Revisions for Roleplay

Comparing two revisions:

Wed, 06/23/2010 - 14:24 by EkaTue, 06/26/2012 - 11:24 by Eka
Changes to Body
<em>transitive senses</em> <strong>: <a href="">ACT OUT</a></strong>&nbsp; &lt;students were asked to <em>role-play</em> the thoughts and feelings of each character -- R. G. Lambert&gt;<br />
<em>transitive senses</em> <strong>: <a href="">ACT OUT</a></strong>&nbsp; &lt;students were asked to <em>role-play</em> the thoughts and feelings of each character -- R. G. Lambert&gt;<br />
<em>intransitive senses</em> <strong>:</strong> to play a role</h1>
<em>intransitive senses</em> <strong>:</strong> to play a role</h1>
<strong><span>Roleplay Guideline</span></strong></h1>
<strong><span>Roleplay Guideline</span></strong></h1>
<p><br />
<span>A beginner guide to vore roleplay for our chat rooms, by our chat room users</span></p>
<p><br />
<strong><span>1)&nbsp; Attitude - Why do I have to be nice?</span></strong></p>
<p>This is something often missed, but a very important part of the guideline. It is <span>very</span> important to act mature and polite, because while there might be a lot of characters in the chat room, this community is still small and communication between player are fast. Before you know it, an unpleasant attitude will quickly be noted by the whole chat and generates a lot of people who will try and avoid you. While the focus of this place is not for out of character communication, but many people enjoy this aspect of the chat, and uses it actively. With the players behind the characters disliking you, it is unlikely they will want to roleplay with you.<br />
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<span>A beginner guide to vore roleplay for our chat rooms, by our chat room users&lt;br /&gt;<br />
</span><span>1)&nbsp; Attitude - Why do I have to be nice?</span><br />
This is something often missed, but a very important part of the guideline. It is <span>very</span> important to act mature and polite, because while there might be a lot of characters in the chat room, this community is still small and communication between player are fast. Before you know it, an unpleasant attitude will quickly be noted by the whole chat and generates a lot of people who will try and avoid you. While the focus of this place is not for out of character communication, but many people enjoy this aspect of the chat, and uses it actively. With the players behind the characters disliking you, it is unlikely they will want to roleplay with you.<br />
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<strong><span>2) Character profiles - both creation and reading are encouraged!&nbsp;</span></strong></p>
<p><span>Everyone who Register their nickname in the chat room will be able to change their description, upload image, and set preference. Although they aren&#39;t required, taking the time to create a public profile for your character can help you flesh them out a little, and it is a great way to get people interested in playing with you as well as show you&#39;re serious about being part of the community. The information you provide there is STRICTLY out of character, except for physical appearance and other things that can be learned from casual interaction with the character, or unless otherwise stated (such as characters who have a high profile in the news, or what have you). It gave you an idea of what to expect, so that there&#39;s not a break in roleplay while you try to explain every last detail of your apperance and ability&#39;s or action&#39;s intended results. Then again, it&#39;s not necessary to include the OOC information at all so that secrets are not spoiled, but that, too, is entirely up to the player. </span>Beside just to understand the character, the player preferences is just as, if not, more important. People do some to this place and look for various different thing. Not many people likes everything, and some people might down right disturbed by something. We should always respect what other player&#39;s preferences is because, after all, this place is for entertainment. If someone does not get entertained at all, there are no reason for them to be here.<br />
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<span>2) Character profiles - both creation and reading are encouraged! </span><br />
<strong>3) Nickname selection - When &quot;Super_John_fox_m18&quot; just doesn&#39;t cut it anymore</strong></p>
