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Cyclops Large bipedal creatures with a single eye, bad temper and strong affinity for flesh -- human in particular. There are two main varieties of cyclops
Horned Cyclops
These cyclops are more bestial in appearance. They have cloven feet, scaly looking skin and are usually about 40 to 60 feet tall and have a single horn on the top of their heads. Their bottom half looks a lot like that of a satyr (i.e. "goat legs") and their skin color varies from a light tan to bright orange to dark umber. They are incapable of speech (though they can groan and roar) making any attempt to negotiate with them a lost cause. They tend to live alone. They are too small to swallow most creatures whole, but prefer to either cook their prey live or just eat them alive and raw in bites. They are not exactly fast (anything that tall has a large gait and can move, but they can be outrun), but are good at cornering and/or trapping prey in traps after which the prey is harvested, stored in a cage alive (if possible) and then consumed, usually at the rate of one humanoid per meal.
Giant Cyclops
Considerably larger than Horned Cyclops, they look most like a very large humanoid except for having a single eye in the middle of their forehead. They can be from 90 to well over 140 feet tall and their favorite food is living flesh, preferably humanoids. They are aggressive hunters and if they sense any chance to capture a lone humanoid or a party of them, they will go to extraordinary lengths to do so. Most are capable of speech and depending on the individual, you may be able to engage them in some limited conversation (they are not "bright", but not quite dullards either). However, given their overriding love of the taste of flesh, it's almost unheard of for anyone to talk their way out of being eaten (i.e. if captured, start saying whatever prayers are important to you -- fast). While some individuals may occasionally cook their prey, most prefer to eat their prey whole and alive, swallowing it down unchewed and squirming. Most are adept enough to get all or most of the untasty clothing off their prey before consuming it. A typical meal is 3-5 humanoids, though some larger specimens have been known to eat more than a dozen in a single meal. This means if you are captured in a small party (or by yourself), your time is going to be fairly short. Some have actually cultivated taste for certain type/races of humanoids and if they capture less desirable types, they may trade them for more desirable types with their neighbors. They tend to live in very loosely affiliated groups, usually alone, but within earshot of others and they maintain an uneasy alliance with their "neighbors". It's not uncommon for one to "raid the larder" of another if the raider knows the other one has left an unguarded group of humanoids (more than can be eaten in a single meal), so they generally do not talk about what they have in their cave when they have caught larger groups. They do like wine and will happily offer gifts in exchange for it, though the gifts are often not exactly what a captured humanoid might hope for (option to be eaten last or to have your neck gently twisted/broken before being eaten, etc). Many folks have tried the old "get the giant drunk and poke the eye out" ploy, but as that has already been done, they are fairly wise to it (some go so far as to keep the uneaten humanoids in a cage). Plus it requires an awful lot of wine to make something that large even slightly drunk.
Both Horned and Giant cyclops are deadly creatures to be avoided at all costs. If you stumble into one, once that hand closes around your body, you are pretty much finished. Virtually no one has ever escaped.