People often ask me if I think I’ll ever run out of things to write or talk about. Sometimes I consider this possibility, simply because I produce content at a faster rate sometimes then I really have the ability to marinate on ideas. After all, if you only ever make content about how your day went, then eventually your content is all going to be about how your day was spent making content about how your day went--it’s a snake that eats its own tail. So in that sense, I worry about running out of things to talk about if I keep trying to talk every five minutes. But if I have an hour or two to think, then no, I don’t think I can really run out of ideas. And I can tell you now, that I have more than enough reason to believe that there is precedent to my level of output.
The Snakethroat Shop is officially reopened on Gumroad! Come one, come all, and peruse our catalogue like never before, including our newest book Stop Digesting My Darling 3! As a thank you for your patience, we are now offering a Snakethroat Starter Bundle. Have you ever wondered where to begin with Snakethroat books? The Snakethroat Starter Bundle offers 5 books for the price of 2! Get instant access to Isekai 1, Fink's Guide to Predators, Stop Digesting My Darling!, Warm Hearts, Wet Stomachs, and Living with a Predator.
We wanted to take a moment to update you on some changes that are happening with our online shop. Over the next thirty days, we will be reformatting our shop in order to improve our service and better meet the needs of our readers.
As part of this process, we will need to take the shop down for an indefinite amount of time. Unfortunately, this means that our upcoming book release, Stop Digesting My Darling 3! will also be delayed. We understand that this may be disappointing news for many of you, and we want to assure you that we are doing everything we can to get back up and running as soon as possible.
During this period of transition, we ask that you please bear with us. We are committed to providing you with the best... [ Continued ... ]
Lately there have been a slew of unfortunate deaths in my life, the latest of which being the grim reaper's visit to my elderly dog. As such, this is a general message for all who I've been talking about commissions with:
I'm taking a break for a little bit. I apologize for any inconvenience that this might cause, but the logistics of the situation demands it. I don't believe that I have taken any advanced payments from anyone, so there should be no problems there, and I will certainly message everyone once I return. I don't want to give an estimate of when because I am shite with estimates.
Hug your pets, folks, and maybe give them a special treat in these next few days.
Brazzel here. I figured that it's been enough time since my last State of the Brazzel and have decided to grace (curse) you all with my presence once more.
The past few months for me have been spent writing books for Snakethroat Books. It has been enormously satisfying watching this little project we started back in 2019 take off last year and I am excited to continue putting out vore content. If you haven't, I would love for you to check out the shop ( and see if any of the stories are to your liking. We have an incredibly line-up of books, all illustrated by the wonderful SeekGr, and if you don't have a couple of bucks to spare, Camilla and the Snake is a free e-book that VaguenessIncoming and I wrote four years ago... [ Continued ... ]
Humiliation is such a prevalent theme in vore stories that I would go as far as saying that it's baked into the very fabric of the genre. This can involve the prey being reduced to an object (food), but can also involved the prey being degraded or ridiculed, dominated by the predator in a physical fashion, or psychologically tormented with the knowledge of their impending fate. Prey can also be digested by the predator in a humiliating fashion. Taunting is common in vore stories/images, but there's also a certain pleasure derived in being treated like a parcel. Some predators flaunt there stomach, causing humiliation through through the knowledge that you are being seen and heard, digested in public view, but I also think that the opposite can also be expounded upon: being hidden, digested... [ Continued ... ]
I am following up on my previous blog post. There have been no changes in the status of my carpal tunnel (recovery is going fine), however, I finally bit the bullet and bought DragonDictate. I am using it right now to type this blog post, and no, I will not be correcting any mistakes, so if you see any in this blog post at all it's dragons fault. Well, actually, I'm supposed to allow it to hear me for a few days so that it can get used to my voice, so don't take this as a review of the product. So far, actually, it has been pretty good about correcting misspellings according to my instructions. For instance, there's a character called Bast in one of my books that the program thought was named "the vast" the first time that I said the... [ Continued ... ]
Illinois. Get it? State of the Brazzel? AHAHAHAHA!
I have carpal tunnel.
Anyhow, shittiest joke of my life aside, hello, howdy, welcome to the round up! I figured that it's been a while since I've checked in and because my fingers hurt (yes, I do actually have carpal tunnel), I have been limiting my typing to urgent work only. Let's talk about where we are and where we are going from here.
First and foremost, commissions are going to remain closed for a while. For the past few months, I have been focused on writing for Snakethroat Books, putting out novellas at a pace of one or two a month. A collaborative project that started as a way to make coffee money, Snakethroat Books has since turned into my career, being a fun and interesting way to continue... [ Continued ... ]
I have, in my 5 years on Eka's, never once talked to a writer who has experienced true writer's block. I have spoken to writers who are stuck in the planning process. I have spoken with writers whose lives got busy, who feel like when they sit down, their brain misfires and nothing comes out. I have spoken with writers and artists that don't know what to write/draw and attribute that to a mystical lack of creativity, but I haven't once spoken to a writer in the midst of writer's block. Because, to have writer's block, you actually have to be writing something you son of a-
Maybe my definition of writer's block is uncharitable. Wikipedia defines it as being a general creative slowdown, though I would argue that there are... [ Continued ... ]