<span>Everyone who Register their nickname in the chat room will be able to change their description, upload image, and set preference. Although they aren&#39;t required, taking the time to create a public profile for your character can help you flesh them out a little, and it is a great way to get people interested in playing with you as well as show you&#39;re serious about being part of the community. The information you provide there is STRICTLY out of character, except for physical appearance and other things that can be learned from casual interaction with the character, or unless otherwise stated (such as characters who have a high profile in the news, or what have you). It gave you an idea of what to expect, so that there&#39;s not a break in roleplay while you try to explain every last detail of your apperance and ability&#39;s or action&#39;s intended results. Then again, it&#39;s not necessary to include the OOC information at all so that secrets are not spoiled, but that, too, is entirely up to the player. </span>Beside just to understand the character, the player preferences is just as, if not, more important. People do some to this place and look for various different thing. Not many people likes everything, and some people might down right disturbed by something. We should always respect what other player&#39;s preferences is because, after all, this place is for entertainment. If someone does not get entertained at all, there are no reason for them to be here.<br />
<p>In some other place, Good nickname might be difficult to come by, but not so in here. You can obtain just about any nickname easily as long as you become a little more creative. Beside, even if you really want people to know exactly what you are, there is the description. Trying to make a name more fitting to the style of this chat room, while not&nbsp; mandatory, it certainly will help!<br />
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3) Nickname selection - When &quot;Super_John_fox_m18&quot; just doesn&#39;t cut it anymore<br />
<strong><span>4) God-Moding and Power-Gaming - What they are and why avoid them.</span></strong></p>
<span> </span>In some other place, Good nickname might be difficult to come by, but not so in here. You can obtain just about any nickname easily as long as you become a little more creative. Beside, even if you really want people to know exactly what you are, there is the description. Trying to make a name more fitting to the style of this chat room, while not&nbsp; mandatory, it certainly will help!<br />
<p>God-Moding (Autohits) -- narrating others&#39; actions or reactions, and Power-Gaming&nbsp; -- claiming arbitrarily and interacting as if someone else&#39;s character has no power to resist an attack or action from yours, or that theirs is just plain weaker is can become an offense if used excessively. While there are no rule against these type of &quot;cheating&quot; due to the nature of Vore Roleplay (One side tend to win, the other side tend to lost). No one likes to play with a cheater. Repeated offenders might end up upsetting a lot of people. So basically, try and let the other to do their own action, and be reasonable with your own.<br />
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<span>4) God-Moding and Power-Gaming - What they are and why avoid them.</span><br />
God-Moding (Autohits) -- narrating others&#39; actions or reactions, and Power-Gaming&nbsp; -- claiming arbitrarily and interacting as if someone else&#39;s character has no power to resist an attack or action from yours, or that theirs is just plain weaker is can become an offense if used excessively. While there are no rule against these type of &quot;cheating&quot; due to the nature of Vore Roleplay (One side tend to win, the other side tend to lost). No one likes to play with a cheater. Repeated offenders might end up upsetting a lot of people. So basically, try and let the other to do their own action, and be reasonable with your own.<br />
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Example of God-Moding (Autohits):<br />
Example of God-Moding (Autohits):<br />
Bad - &quot;I laught off your attack because my body is hard like diamond and regenerate any type of damage immediately, then I grabs for you with ten times your strength.&quot;<br />
Bad - &quot;I laught off your attack because my body is hard like diamond and regenerate any type of damage immediately, then I grabs for you with ten times your strength.&quot;<br />
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<span>5)&nbsp; Understand OOC and IC<br />
<strong><span>5)&nbsp; Understand OOC and IC</span></strong></p>
</span>OOC, abbreviation of <span>O</span>ut <span>O</span>f <span>C</span>haracter, and IC, abbreviation of <span>I</span>n <span>C</span>haracter, is something everyone need to understand. There are varying level of OOC and IC, some people like to mix and match, being constantly IC as far as appearance and attitude goes, but at the same time, they might be talking about real life stuff. Which, happens a lot the OOC room. As oppose to the IC room, where everything are required to be 100% In character unless specifically noted.<br />
