, who was just barely making it out of the carpet.
“And speaking of…”
She laid down, her colossal face now directly behind Ryuko, and placed Ryuko’s sneaker in front of the shrunken girl.
“I bet you’ve never seen it this up close before!”
Pursing her lips, Nui gently blew on Ryuko. The warm, strawberry-scented air picked up the shrunken Ryuko like a typhoon, taking her straight to the entrance of her very own footwear.
“I’ve decided to offer you a little game~!” Nui placed the sneaker right-side up, seeing Ryuko now stranded on her own shoe. “If you get out, you’re free to get to your friend so she can help! I’m sure a fit girl like you will have no problem with this, hm?” She picked up the shoe, putting it back in its place next to the left shoe.
Nui gave Ryuko a gentle hand wave.
Everything happened so fast for Ryuko. After being trapped under a cup for several minutes, she had been set free and didn’t waste the opportunity, wanting to go straight to Mako to get help. But before she could make it to her door, she was blown onto her own sneaker, and taken to the back of her room.
“Damn this little psycho…” Ryuko looked around the new environment: With light only coming from the mouth of the shoe, the toe area was shrouded in darkness. The bizarre, angled ceiling carried size labels and washing instructions that Ryuko had never even noticed were there; and the slightly damp floor of the sole combined with the stuffy air reminded her that these shoes were certainly well-worn.
Holding back a grunt of anger, Ryuko clenched her teeth and walked to the heel of her shoe: She had made it so far on her mission here, she wasn’t about to be defeated by footwear.
Having bought some time, Nui reached for her pocket with her pinky finger, pulling out another extremely tin life fiber.
“Hmm… is this one thinner than the one I used on Ryuko?” Her eye narrowed as she gently let the fiber weave around her finger.
“Oh, well!” She shrugged, weaving the fiber onto her outfit. In a moment, the special life fiber took effect, shrinking Nui herself down and down, until she was barely visible to the human eye.
“Ooh…” Nui looked around the now colossal room. Far, far into the distance, she could see Ryuko’s shoes. Bigger than a house for Ryuko, for sure, but for Nui it felt bigger than a mountain!
“Such an adorable size!” Nui jumped in place excitedly.
“Well, can’t waste time, I suppose~”
With one jump, Nui propelled her now almost weightless body with the strength that her Kamui granted her. She might’ve shrunken smaller than Ryuko, but she had the advantage of wearing her Kamui, so she effortlessly jumped a distance several times bigger than what Ryuko would’ve needed to get out of the sneaker that she was fighting tooth and nail to climb.
Hopping to the kitchen, Nui’s vision turned to Mako once more. Except this time, she was reclined over her chair, every bowl of food around her empty.
“Phew… Ryuko! I hope you’re not still hungry because I ended up eating your breakfast too! I don’t know why, but I’m way hungrier than usual!”
Nui smiled. The fiber she had discreetly put on Mako had worked, then. Her metabolism was working tenfold. Despite having eaten enough food to sustain a family, her belly didn’t look bulging in the slightest…
Cheerful, Nui moved closer to the looming student, her colossal size casting a shadow on her. When she reached her brown loafers, she effortlessly hopped on top of them.
Standing on the leather, Nui could feel the socked foot moving inside.
“Ah, the sailor uniform look… so simple but so cute!”
Moving closer to Mako’s leg, she felt the white sock that reached halfway to her knees. It was so soft… Nui had to resist the urge to stop right here just to observe the marvel of clothing at such a minuscule scale much closer.
Grabbing onto the sock, Nui boosted herself up, making her way to Mako’s knee.
Meanwhile, a very angry teenager was clawing her way out of her own shoe, with murderous intent in her eyes.
“That little brat… when I get back to normal and find her, I’ll throw her in my damn shoe myself, and then put it on!”
Having made it halfway up her shoe, the sweat on her hands that resulted from nervousness and anger worked against her, making her slip and fall back down to her sole.
“Fuck!” Without missing a beat, Ryuko got back up, wiped her sweat on her clothes, and started climbing again. At least she didn’t get hurt from falling onto the cushiony sole…
Gripping the cloth as strongly as she could, Ryuko finally reached the rim of her shoe fueled by spite and anger alone. Jumping off her shoe and onto the much harder wood, Ryuko sat down for a moment, taking in the sight of the colossal footwear as she panted.
“Fuck… I really am tiny… that goddamn kid is-”
Her eyes widened.
“Shit, Mako!”
No time to rest. She stood back up and sprinted to the door. However, with no kamui and a whole lot less energy, the progress she made was slow.
Nui stared at Mako’s eyes. The humongous, hazel-colored orbs gazed into the distance, focusing on nothing in particular. At her size, they looked like imposing deities, observing everything with their dwarfing size. And Nui had a front row seat to see them: She was right on top of Mako’s nose.
