

A Phorth is a large sentient reptilian being located on Nruezo 3, they are known for being quite hedonistic and gluttonous.

Description  The description of a Phorth is an odd one; the head is similar to a snake's, its neck is quite long and runs down to its body. The body is globular and rather large. While it has no arms it does have six legs, which move it along the swampy ground of Nruezo 3, its body is covered in steel like scales that can be of any color.

Age A Phorth can live well into the age of 900; it is considered to be adult at the age of 40 and with the years becomes larger.

Size The head of a Phorth is roughly equal that of horse's, the neck is around 8-14 inches in circumference and necks can range from 6-14 feet in length. The body is semi-spherical and often weighs between 1100-1300 pounds depending on age. The legs roughly match those of a crocodile only longer, falling somewhere between 3-4 feet.

Digestive system The Phorth are carnivorous in nature, and prefer to swallow their pray whole. A Phorth has several stomachs, each capable of holding in excess of 150 pounds. The first stomach is strictly an entry stomach where the meal will be doused in pre-digestive juices, the next stomach is the digestive stomach where the meal will be broken down into useable nutrients and vitamins, the juices in this stomach react with the juices from the entry stomach to form a powerful acid. The next four stomachs are not so much stomachs as they are chambers attached to the digestive chamber, these serve as storage for the digestive stomach, and often a Phorth will eat more then can be digested and store it for future consumption. These stomachs contain a thick slime like substance that serves three purposes; the first is to sustain the often living meal until it is ready to be eaten, the second is to preserve the meat (an interesting fact, one adult Phorth was discovered to hold a 324 year old human male who looked as if he was still 19, he was quickly eaten again), the third is to help the body become more reactive to the digestive juices in the digestive chamber. The final stomach serves to break down anything that was not digested in the digestive chamber; this chamber contains an acid powerful enough to break down steel and stones. From there the waste material travels through a series of four intestines; the first serves to extract nutrients and vitamins from the sludge that comes in from the stomachs, the second serves to send the liquid through the various internal organs, the third acts like the small intestine and the fourth acts as the large intestine. Phorth waste is an excellent fertilizer and is known to be similar to horse or cow manure only much, much larger.

Reproduction  All Phorth reproduce in an unusual manner; when an adult Phorth wishes to reproduce he will select a slave for the purpose, the slave will be inserted into a vagina like orifice and inside will be taken into a small chamber and left their to in the best words ‘digest’ into a thick greenish liquid. The liquid will be processed for a long amount of time (12-30 years) when the liquid is finished processing, an egg contain the mix will be laid and deposited in a community nursery for 4-6 years until it hatches. The Phorth also contain a penis like appendage which is used solely for pleasure.

Interaction with humans The Phorths first contact with humans a was a thousand years ago when another unknown race sold a large number of human slaves to the Phorth. The Phorth found humans to be the perfect meal and servant and as a result humans have become the only slaves on the planet of Nruezo 3. Since then many have bred human cattle to serve as slaves, food and an industrial/agricultural material (See Technology) Humans who act as slaves are raised to certain physical specifications and are either processed or eaten at the age of 20, the Phorth-humans as they are called reach maturity sooner then normal humans and have had a large amount of intelligence and aggression bred out as a result of 1000 years of selective breeding. They are not allowed clothing, property, or freedom under any circumstance. Humans who are not slaves to the Phorth are normally processed or eaten right away

Phorth technology All Phorth technology is made of organic materials, whether star ships or palaces all is shaped from a special coral like substances that is made in a certain way.

Phorth Coral Across Nruezo 3 there are large lagoons and salt marshes, which grow this durable material. Phorth Coral is kept in a large body of water. It begins as a scum, which forms on the surface and is skimmed off for the creation of the Coral. When a fine organic material is mixed with this scum and the first polyp’s form, it sinks to the bottom of the creation basins and forms thick clay like material, which is collected and molded into the multicolored luminescent coral. Humans figure in as the organic food; while they are to large to be absorbed right away the Phorth have found a way around this by ‘processing’ a human into a suitable material. Processing is basically pulping the slave followed by pureeing and finally a stage of ‘machine digestion’ into translucent goo.

Stellar Phorth ships are smooth and finely lit, though the Phorth rarely leave their home world

Agriculture Slaves make the work force, fertilizer and product of Phorth agriculture. They are bred and worked on farms, eaten alongside their labor and a third of the time serve as the fertilizer. Some choice males are selected to become breeders and are used to make the next generation and after producing 50 successful offspring are processed into a variety of products

Industry While the vast majority of economy is devoted to the coral and food, many slaves also find themselves made into nutritional products for sale to alien traders and as test subjects for science. Some slaves are bred and raised to be traded to other races. Nruezo 3 has become renowned for selling the best slaves for consumption and labor in the Fruun Nebula and there are a growing number of Phorth-humans on the market today

Phorth-Humans Phorth-humans are similar to normal humans save a considerable lack of intelligence and a slight point to the ears. An average Phorth-human will have a light tan and dark hair; all Phorth humans have no facial or body hair save the head, eyebrows and eye lashes. Phorth-humans have been bred to be the epitome of human physique and to enjoy their role as food and products to their masters. They will willingly be cooked and eaten as well as made into fertilizer or test subjects.