I promised commissions to two people once I was done with my PVT and VOCT2 stuff, which will be the 15th of this month. Those are still open. However, once I'm done with those, I'm closing commissions indefinitely. I opened them when I had a zero income and was quickly draining resources by living in an apartment and student-teaching. I am no longer in such a predicament and I have no need for the money, so I also have no need for the added stress of obligation.
If I decide to get a new tablet or something, I'll re-open them, but if you aren't one of two people I already promised commissions to (You know who you are, and if you don't you're suffering an identity crisis), any commission requests will be denied.
Also: Come that date, expect a higher rate of... [ Continued ... ]
I am! Was fun. Did some camping, which is nice. Did some hiking, which makes me feel better about my atrophied muscles/heart/lungs (That is: They hadn't atrophied as much as I thought they had).
Either way, a petition to kick Eka out of her own chatroom just makes me chuckle to myself. Call me a cynic. Either way, enjoy, unless you seriously signed it. Then you should laugh at yourself for doing something futile and silly.
You may need an account to see all the pages (some might be mature), and you definitely will to comment, but this works best on FA for various reasons and I don't want to spread it to both sites. When I decide to end it, I'll post the whole thing here, but until then you'll have to see it on FA.
This is what a Mary Sue is. It's generally, but not always, seen as a negative trait, but if done right can work. However, it's best to assume that if you have a Mary Sue, you're doing something wrong. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Sue
I took this test for all my characters except Jacqueline (she's not fleshed out enough to be able to honestly answer all the questions). http://www.springhole.net/quizzes/marysue.htm
and these are the results:
Samantha: 21 (Almost a Mary Sue, but some of the boxes I marked were kinda iffy. For instance, she -is- part of a... [ Continued ... ]
This is my old journal about commissions, only reposted with an additional option for all y'alls who seem to enjoy animation, whether avatars or something else.
Parameters first, though:
1. I won't draw anything I find objectionable. It's not that I'm intolerant of such things, but I just find that I have difficulty drawing what I don't like to draw, and I'd wind up taking forever to try it out. I reserve the right to accept or reject ideas as I see fit. This rule will probably wipe out about half of my potential commissioners, I'd imagine.
2. I won't draw any copyrighted material without written permission from the one who has it copyrighted. That pretty much rules out any chance of StarFox, Looney Tunes, etc. unless you can get written... [ Continued ... ]
This'll be buried relatively soon, but I figured I'd post it anyway, to have in print and findable in my profile.
1. I only do requests for people I'm friends with.
2. I only become friends with people I deem cool.
3. I claim no copyright on anything I create. If you're a bastard, feel free to claim my work as your own. Just try not to let me see it.
4. This is a subset of Rule 3, but all of my characters are more or less public domain. Use them how you want and in any situations you desire. I ask, however, that you be courteous and try not to let me see any pictures involving genitalia, anuses, sex, sexual play, breast enlargement, etc. (I think you can see a trend here).
5. If I do see pictures I didn't want to... [ Continued ... ]