<p>OOC, abbreviation of <span>O</span>ut <span>O</span>f <span>C</span>haracter, and IC, abbreviation of <span>I</span>n <span>C</span>haracter, is something everyone need to understand. There are varying level of OOC and IC, some people like to mix and match, being constantly IC as far as appearance and attitude goes, but at the same time, they might be talking about real life stuff. Which, happens a lot the OOC room. As oppose to the IC room, where everything are required to be 100% In character unless specifically noted.<br />
Try and understand the different between OOC and IC. There are nothing wrong with being both, either, or neither. However, bringing OOC knowleage (As in something you read in their profile, such as their secret hobby) into IC and talk about it while you roleplay, tend to frustrates people. Whisper should always be OOC by default unless you know it is ok to threat it otherwise. &nbsp;Same with just about any other info. Unless your character have talked to that character, your character should not know their name.<br />
Try and understand the different between OOC and IC. There are nothing wrong with being both, either, or neither. However, bringing OOC knowleage (As in something you read in their profile, such as their secret hobby) into IC and talk about it while you roleplay, tend to frustrates people. Whisper should always be OOC by default unless you know it is ok to threat it otherwise. &nbsp;Same with just about any other info. Unless your character have talked to that character, your character should not know their name.<br />
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<span>6)&nbsp; Ease off the Enter key - Why taking turns is a good thing<br />
<strong><span>6)&nbsp; Ease off the Enter key - Why taking turns is a good thing</span></strong></p>
</span>I know, it must be very tempting to keep entering as soon as you think up something. But generally, it is a very bad idea to not take turns, or entering a lot of smaller posts at once. Because not everyone type as fast as everyone else. Let me give you an example:</p>
<p>I know, it must be very tempting to keep entering as soon as you think up something. But generally, it is a very bad idea to not take turns, or entering a lot of smaller posts at once. Because not everyone type as fast as everyone else. Let me give you an example:</p>
<p class="rteindent1">
<p class="rteindent1"><br />
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*Joe look at you and waves.*</p>
*Joe look at you and waves.*</p>
<p class="rteindent1">
<p class="rteindent1">*Joe decided to come over and say hi.*</p>
*Joe decided to come over and say hi.*</p>
<p class="rteindent1">*Joe grabs your hand and shakes it warmly.*</p>
<p class="rteindent1">
<p class="rteindent1">*Joe compliment Mary&#39;s shirt, then sits down close and start petting her.*</p>
*Joe grabs your hand and shakes it warmly.*</p>
<p class="rteindent1">*Mary ...*</p>
<p class="rteindent1">
<p>You should <span>always wait until someone have responded first</span>. If there are more then one person in the same roleplay, wait for both of them to respond. Nothing is more frustrated then having to retype something you already typed because someone give you new information all of a sudden, or not having a chance to react to all the involved characters equally.</p>
*Joe compliment Mary&#39;s shirt, then sits down close and start petting her.*</p>
<p><br />
<p class="rteindent1">
<strong><span>7) Less interruption - Part of being nice and courteous</span></strong><br />
*Mary ...*</p>
Simply put, It is never a good idea to interrupts a pair of player who are currently roleplaying without permission.<br />
You should <span>always wait until someone have responded first</span>. If there are more then one person in the same roleplay, wait for both of them to respond. Nothing is more frustrated then having to retype something you already typed because someone give you new information all of a sudden, or not having a chance to react to all the involved characters equally.</p>
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<span>7) Less interruption - Part of being nice and courteous<br />
</span>Simply put, It is never a good idea to interrupts a pair of player who are currently roleplaying without permission.<br />
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Some people might not mind it, but more often then not, most do not introduces other player into their existing roleplay for many reasons. Perhaps they are hoping to get to some of their scenario, or they might want to develop something between two character, or they might have something set up already, adding new player go against their goal.<br />
