
A feline version of a centaur, (that is, a non-anthro feline body with a human-shaped torso, arms and head sprouting from the lower half's foreshoulders) but instead of a human upper half an anthro feline is substituted. A jewel-like structure on the forehead serves as a sensory organ, able to perceive the infrared spectrum. Female cattaurs sport four breasts on their anthro chests, but not even nipples along their 'taur bellies. Both males and females lack terran-style genitals, and instead have a hollow 'sheath' composed of vascular tissue, allowing them to swell and stiffen like a penis. Males can penetrate the females' sheathes, and females can penetrate the males' sheathes with these fur-covered tubes. They serve no reproductive purpose however, and are merely for recreation.

Cattaurs reproduce through assimilation. A female cattaur swallows a potential mate whole and alive. Soon after, both cattaur and swallowed-mate enter a coma-like state for several months. During this period, the mate is absorbed in the stomach and reconstituted in the womb as a cattaur. For all but two known species, this process leaves the new cattaur with no memory of their prior life. Humans survive the process with their memories intact.

Male cattaurs cannot reproduce, though they're quite capable of swallowing beings and digesting them. Female cattaurs have conscious control over their digestion, and can choose to digest or assimilate their stomach's contents as they please. Attempting to assimilate a being they lack an emotional bond with however may result in the death of both the cattaur and their intended mate.

The odd and impractical nature of the cattaurs as a species suggests genetic engineering, and the odd compatibility with humans is suspicious.

The cattaur species originated through Anima's [1] stories. They are not to be confused with Bernard Dooves's Chakats, which are similar at a glance.