“Ah, such a cute girl, she’s perfect for this~!”
Suddenly, Mako sighed.
“Ryukoo! C’mon, you can’t just say something weird then disappear!”
Reclining further on the chair, keeping it from falling backwards only by having her left foot hanging on the underside of the table, Mako’s face went almost fully horizontal, causing Nui to fall backwards and in front of her nose.
Surrounded by gusts of wind, Nui had an idea.
“Hmm…” She brought a finger to her cheek. “Should I…”
She shrugged.
“Oh well. I never know when I’m going to get another shrinking fiber!”
Cheerfully, she jumped in front of one of Mako’s nostrils, before being immediately sucked in.
Flying through a warm tunnel, lined by tiny thin hairs that even at that size were larger than trees for Nui, she managed to stabilize herself in the air, making sure to stay in the middle of the nostril and getting ready for what came next…
And as she was breathed deeper inside Mako’s nose, what came next was clear: She got sucked right down, flying towards Mako’s lungs…
But she stopped herself. In the last second before being sent there, she pulled out her trusty scissorblade half, and stabbed it into the wall beside her.
Lucky for Mako, this didn’t pierce her any less than swallowing chewed hard candy. However, she did feel it.
Noticing a strange sensation on the back of her tongue, the slightly confused Mako reflexively swallowed, sending the nearly microscopic Nui straight to her ever-hungry stomach…
“Huff… huff… Mako!... I’m… here…!”
Ryuko finally walked through the door to the kitchen, making a mental note to start going to sleep while wearing Senketsu.
When she looked at Mako, her next pant was mixed with a sigh of relief. She was okay.
“M-Mako…! Mako!” Ryuko mustered the last of her strength to call out to her friend.
“Hm?” Hearing something behind her, Mako turned her head further backwards, causing the momentum to make her foot slip and sending her tumbling down to the floor with her chair.
“Wah!” With flailing arms, the smash of the chair and Mako’s head against the floor knocked Ryuko off her feet. Thankfully, it would take more to get through Mako’s thick skull.
Still on the floor, Mako looked at the upside-down floor and quickly spotted a tiny back dot that wasn’t there before. Squinting her eyes, she focused further on it, and started to recognize the shape.
“Woah!” Mako rolled out of her chair, falling face first on the floor and crawling towards the dot. “You really did it?! I thought you were joking!”
The shock of her bubbly friend’s usually cute face suddenly taking up enough space above her to resemble her skybox was certainly a shock to Ryuko, but after having spent 10 minutes in her own shoes, she was able to brush it aside.
“M-Mako, listen! I-I need to… wait, what do you mean by-”
“I thought you were testing me or pulling a prank on me! B-but you were serious! How’d you do it? Was it your clothes?” Mako noticed the yellow clothes on Ryuko. “Woah! You’re not even wearing your usual clothes! The pajamas we gave you have powers too?! I didn’t know that! If I had known, I would’ve kept those to myself!”
Mako’s voice went from scary to worrying to white noise in Ryuko’s head. She had to warn her of Nui, but whatever Mako thought this was… she had started talking, and Ryuko knew very well that she wasn’t going to be able to stop her. Especially when her mouth was hundreds of times bigger than her own…”
“Not that I don’t want you to have powers, of course!” Mako got closer to Ryuko. “But you know, you already have clothes that give you powers! As a friend, I’d hope you would give me the other ones, but that doesn’t mean I’m mad! I respect your choice!”
The prone Mako seemed to be inadvertently getting closer and closer to Ryuko… and that huge, heavily used mouth of hers was getting closer and closer too.
“W-wait, Mako, can you back up a little?”
Ryuko’s words went unheard.
“Well, I guess I wouldn’t get much use out of clothes that shrink me anyways. My brother would mess with me so much if he saw me at that size! It would be great for eating, though, even just one grain of rice would be bigger than me!”
Mako’s lips were getting dangerously close to Ryuko by now. The inside of Mako’s mouth, impressively clean despite having just eaten, was slowly becoming the only thing Ryuko could see. She backed away slightly, but her hair had started to swing back and forth in rhythm with Mako’s talking and her (scarce) pauses to breathe.
“Although I guess eating is what you’re using it for… you did tell me as much! I thought it was weird, but now that I know you have the ability to get smaller, I understand! You just wanted to see something that we could never see! If I could be super tiny, I-I’d want to get eaten by you too! I’d be close to you all the time!”
Ryuko could barely hear what Mako was saying. After all, most of the sounds she made were translating to so much reverberation it became incomprehensible. But the amount of times she could make out the word “eat” were worrying Ryuko.
Suddenly, Mako stopped to breathe again.