Some people might not mind it, but more often then not, most do not introduces other player into their existing roleplay for many reasons. Perhaps they are hoping to get to some of their scenario, or they might want to develop something between two character, or they might have something set up already, adding new player go against their goal.<br />
So to sum it is, under <span>any</span> situation, it is <span>always</span> better to ask <span>both/all</span> players involved in whisper first if they are already roleplaying, before approaching an existing, ongoing roleplay.<br />
So to sum it is, under <span>any</span> situation, it is <span>always</span> better to ask <span>both/all</span> players involved in whisper first if they are already roleplaying, before approaching an existing, ongoing roleplay.<br />
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<span>8) Learn how to look for roleplay</span><br />
<strong><span>8) Learn how to look for roleplay</span></strong><br />
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<span> </span>Initiate the Scene: Don&#39;t just come in and say &quot;I&#39;m here! Who wants to eat me?&quot; or waves around some kinda &quot;LFRP&quot; sign expecting people to respond to generic request like that. If you see a predator you wish to be eaten by, then give them a reason to eat you. Let him know who or what it is that entered. Do something that will get his or her mouth watering for a taste of your flesh. Remember, they&#39;re here to have fun as well - make their conquests as enjoyable as your demise. Same goes for predator, if you are looking for a prey, act like one and specifies that you are open. Or simply put, go after people who put effort into attracting predator.<br />
Initiate the Scene: Don&#39;t just come in and say &quot;I&#39;m here! Who wants to eat me?&quot; or waves around some kinda &quot;LFRP&quot; sign expecting people to respond to generic request like that. If you see a predator you wish to be eaten by, then give them a reason to eat you. Let him know who or what it is that entered. Do something that will get his or her mouth watering for a taste of your flesh. Remember, they&#39;re here to have fun as well - make their conquests as enjoyable as your demise. Same goes for predator, if you are looking for a prey, act like one and specifies that you are open. Or simply put, go after people who put effort into attracting predator.<br />
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At the very least, check and see if they welcome whisper before saying hi to them in private. Try not to jump in to character unless you know it will be okay in private. Making sure they know you are talking to them directly, will always help you find roleplay.<br />
At the very least, check and see if they welcome whisper before saying hi to them in private. Try not to jump in to character unless you know it will be okay in private. Making sure they know you are talking to them directly, will always help you find roleplay.<br />
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<span>9) Make your post pleasant to read<br />
<strong><span>9) Make your post pleasant to read</span></strong><br />
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</span>Probably the most important guide here. Even if you follows the top eight. You are unlikely to get far if you post with poor grammar, give no details, and worst of all, confusing. Here is a few point that will make your post great.</p>
Probably the most important guide here. Even if you follows the top eight. You are unlikely to get far if you post with poor grammar, give no details, and worst of all, confusing. Here is a few point that will make your post great.</p>
Separate action from talking: use /me or : at the beginning of your post to make your post into an action. Or use quotation mark around speaking</li>
Separate action from talking: use /me or : at the beginning of your post to make your post into an action. Or use quotation mark around speaking</li>
Capitalizes: Not everyone have perfect spelling and grammar, but not capitalizing is a bad habit, and is pretty much just laziness</li>
Capitalizes: Not everyone have perfect spelling and grammar, but not capitalizing is a bad habit, and is pretty much just laziness</li>
Add detail: There are nothing wrong with one line, but saying &quot;Me Hugs you&quot; or &quot;Me moans&quot; are just lame.</li>
Add detail: There are nothing wrong with one line, but saying &quot;Me Hugs you&quot; or &quot;Me moans&quot; are just lame.</li>
<p><br />
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Other advices by Rodent:</p>
Other advices by Rodent:</p>
<strong>General etiquette:</strong>
<strong>General etiquette:</strong>&nbsp; &nbsp;</li>
<ol style="">
