I was recently talking to a friend of mine about weather or not Sinking would fall under vore. From a technical senses. I mean, people are being swallowed, maybe not eaten, but still meeting a slimy end by sinking down into something awful!
I had fun doing my last poll I figured I'd do another one but this one with a few generic guys.
So this here is the monster ---> https://68.media.tumblr.com/c926f9bed5e8a3a920c844ef781828c6/tumblr_ofwh1utaE81vzra7ro1_540.jpg Nothing to fancy, he leaps from building to building at night and occasionally makes a detour to the ground to snatch up a nice looking guy for dinner.
And because I am having fun drawing CatC style cartoon characters
https://67.media.tumblr.com/f2cba52111c3953847167e81c3f275d0/tumblr_ofwh1utaE81vzra7ro2_540.jpg Victim 1, Chad
https://66.media.tumblr.com/4d2d9c4ea63be33eee9504ca512f5221/tumblr_ofwh1utaE81vzra7ro5_540.jpg... [ Continued ... ]
So I have this dumb little sketch of a monster that I was originally going to do a cross section with a victim being seen on his way down. Head in the mouth, body and legs in throat, feet in stomach. I stopped it cause I hit a little art block, but now that I'm feeling it, I can't decide on a prey. I was going to do a list of cartoon characters to sock... but... I was thinking of asking some of my watchers if they'd like to see one of the following as a potential victim. XD I figured I'd do the drawing tomorrow based on the results of the poll.
I'm just curious how many of my watchers/friends RP. I've been in a nasty slump as of late, and I'm hoping some rping might bump me out of it. But before I go setting up an add, I'm curious as to how many people are interested in RPing in general.
I have a lot of vore/anthropomorphic/sock related dreams, so much so I never really felt the need to make a big deal out of them. I had one last night that really has stuck with me trough out the day. I wanted to draw it, but with my scanner now on the fritz... so instead I'll assault your eyes with my mildly awful recounting abilities and poor writing skills.
Quick note, I do have a lot of wild dreams, but they are very rarely this surreal and stereotypical dreamy, know what I mean? Like, even the vore a fetish dreams are realistic.
So the dream started on a dark and over cast sky over looking this small area of town, where there are patches of neighborhoods and... [ Continued ... ]
I don't want to go into details, but I have some family issues I have to deal with in the present time. To the two people I have commissions for, I will be working on them, I just may be some time in contacting you with updates.
I honestly have no idea when I'll be back, I'm hoping not long. Either way, for the time being I will be very hard to get a hold of.
I think I've done this poll before, but I'm not sure. I'm not seeing it anyways :/ I just like to get an idea of what people like to see. Please pic a Pred and Prey gender, and add a comment or tow on what Pred and Prey you like to see interacting. Also, I'm not 100% familiar with gender terms, so if I didn't address one you feel I over looked, let me know. I'm trying to touch this gently with out being intentionally offensive, the terms I used I use to be inclusive. By all means, if I ever hit a nerve, let me know so I don't keep doing it.
One thing I want to make clear, Unspecific, is there for things like plants and blobs.