Revision of Game Resource Dictionary from Sun, 09/20/2009 - 00:57
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This page contains a collection of content purposed to be used in vore related games. Some of them made by great authors which were so friendly to provide their stuff to the commmunity.
Watch the rule set specified by the author for every resource (written down below it). You may also have to credit the author(s) when using it/them.
All resources of this dictionary may also be edited, however the way of editing is restricted by additional rules. For further information about editing see General edit notes and rule descriptions.
NOTE: Commercial use of the resources is generally NOT ALLOWED. If you want to commercially use some of the provided resources you may contact the author first, independent of the rule set he provided!
This page is actually rising up, so there isn't too many stuff in here yet.
If you want to provide anything to this page, edit it or feel free to contact me.
To discuss about this page go here.
Table of contents:
- Images
- Tilesets
- Sounds
- Examples
- Other Resources
- Referenced Resources
- General edit notes and rule descriptions
Images authors provide to be used in general. Some slightly edited to fit better in different scenes.
The original artwork can be found here.
Additional Edit Rules: Use Rectangular Part. (Rule Descriptions).
After Edit Rule: Add Text ("by Hana Keijou"). (Rule Descriptions).
Credit Rule for Hana Keijou: Required. (You have to credit the author somewhere in the game.)
Credit Rule for G-cat: Optional. (Credit the author somewhere if you want to.)
Junglerush (cut version) orginal by RedWerewulf
The original artwork can be found here.
Additional Edit Rules: Full Edit Rights.
Credit Rule: Required. (You have to credit the author somewhere in the game.)
Internal Throat Shot by RaggedRook
Additional Edit Rules: Use Rectangular Part. (Rule Descriptions).
Custom Edit Rule: "If the user has to use, say, seamless tiling, or smudge the edges to make it tile correctly, I'll allow that also."
Credit Rule: Required. (You have to credit the author somewhere in the game.)
Untitled by Zinou
Additional Edit Rules: Use Rectangular Part. (Rule Descriptions).
Credit Rule: Optional. (Credit the author somewhere if you want to.)
Eskoz's Artwork Collection by eskoz
Additional Edit Rules: Full Edit Rights.
Credit Rule: Required. (You have to credit the author somewhere in the game.)
Stomach BG by Blazbaros
Additional Edit Rules: Unknown.
Credit Rule: Required. (You have to credit the author somewhere in the game.)
These authors allow you to use all images in their gallery as long as you agree with the rule set they provide.
Hana Keijou's Gallery
Additional Edit Rules: Use Rectangular Part. (Rule Descriptions).
After Edit Rule: Add Text ("by Hana Keijou"). (Rule Descriptions).
Credit Rule: Required. (You have to credit the author somewhere in the game.)
RedWerewulf's Gallery
Additional Edit Rules: Full Edit Rights.
Credit Rule: Required. (You have to credit the author somewhere in the game.)
Dantha's Gallery
Additional Edit Rules: Full Edit Rights.
Credit Rule: Required. (You have to credit the author somewhere in the game.)
Thor66's Gallery
Additional Edit Rules: Edit Text Elements. (Rule Descriptions).
After Edit Rule: Add Text ("by Thor66"). (Rule Descriptions).
Credit Rule: Required. (You have to credit the author somewhere in the game.)
Byoki-Desu's Gallery
Additional Edit Rules: Edit Text Elements + Graphical Parts, Use Rectangular Part, Apply Filters. (Rule Descriptions).
After Edit Rule: Add Text ("by Byoki-Desu"). (Rule Descriptions).
Custom Rule: His artwork may only be used in GTS/GT related scenes.
Credit Rule: Required. (You have to credit the author somewhere in the game.)
ChaosEmerald2's Gallery
Additional Edit Rules: Full Edit Rights.
After Edit Rule: Add Text ("by ChaosEmerald2"). (Rule Descriptions).
Custom Rule: Only images of the category "Felarya-Sprited" in his gallery can be used.
Custom Rule: "I would like to be notified that my work is being used in a game or other form of media, and have a link provided to me so that I can see how it is being used. If I disapprove of the use, the person must remove the work and find an alternative."
Credit Rule: Required. (You have to credit the author somewhere in the game.)
Deathworks' Material Gallery at Photobucket
Additional Edit Rules: Full Edit Rights.