<p class="rteindent1">In the IC ROOM, During any vore activity, please use private messages for unrelated issues.&nbsp; It is annoying to be in the middle of a good vore scene and then have a &quot;hey&nbsp; &#39;xxxx&#39;, got your email&quot; message pop up -- NOBODY ELSE CARES!!! &nbsp;</p>
Be Interactive: This is fantasy roleplaying for 2 or more people. If you&nbsp; make the other person do all of the work, expect them (and anyone else who might&nbsp; have been watching) to ignore you next time. Everybody should walk away having&nbsp; had a fun time. When in doubt, ask. Jumping to conclusion is the source of most confusion and unnecessary conflicts.</li>
Remain Courteous: If you have a problem with someone, let them know in a&nbsp; private message. Other people having a good time do not need to have their&nbsp; roleplaying interrupted by such matters.&nbsp;&nbsp;</li>
Ignore Lurkers: There are two types of Lurkers; those who simply enjoy&nbsp; watching and those waiting for a particular person or situation before joining.&nbsp; Respect their choice and view them as the preverbial fly-on-the-wall. They&nbsp; obviously are happy where they are, so why waste a line on the screen addressing&nbsp; them? If you&#39;re all alone, and 1 or more others are watching as Lurkers,&nbsp; entertain them. You might then find one of them willing to contribute.&nbsp;&nbsp;</li>
In the IC ROOM, During any vore activity, please use private messages for unrelated issues.&nbsp; It is annoying to be in the middle of a good vore scene and then have a &quot;hey&nbsp; &#39;xxxx&#39;, got your email&quot; message pop up -- NOBODY ELSE CARES!!!&nbsp;&nbsp;</li>
Role Play: This may seem obvious, but is often neglected. Remember, this is&nbsp; a fantasy chat room for multitudes of people. Everyone has a much better time&nbsp; when people remain in character. Create alliances and friendships. Discuss past&nbsp; conquests. Have your characters talk as if they really happened. Even Lurkers&nbsp; enjoy seeing a follow-up to something they had witnessed a few days prior.&nbsp;</li>
<strong>Advice for prey:</strong>
<p class="rteindent1">Remain Courteous: If you have a problem with someone, let them know in a&nbsp; private message. Other people having a good time do not need to have their&nbsp; roleplaying interrupted by such matters. &nbsp;</p>
Initiate the Scene: Don&#39;t just come in and say &quot;I&#39;m here! Who wants to eat&nbsp; me?&quot; or waves around some kinda &quot;LFRP&quot; sign expecting people to respond to generic request like that. If you see a predator you wish to be eaten by, then give them a reason to&nbsp; eat you. Let him know who or what it is that entered. Do something that will get&nbsp; his or her mouth watering for a taste of your flesh. Remember, they&#39;re here to&nbsp; have fun as well - make their conquests as enjoyable as your demise.</li>
Don&#39;t cry out for help more than twice, unless you really want it. Someone&nbsp; may actually save you, when secretly you didn&#39;t want to be saved.&nbsp;&nbsp;</li>
Many predators don&#39;t generally eat human&#39;s (don&#39;t ask me why, but that is&nbsp; the reality of the chat room). If you enter as a human, and no human-eaters are&nbsp; available, try #1 above to force a confrontation. If that doesn&#39;t work, then&nbsp; you&#39;re out of luck for the moment. Either wait around and hope for another&nbsp; predator, or politely come back later.&nbsp;&nbsp;</li>
Don&#39;t be too pushy: Just because a predator is their, they may not be&nbsp; looking for a meal, but rather simply watching - and they&#39;re courteous enough to&nbsp; announce their presence, instead of hiding out as a Lurker.&nbsp;</li>
<strong>Advice for preds:</strong>
<p class="rteindent1">Be Interactive: This is fantasy roleplaying for 2 or more people. If you&nbsp; make the other person do all of the work, expect them (and anyone else who might&nbsp; have been watching) to ignore you next time. Everybody should walk away having&nbsp; had a fun time. When in doubt, ask. Jumping to conclusion is the source of most confusion and unnecessary conflicts.</p>
Be courteous: If another predator is about to eat its prey, and both are&nbsp; having fun at it; please let them finish before you decide to make a meal of the&nbsp; other predator. Don&#39;t be too quick to disrupt other&#39;s fantasies.&nbsp;&nbsp;</li>
If there is a lot of prey looking to be eaten and only one or two predators;&nbsp; please don&#39;t eat the predators unless they are there as prey, or you&#39;re&nbsp; following up from an earlier encounter.&nbsp;&nbsp;</li>
