His blue, fuzzy dragon self taking up the mantle of a gumshoe in the modern era, falls across the trail of something much deeper than he'd anticipated!
I really liked the concept behind this one. Wouldn't mind seeing more mystery style stories from you.
I know this was a commission, so I'm not sure how much free reign you had, but I would have suggested throwing in some reoccurring minor characters as red hearings just to really make the reader wonder who it could be. As it is, I think it was easy to tell early on who the culprit was.
For this one, there was a fair bit of freedom with regards to creative control, but it was more the page-limit that constrained the option to diversify the mystery.
It was a very fun one to write, for sure! I don't know if I'd do them outside of commissions that much though. I'd have to be very taken by an idea for it. X3
Posted by heartfelthusky 7 months ago Report
I really liked the concept behind this one. Wouldn't mind seeing more mystery style stories from you.
I know this was a commission, so I'm not sure how much free reign you had, but I would have suggested throwing in some reoccurring minor characters as red hearings just to really make the reader wonder who it could be. As it is, I think it was easy to tell early on who the culprit was.
Posted by Tsumi 7 months ago Report
For this one, there was a fair bit of freedom with regards to creative control, but it was more the page-limit that constrained the option to diversify the mystery.
It was a very fun one to write, for sure! I don't know if I'd do them outside of commissions that much though. I'd have to be very taken by an idea for it. X3