Revision of Common Roleplay Terms from Tue, 03/09/2010 - 14:12
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The following is a list of role play terms used in the Eka Portal chat rooms, though they are also commonly found everywhere in the vore community.
SOFT VORE typically refers to scenarios in which there is no blood or major injury prior to consumption. Soft vore can contain violence, such as being non-consensual, but it precludes the possibility of being cut or bitten apart during the action. It is a term that is not entirely solidified and many people may have their own definition. Some assume that soft vore can involve digestion, while others believe that soft vore must preclude it. (see Soft Vore)
HARD VORE refers to scenarios where there is significant injury to the prey in the act of being consumed. It is also sometimes referred to as rip and chew. Hard vore usually involves biting, tearing and blood. It does not necessary mean pain will be part of a scenario, though this is often a component. (see Hard vore )
PRED (Predator)The predator is the person who does the eating, hunting, or is the “top” in a relationship, or the master/mistress.
PREY The prey is the one who get eaten or consumed or otherwise stuffed inside someone else. It also loosely means bottom, slave, or pet in many situations.
Blood This refers to whether a predator or prey prefers blood in a scene. For some, Blood is can be a essential part of vore. (See Blood)
Digestion Digestion is the act of digesting prey. (See Digestion )
Gender - Male/Female/Herm: This refers to the genders a player prefers to have scenes with. The term "herm" refers to "hermaphrodite," a term referring to a person that has both sets of sexual genitals. (see Hermaphrodite )
Fatality: A fatality is where the prey dies. Fatality can be viewed differently depending on perspective. For some, it is considered fatal if the prey will be digested or absorbed. For others, it is not considered fatal as long as the prey will reform afterward, either on their own, by magical or other means, or by the wish of the predator. (See Fatality)
Food-Related: This refers to the preference of vore being related to food; as in putting topping on prey orusing them to feed someone as food.
Rough / Gentle This refers to whether a predator or prey prefers a scene to be gentle or rough in nature.
Painful vs Painless This refers to whether the subject (usually prey) suffers pain or not during the process of being eaten or digested.
Microphile / Macrophile Meaning a tiny person vs a normal person, or a huge giant verse a normal human-sized creature. Micro means small, while Marco means large. (See Macro/Micro vore and Macrophile )
Reforming: Reforming is a process by which a consumed prey will be reformed outside the predator after being consumed. This gives a player an "out" in which their character will not be killed with finality.. Reforming is a method to prevent having to make a new character every time they get eaten. Whether by magic or by other biological or scientific means, they will somehow return to life.
Watersport: Refer to role play that involve urinal plays.
Scat: refers to role play that involves the byproduct of consumption, feces. (See Scat )
Sex / Yiff: Whether someone prefers their vore to have a sexual component or not. (See Yiff )
Stretchy / Realistic:This refers to whether the the predator can only eat someone according to a size/weight ratio under common sense or if they can "stretch" to accommodate. Stretchy does not necessarily means it is less ‘real’ as some predators, such as snakes have a great ability to stretch. This may also be a component of how a predator or prey likes a prey to look or feel inside them, such as causing bulges, etc.
Vampiric vore: involve consumption method by a vampire, for example, drinking blood.
Unconventional vore: Generally refers to vore that uses a different method or entrance not listed as a 'more common' types of vore.
Willing / Unwilling: This refers to whether a player prefers to be willing prey or not. Some players prefer to be taken against their will while others find the idea of being eaten attractive and may even actively seek it in character.
IC (In-Character) vs OOC (Out of Character): In-character means people who set up some detail who they are playing, while out of character means more toward their real life personality. It can also describe how people handle a roleplay. Fully IC means they will only act as their character and role play more seriously as such without breaking that character, while OOC will means a more casual approach.
Public vs Private: Some enjoy privacy, but some enjoy audience. Those who enjoy playing in front of people does not necessarily mean being interfered with or commented upon for their role play, though. Keep that in mind!
Role play Depth: Storyline means someone who enjoys playing with a strong background and with a story behind that influences his or her role playing. While random encounter will describe something more spontaneous.
Role playing Length: How long a role play actually lasts. It can go from a few minutes to several hours, days, weeks, months or years even.
Whisper: Willingness on receiving whispers/private messages.
Verbose vs Quick: "Verbose" refers to a more detailed role play; while "quick" will try to speed up the process and be less detailed.