Credit Rule: Required.
Note that this is only the material gallery and its subgalleries. The rest of my gallery at Photobucket are not included.
To install a Tileset into your RPG Maker project use the menu "Tools-->Materialbase" choose "Graphics/Tilesets" from the left side and Import the image, then use the menu "Tools-->Database" switch to the "Tilesets" tab. You may now replace or add the Tileset image as a new Tileset entry.
I made that Tileset by cutting, stretching, skewing things out of one of Karbo's drawings. It's pretty simple and contains only 2x3 parts.
Additional Edit Rules: Use Rectangular Part, Apply Filters. (Rule Descriptions).
Credit Rule for Karbo: Required. (You have to credit the author somewhere in the game.)
Credit Rule for gtsfan9: Optional. (Credit the author somewhere if you want to.)
Footsteps, door open/close, laughts but also stomach noises, burps, gulps etc.
Some sounds I collected from I cut some of them to remove background noises and to split them up.
Additional Edit Rules: Full Edit Rights.
Credit Rule: Required. (You have to credit the author somewhere in the game.)
Download (Mirror)
Example games to demonstrate the use of the resources.
Contains some of this resources to demonstrate the use of them.
(The game is fully playable, however keep in mind it's a demo project not a real game.)
Additional Edit Rules: Full Edit Rights.
Credit Rule: Optional. (Credit the author somewhere if you want to.)
Download (Mirror)
Other Resources
Any other resources which dont fit in the categories above.
Simple script to call an event from another event.
For example: If you have five events which should all do the same thing you can, instead of copying them, use one as "base-event" (or add a new event to be used as base-event) and make, using this script, all other events call that base-event. This reduces redundancy.
Additional Edit Rules: Full Edit Rights.
Credit Rule: Optional. (Credit the author somewhere if you want to.)
Tileset Tools (RPG Maker XP) by gtsfan9
Tools to create and modify tilesets.
Actually containing: Tileset Generator 1.0, Tileset Builder 1.0.2, Tileset Enlarger 1.0.
Note: You may need the .NET Framework 2.0 Redistributable Package to execute them.
Credit Rule: Optional. (Credit the author somewhere if you want to.)
Referenced Resources
Some links to external resource sites.
General Image / Sprite Resources
General RPG Maker Resources
General edit notes and rule descriptions
General notes for image editing:
- If an image contains multiple images (comics for example) then all rules defined for that image appear for any single part (sub-image) of the base-image. The user may generally be allowed to cut and use only the sub-images from that base-image (this doesn't mean that rectangular cut rights appear to the sub-images).
- All edit rules appear for statical editings only. However a game can also apply filters, move images above others, cut off parts of images etc. which is generally allowed but has to be animated and not statically applied (all the time) except the corresponding edit rule is given.
Edit Rule: Sizing and Rotating (Default)
Means sizing and rotating of the whole image.Note: This is a default rule. All resources provided allow this rule by default.
Edit Rule: Joining (Default)
Means joining of different images together. They must be joined at their borders which must be obviously different. They may not flow/proceed from one to another. (Means you can't for example cut off a head from a character and join it with another characters neck.)Note: This is a default rule. All resources provided allow this rule by default.
Additional Edit Rule: Edit Text Elements
Means adding, removing and modifing of text elements (but not their graphical parts like backgrounds etc).This rule allows you for example to refill texts in speech balloons.
Additional Edit Rule: Edit Text Elements + Graphical Parts
Means adding, removing and modifing of text elements and their attached graphical parts (like speech balloons, lines pointing from a text to the image etc.).
Additional Edit Rule: Use Rectangular Part
Means cut out a rectangular region from the image and use this part instead of the whole image.This rule allows you for example to use only a face of a character.
Additional Edit Rule: Apply Filters
Means applying filters like sharping, blurring, recoloring etc. the image should be still recognizable.
Additional Edit Rule: Full Edit Rights
Means any way of editing the resource without any restrictions.
After Edit Rule: Add Text ("the text which has to be added")
Forces you to add a specified text like "by <authorname>" in one of the image corners after the image was edited and the original sign of the author has been removed. It must be in Arial, 8pt, well readable color and fully visible.Note: This rule does not require any "Edit Text Element" permissions.