Fatal makes me incredibly aroused, I love vore scenarios like that.^^
But I do also do non fatal, mostly because many preds do not care for it, but also sometimes because there are times when I feel like something less scary.
Even if it is non fatal, the more it is like fatal, the hotter it is to me.
It says I already voted. Hm. At least it has me down for the option I wanted - Fatal. I sorta understand where some people dislike the idea of death in their fantasies, but for me vore is exactly that; a predator eating its prey.
While I have nothing against reforming prey, or even preds who can reform their meals, I think the death-and-digestion of a meal is an important part of vore. Especially so in unsympathetic or outright evil preds, obviously.
I think it's kind of obvious I'm exclusively a fatal guy.
As for why? Well this is way too much information, but when I was a kid I would secretly get dressed up and put on a tie and pretend to die and be dead. Why? That is a huge mystery that will forever elude me.
Over time, getting eaten ended up being my favorite way of getting around to being...no more. So here I am today, getting digested in comics form (while wearing a tie)!
Okay, finally I voted, heh. I voted for non-fatal if only because so few other people were, and, despite sometimes preferring fatal, if the prey is cute enough, I prefer them to survive being eaten and/or digested. I suppose the real question is... permavore or not? Permavore bugs me; I've occasionally felt a weird attraction to it, thanks to the lovely Miranda Dragon, but, generally, fatal vore is one thing, the idea of a character dying forever, never returning and never being used in another picture or story, is something else entirely.
Posted by thedragon 9 years ago Report
i love none-fatal fan i don't enjoy killing peoples characters
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Posted by christopvore 9 years ago Report
I kinda like fatale sometimes and I don't know why
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Posted by Kooshmeister 9 years ago Report
Sometimes one, sometimes the other. Depends on a lot of things, like my mood, the setting, the characters involved, etc.
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Posted by Kooshmeister 9 years ago Report
And have I already voted and don't remember it? 'Cause it won't let me vote.
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Posted by Sorniyamiro 9 years ago Report
Fatal. Because it's all about gross digestion and cruelty for me~ ;p
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Posted by eatmeplease 9 years ago Report
It won't let me votem but fatal.
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Posted by Malus 9 years ago Report
Fatal makes me incredibly aroused, I love vore scenarios like that.^^
But I do also do non fatal, mostly because many preds do not care for it, but also sometimes because there are times when I feel like something less scary.
Even if it is non fatal, the more it is like fatal, the hotter it is to me.
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Posted by Bannor 9 years ago Report
It says I already voted. Hm. At least it has me down for the option I wanted - Fatal. I sorta understand where some people dislike the idea of death in their fantasies, but for me vore is exactly that; a predator eating its prey.
If ya ain't gonna digest me, don't eat me!
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Posted by MStuarn 9 years ago Report
Definitely fatal. I'll skip the essay and just stick to "reformation/endo" would basically ruin the point of vore to me.
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Posted by Starcomet 9 years ago Report
I am okay with both, but prefer non fatal. Largely because I like the idea of being trapped helplessly inside the predator.
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Posted by DressedforDinner 9 years ago Report
My preference is non-fatal vore and certainly not hard vore. I like my vore to be cartoony and whimsical.
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Posted by Strega 9 years ago Report
While I have nothing against reforming prey, or even preds who can reform their meals, I think the death-and-digestion of a meal is an important part of vore. Especially so in unsympathetic or outright evil preds, obviously.
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Posted by PoctoPuss 9 years ago Report
Im ok with it, as long as its not me dying >~< To each their own. I love non fatal
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Posted by Fishmouth 9 years ago Report
I think it's kind of obvious I'm exclusively a fatal guy.
As for why? Well this is way too much information, but when I was a kid I would secretly get dressed up and put on a tie and pretend to die and be dead. Why? That is a huge mystery that will forever elude me.
Over time, getting eaten ended up being my favorite way of getting around to being...no more. So here I am today, getting digested in comics form (while wearing a tie)!
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Posted by Alexander_the_ant 9 years ago Report
Im not really into fatal vore where a character is killed off (aka no reformation). Also I really love to be trapped inside a stomach helplessly. <3
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Posted by Takado 9 years ago Report
Definitely fatal, yup. Kinda loses some of the... I dunno, urgency or something when it's not.
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Posted by Kooshmeister 8 years ago Report
Okay, finally I voted, heh. I voted for non-fatal if only because so few other people were, and, despite sometimes preferring fatal, if the prey is cute enough, I prefer them to survive being eaten and/or digested. I suppose the real question is... permavore or not? Permavore bugs me; I've occasionally felt a weird attraction to it, thanks to the lovely Miranda Dragon, but, generally, fatal vore is one thing, the idea of a character dying forever, never returning and never being used in another picture or story, is something else entirely.
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