Quickly taking in a breath through her mouth was such a reflexive and mundane act that she didn’t even give it a second thought. Not even after feeling a tiny bit of pressure on the tip of her tongue. Once more air was in her lungs, she kept talking.
“I just hope it’s not scary in there, though! I mean, food that comes in doesn’t come out! We learned about this in class a long time ago, the digestive system and all that. I didn’t pay a lot of attention back then either but the gist of it is that food melts in your belly!”
“M-Mako!” The now terrified Ryuko tried to yell out to her friend as she was forced to roll around her shifting tongue, thrown against her cheeks only to be picked up again and temporarily smashed against the roof of her mouth, all happening constantly at breakneck speed, quickly soaking Ryuko’s pajamas.
“But you’re strong, of course! You’ve taken so many hits that I could never dream of taking! Like, whole missiles from that one girl’s airship! What was her name? Oh, Nonon! And I bet you’d be able to beat her even at this size!”
Tired of being thrown around, the still exhausted Ryuko tried her best to hand onto Mako’s soft tongue, clawing at it with her nails.
“And I- huh?” Mako felt her mouth being scratched. She looked down, noticing Ryuko wasn’t there anymore.
She quickly brought the tip of her tongue to whatever had done that, trying to confirm her suspicion. Mako’s tongue slammed Ryuko into her inner cheek.
“It is you!” The girl’s exclamation made Ryuko’s ears ring.
“Mako! Please! Get me-”
“I didn’t think you’d be in such a hurry! Sorry! I-I’ll swallow you now!”
Sealing her lips, Mako sharply inhaled before gulping with all her might. Her tongue folded, smashing Ryuko into the back of her mouth and forcing her down, sending her on a trip down her throat and right to her belly.
Being pushed by the very well trained muscles, Ryuko sighed, hitting her forehead against the fleshy wall.
“ sucks.”
Nui felt the walls that surrounded her. The inside of Mako’s stomach was better than she could even imagine! The pink-clad girl ran from end to end of the belly, taking in all the sounds of gurgling and churning that came from this chamber, and other parts of the body, all of which were accompanied by a steady heartbeat.
Pieces of food still remained in the stomach, but were being digested extremely fast. Any drops of stomach acid that fell on Nui would not even tickle her, as her kamui protected her from far worse things.
While she enjoyed herself inside of Mako’s belly, she felt something else being swallowed. Her smile grew wider, and she ran over to the sphincter that dropped all of Mako’s food down on their final destination. She looked up, seeing a pair of feet appear from there, accompanied by the rest of the body that belonged to Ryuko.
Ryuko’s fall onto Mako’s stomach was surprisingly long. She expected to be immediately dropped inside, but instead she fell for a solid 3 seconds before touching the “ground”.
“Ugh… damn it. How am I gonna make her spit me out now?”
Suddenly, she felt a slight tingling sensation under her butt.
Ryuko’s hand moved to her hip. Ryuko tilted, releasing whatever was trapped under her right buttcheek and letting her hand grab it.
When she brought this marble-sized (from her perspective) object up to her face, the last thing she expected to find was the very same person who had put her in this mess to begin with.
Nui’s smile didn’t break. She stared at Ryuko’s face, even as the grip she had on her body became far tougher.
“Y-you! You little shit, turn me back right now!”
Ryuko’s fist squeezed every part of Nui’s body from her neck down, not even letting her constricted arms and legs show. The tinier girl could feel Ryuko’s hand shaking as she gripped her: If she wasn’t wearing a Kamui, she would’ve gotten her head popped out by now.
The minuscule girl giggled. “I don’t think you want that~ you’d probably kill your friend!”
“Huh?!” Ryuko practically roared at her as she brought her up to her face, leaving Nui’s face inches away from Ryuko’s eyes.
“We’re inside her, silly~. If I removed your special fiber, it’d probably be pretty messy…”
Nui effortlessly popped her right arm out of Ryuko’s grip, holding up her pinky.
“But I can do it if you want~”
Ryuko’s face turned redder.
“I’ll bite your head off, you little shit! You’re here too, so you know how to get out of here!”
“Well… I know how I can get out of here.”
“...” Ryuko’s grip became ever so slightly less strong.
“I have my kamui on~ nothing in this girl’s body can hurt me. I can just wait to get to the other end~!”
Ryuko’s nose scrunched up. This girl really was freaky…”
“You, however… You’ll get melted by her accelerated digestive system before she even knows what she did!” Nui giggled.
Ryuko threw Nui against the floor, stomping on her with all the might her bare foot could muster.
“I’ll at least turn you to a stain before that happens!”
Meanwhile, Mako happily rubbed her belly. A great breakfast AND a big favor for her friend, all sharing a space in her belly! She happily stood up, seeing the open door to her and Ryuko’s bedroom.