Don&#39;t rush the scene: If there is a lot of action going on, then gulping&nbsp; down your prey quickly, so that you can counter another&#39;s attack, is usually&nbsp; okay. Otherwise, take your time, giving your prey at least one or two chances at&nbsp; a reply before meeting your stomach. Remember, they are only there for the&nbsp; enjoyment of the experience. Simply saying &quot;I grab the prey and gulp it down,&nbsp; where it dissolves in my stomach&quot; is fun for nobody.&nbsp;&nbsp;</li>
Don&#39;t tease: If a prey comes by that wants to be eaten, and you&#39;re not at&nbsp; all interested; and you know that nothing they do will change your mind; please&nbsp; tell them right away. Many visitors to the chat room are short on time, simply&nbsp; looking for some quick role playing before moving on. Please don&#39;t waste their&nbsp; time; it will only drive them away in frustration, possibly never to return.&nbsp; Politely appologize and let them get on with life. It is then up to them to do&nbsp; what they wish.</li>
<p class="rteindent1">Ignore Lurkers: There are two types of Lurkers; those who simply enjoy&nbsp; watching and those waiting for a particular person or situation before joining.&nbsp; Respect their choice and view them as the preverbial fly-on-the-wall. They&nbsp; obviously are happy where they are, so why waste a line on the screen addressing&nbsp; them? If you&#39;re all alone, and 1 or more others are watching as Lurkers,&nbsp; entertain them. You might then find one of them willing to contribute. &nbsp;</p>
<p class="rteindent1">Role Play: This may seem obvious, but is often neglected. Remember, this is&nbsp; a fantasy chat room for multitudes of people. Everyone has a much better time&nbsp; when people remain in character. Create alliances and friendships. Discuss past&nbsp; conquests. Have your characters talk as if they really happened. Even Lurkers&nbsp; enjoy seeing a follow-up to something they had witnessed a few days prior.&nbsp;</p>
<strong>Advice for prey:</strong></li>
<ol style="">
Many predators don&#39;t generally eat human&#39;s (don&#39;t ask me why, but that is&nbsp; the reality of the chat room). If you enter as a human, and no human-eaters are&nbsp; available, try #1 above to force a confrontation. If that doesn&#39;t work, then&nbsp; you&#39;re out of luck for the moment. Either wait around and hope for another&nbsp; predator, or politely come back later. &nbsp;</li>
Initiate the Scene: Don&#39;t just come in and say &quot;I&#39;m here! Who wants to eat&nbsp; me?&quot; or waves around some kinda &quot;LFRP&quot; sign expecting people to respond to generic request like that. If you see a predator you wish to be eaten by, then give them a reason to&nbsp; eat you. Let him know who or what it is that entered. Do something that will get&nbsp; his or her mouth watering for a taste of your flesh. Remember, they&#39;re here to&nbsp; have fun as well - make their conquests as enjoyable as your demise.</li>
Don&#39;t cry out for help more than twice, unless you really want it. Someone&nbsp; may actually save you, when secretly you didn&#39;t want to be saved. &nbsp;</li>
Don&#39;t be too pushy: Just because a predator is their, they may not be&nbsp; looking for a meal, but rather simply watching - and they&#39;re courteous enough to&nbsp; announce their presence, instead of hiding out as a Lurker.&nbsp;</li>
<strong>Advice for preds:</strong></li>
<ol style="">
Don&#39;t rush the scene: If there is a lot of action going on, then gulping&nbsp; down your prey quickly, so that you can counter another&#39;s attack, is usually&nbsp; okay. Otherwise, take your time, giving your prey at least one or two chances at&nbsp; a reply before meeting your stomach. Remember, they are only there for the&nbsp; enjoyment of the experience. Simply saying &quot;I grab the prey and gulp it down,&nbsp; where it dissolves in my stomach&quot; is fun for nobody. &nbsp;&nbsp;</li>
Be courteous: If another predator is about to eat its prey, and both are&nbsp; having fun at it; please let them finish before you decide to make a meal of the&nbsp; other predator. Don&#39;t be too quick to disrupt other&#39;s fantasies. &nbsp;</li>
If there is a lot of prey looking to be eaten and only one or two predators;&nbsp; please don&#39;t eat the predators unless they are there as prey, or you&#39;re&nbsp; following up from an earlier encounter. &nbsp;</li>
Don&#39;t tease: If a prey comes by that wants to be eaten, and you&#39;re not at&nbsp; all interested; and you know that nothing they do will change your mind; please&nbsp; tell them right away. Many visitors to the chat room are short on time, simply&nbsp; looking for some quick role playing before moving on. Please don&#39;t waste their&nbsp; time; it will only drive them away in frustration, possibly never to return.&nbsp; Politely appologize and let them get on with life. It is then up to them to do&nbsp; what they wish.</li>
Revision of Tue, 06/26/2012 - 11:24:


