So it turns out that if a bee were the size of a human, it would not fly at the same speed as an aircraft, because of relatively. Surely it would not even be able to support its own weight.
Biden is actually run by some microchips now. When he got vaccinated, the deep state agents, some of whom were reptilians, put several waves of microchips in him to make him a complete puppet. The terminator is probably trying to hunt him down. It's scary.
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man im getting bored of porn, watching same concept over and over. maybe because im turning 78 this year.
really i have to download one by one.....annoying....!
Why are you downloading porn comics
Mission failed successfully
Thank you sugar n' salt for the very accurate description
i gotchu fam
does anyone know how to post comics?
Only the Admins get that kind of privilege.
You think Alex Jones is gonna move in with Andrew Tate to escape his fine? Cause that would be a fun influencer house series to watch.
I ship it
Today's daily question is " do you need to vent?"
Man I didn't knew that.
This can't have been written by a real person