But something was different….
With curiosity, Mako walked into the room. It took her a moment to notice what was off about the room, but when she noticed, she ran straight to Ryuko’s bed.
“Her clothes! Where’d they go?!”
Mako always found it strange that Ryuko had such an emotional attachment to the set of clothes, but she wasn’t one to judge. Ryuko loved them and Mako was her friend, so it was her duty to protect them, especially while her friend is busy being in her belly!
Mako started searching through the room, hoping they simply were somehow blown off somewhere else…
As the stomach shaped, Ryuko found it harder to continuously stomp on Nui’s body… but that wasn’t stopping her.
“Get! Me! Out! -huff- Of! Here!”
Nui saw Ryuko’s bare sole lift up, then back down, then up, then back down. The only reason she wasn’t stopping her foot was… she found it kinda comfortable. The slimy walls were nice, but Ryuko’s smooth skin was even better. And whenever it came down on her with all the force Ryuko could muster, it felt like a friendly pat all over her body.
“Get…” “…””
Ryuko collapsed. Mako’s stomach wasn’t the best place to be in. It smelled acidic, and the droplets that fell on her from the ceiling were starting to tingle. Combined with her existent exhaustion, she couldn’t keep herself up after her rage-fueled adrenaline ran out.
Nui grabbed onto one of Ryuko’s toes and stood up, hopping on top of the foot and walking calmly up to Ryuko’s back.
“You know… when I decided on this, I didn’t know if I wanted to simply eat you or get eaten by you… I didn’t want to miss being able to see how cute someone is on the inside, but I also wanted to be able to tease you~ this feels like a nice middle ground!” Nui gave another irritating giggle.
Finally, Mako spotted what she was looking for. Ryuko’s uniform. It was behind her pillow! But she didn’t find it in the state she expected to find it in…
“Huh? It got small too?”
Lifting it on her fingertip, Mako stared at the mini.uniform. It was shrunk to the same scale as Ryuko, so it had to be hers!
“Hmm… maybe it could get a little scary in there… I bet Ryuko could use a friend!”
Mako popped the clothes onto her tongue, and quickly swallowed.
Nui’s speech was interrupted as a set of wet clothes fell on top of her.
“Of course, after this I can-”
Ryuko’s first reaction was disgust. Did Mako eat more food?
That disgust quickly shifted to excitement as she heard the “food” whisper to her.
“Ryuko… that was so disgusting…”
Throwing Nui off her back, Ryuko put senketsu on. She didn’t even need to pull the pin on her wrist: As the final droplet of acid needed to breach Ryuko’s skin ran down her chest, leaving a small open wound on her collarbone, Senketsu absorbed the blood, transforming itself.
Ryuko was no longer wearing her pajamas. Her black and red transformed outfit showed Nui the might that she had in their previous encounters.
In an instant, Nui disappeared. She sprinted between Ryuko’s boots, still with impressive speed despite her size.
“You little shit! Come back!”
Nui hung on the stomach ceiling as Ryuko looked for her on the floor. The black haired girl’s attention was turned upward as she heard Nui talk again.
“I didn’t know your kamui had those fibers, too… Shame!”
“Come here!”
Ryuko jumped up, attempting to snatch Nui, but she slipped between her fingers.
“But exciting! Now I know what you’re capable of in even greater detail! Let’s call it a successful reconnaissance operation, hm?”
“Let’s call it me beating your face in, you little shit!” Ryuko dove to Nui, boot-first, in an attempt to stomp her out.
“I’ll see you soon, then~”
Nui dodged Ryuko’s predictable attack, hopping up Mako’s throat and leaving through her mouth before the clueless girl could even feel a speck moving on her mouth.
“God damnit…”
“Don’t beat yourself up, Ryuko. We couldn’t have predicted this.” Senketsu spoke.
“Yeah… and, how are you here exactly? You can get smaller, and just never told me?”
“Not exactly… Nui Harime used special thin life fibers that turn all fibers and living things around them to the scale where the thin fibers would resemble normal ones. I don’t have such fibers… but I do have the ability to pull my own.”
“Huh?!” Ryuko looked behind her. Indeed, a small bundle of tied up fibers stuck out of Senketsu’s side. “So it’s like… shrinking a sock by pulling a thread from it?”
“Essentially. The problem with this is… it’s not so easy to go back to normal.”
“I’m afraid you’ll have to stay at this size with me on until I can figure out how to put those threads back into me.”
“I reckon it’ll likely take me a few weeks.”
Mako heard a loud, screechy sound coming from her stomach.
“Sounds like Ryuko is having fun in there!”
Posted by Sica44 2 years ago Report
Very good story, I hope to see more like it in the future.