Main Entry:    role-play  (Roleplay)
Pronunciation:    'rOl-"plA, -'plA
Function:    verb
transitive senses : ACT OUT  <students were asked to role-play the thoughts and feelings of each character -- R. G. Lambert>
intransitive senses : to play a role


Roleplay Guideline

A beginner guide to vore roleplay for our chat rooms, by our chat room users

1)  Attitude - Why do I have to be nice?

This is something often missed, but a very important part of the guideline. It is very important to act mature and polite, because while there might be a lot of characters in the chat room, this community is still small and communication between player are fast. Before you know it, an unpleasant attitude will quickly be noted by the whole chat and generates a lot of people who will try and avoid you. While the focus of this place is not for out of character communication, but many people enjoy this aspect of the chat, and uses it actively. With the players behind the characters disliking you, it is unlikely they will want to roleplay with you.

2) Character profiles - both creation and reading are encouraged! 

Everyone who Register their nickname in the chat room will be able to change their description, upload image, and set preference. Although they aren't required, taking the time to create a public profile for your character can help you flesh them out a little, and it is a great way to get people interested in playing with you as well as show you're serious about being part of the community. The information you provide there is STRICTLY out of character, except for physical appearance and other things that can be learned from casual interaction with the character, or unless otherwise stated (such as characters who have a high profile in the news, or what have you). It gave you an idea of what to expect, so that there's not a break in roleplay while you try to explain every last detail of your apperance and ability's or action's intended results. Then again, it's not necessary to include the OOC information at all so that secrets are not spoiled, but that, too, is entirely up to the player. Beside just to understand the character, the player preferences is just as, if not, more important. People do some to this place and look for various different thing. Not many people likes everything, and some people might down right disturbed by something. We should always respect what other player's preferences is because, after all, this place is for entertainment. If someone does not get entertained at all, there are no reason for them to be here.

3) Nickname selection - When "Super_John_fox_m18" just doesn't cut it anymore

In some other place, Good nickname might be difficult to come by, but not so in here. You can obtain just about any nickname easily as long as you become a little more creative. Beside, even if you really want people to know exactly what you are, there is the description. Trying to make a name more fitting to the style of this chat room, while not  mandatory, it certainly will help!

4) God-Moding and Power-Gaming - What they are and why avoid them.

God-Moding (Autohits) -- narrating others' actions or reactions, and Power-Gaming  -- claiming arbitrarily and interacting as if someone else's character has no power to resist an attack or action from yours, or that theirs is just plain weaker is can become an offense if used excessively. While there are no rule against these type of "cheating" due to the nature of Vore Roleplay (One side tend to win, the other side tend to lost). No one likes to play with a cheater. Repeated offenders might end up upsetting a lot of people. So basically, try and let the other to do their own action, and be reasonable with your own.

Example of God-Moding (Autohits):
Bad - "I hits you in the head, let you fall down unconscious, blood pouring everywhere."
Good - "I swings my hammer aiming for your head right after I barely escaped your splashes."

Example of Excessive Power-Gaming:
Bad - "I laught off your attack because my body is hard like diamond and regenerate any type of damage immediately, then I grabs for you with ten times your strength."

5)  Understand OOC and IC

OOC, abbreviation of Out Of Character, and IC, abbreviation of In Character, is something everyone need to understand. There are varying level of OOC and IC, some people like to mix and match, being constantly IC as far as appearance and attitude goes, but at the same time, they might be talking about real life stuff. Which, happens a lot the OOC room. As oppose to the IC room, where everything are required to be 100% In character unless specifically noted.
Try and understand the different between OOC and IC. There are nothing wrong with being both, either, or neither. However, bringing OOC knowleage (As in something you read in their profile, such as their secret hobby) into IC and talk about it while you roleplay, tend to frustrates people. Whisper should always be OOC by default unless you know it is ok to threat it otherwise.  Same with just about any other info. Unless your character have talked to that character, your character should not know their name.

6)  Ease off the Enter key - Why taking turns is a good thing

I know, it must be very tempting to keep entering as soon as you think up something. But generally, it is a very bad idea to not take turns, or entering a lot of smaller posts at once. Because not everyone type as fast as everyone else. Let me give you an example:

*Joe look at you and waves.*

*Joe decided to come over and say hi.*

*Joe grabs your hand and shakes it warmly.*

*Joe compliment Mary's shirt, then sits down close and start petting her.*

*Mary ...*

You should always wait until someone have responded first. If there are more then one person in the same roleplay, wait for both of them to respond. Nothing is more frustrated then having to retype something you already typed because someone give you new information all of a sudden, or not having a chance to react to all the involved characters equally.

7) Less interruption - Part of being nice and courteous
Simply put, It is never a good idea to interrupts a pair of player who are currently roleplaying without permission.

Some people might not mind it, but more often then not, most do not introduces other player into their existing roleplay for many reasons. Perhaps they are hoping to get to some of their scenario, or they might want to develop something between two character, or they might have something set up already, adding new player go against their goal.

So to sum it is, under any situation, it is always better to ask both/all players involved in whisper first if they are already roleplaying, before approaching an existing, ongoing roleplay.

8) Learn how to look for roleplay

Initiate the Scene: Don't just come in and say "I'm here! Who wants to eat me?" or waves around some kinda "LFRP" sign expecting people to respond to generic request like that. If you see a predator you wish to be eaten by, then give them a reason to eat you. Let him know who or what it is that entered. Do something that will get his or her mouth watering for a taste of your flesh. Remember, they're here to have fun as well - make their conquests as enjoyable as your demise. Same goes for predator, if you are looking for a prey, act like one and specifies that you are open. Or simply put, go after people who put effort into attracting predator.

At the very least, check and see if they welcome whisper before saying hi to them in private. Try not to jump in to character unless you know it will be okay in private. Making sure they know you are talking to them directly, will always help you find roleplay.

9) Make your post pleasant to read

Probably the most important guide here. Even if you follows the top eight. You are unlikely to get far if you post with poor grammar, give no details, and worst of all, confusing. Here is a few point that will make your post great.

  • Separate action from talking: use /me or : at the beginning of your post to make your post into an action. Or use quotation mark around speaking
  • Capitalizes: Not everyone have perfect spelling and grammar, but not capitalizing is a bad habit, and is pretty much just laziness
  • Add detail: There are nothing wrong with one line, but saying "Me Hugs you" or "Me moans" are just lame.

Other advices by Rodent:

  • General etiquette:   
  1. In the IC ROOM, During any vore activity, please use private messages for unrelated issues.  It is annoying to be in the middle of a good vore scene and then have a "hey  'xxxx', got your email" message pop up -- NOBODY ELSE CARES!!!  

  2. Remain Courteous: If you have a problem with someone, let them know in a  private message. Other people having a good time do not need to have their  roleplaying interrupted by such matters.  

  3. Be Interactive: This is fantasy roleplaying for 2 or more people. If you  make the other person do all of the work, expect them (and anyone else who might  have been watching) to ignore you next time. Everybody should walk away having  had a fun time. When in doubt, ask. Jumping to conclusion is the source of most confusion and unnecessary conflicts.

  4. Ignore Lurkers: There are two types of Lurkers; those who simply enjoy  watching and those waiting for a particular person or situation before joining.  Respect their choice and view them as the preverbial fly-on-the-wall. They  obviously are happy where they are, so why waste a line on the screen addressing  them? If you're all alone, and 1 or more others are watching as Lurkers,  entertain them. You might then find one of them willing to contribute.  

  5. Role Play: This may seem obvious, but is often neglected. Remember, this is  a fantasy chat room for multitudes of people. Everyone has a much better time  when people remain in character. Create alliances and friendships. Discuss past  conquests. Have your characters talk as if they really happened. Even Lurkers  enjoy seeing a follow-up to something they had witnessed a few days prior. 

  • Advice for prey:
  1. Many predators don't generally eat human's (don't ask me why, but that is  the reality of the chat room). If you enter as a human, and no human-eaters are  available, try #1 above to force a confrontation. If that doesn't work, then  you're out of luck for the moment. Either wait around and hope for another  predator, or politely come back later.  
  2. Initiate the Scene: Don't just come in and say "I'm here! Who wants to eat  me?" or waves around some kinda "LFRP" sign expecting people to respond to generic request like that. If you see a predator you wish to be eaten by, then give them a reason to  eat you. Let him know who or what it is that entered. Do something that will get  his or her mouth watering for a taste of your flesh. Remember, they're here to  have fun as well - make their conquests as enjoyable as your demise.
  3. Don't cry out for help more than twice, unless you really want it. Someone  may actually save you, when secretly you didn't want to be saved.  
  4. Don't be too pushy: Just because a predator is their, they may not be  looking for a meal, but rather simply watching - and they're courteous enough to  announce their presence, instead of hiding out as a Lurker. 
  • Advice for preds:
  1. Don't rush the scene: If there is a lot of action going on, then gulping  down your prey quickly, so that you can counter another's attack, is usually  okay. Otherwise, take your time, giving your prey at least one or two chances at  a reply before meeting your stomach. Remember, they are only there for the  enjoyment of the experience. Simply saying "I grab the prey and gulp it down,  where it dissolves in my stomach" is fun for nobody.   
  2. Be courteous: If another predator is about to eat its prey, and both are  having fun at it; please let them finish before you decide to make a meal of the  other predator. Don't be too quick to disrupt other's fantasies.  
  3. If there is a lot of prey looking to be eaten and only one or two predators;  please don't eat the predators unless they are there as prey, or you're  following up from an earlier encounter.  
  4. Don't tease: If a prey comes by that wants to be eaten, and you're not at  all interested; and you know that nothing they do will change your mind; please  tell them right away. Many visitors to the chat room are short on time, simply  looking for some quick role playing before moving on. Please don't waste their  time; it will only drive them away in frustration, possibly never to return.  Politely appologize and let them get on with life. It is then up to them to do  what they wish.