Great production value, gorgeous backdrops, spot-on music and voice acting, and of course some really great casual vore. This is the kind of shit I aspire to myself, and it's so great seeing more large vore animation productions! Highly recommend watching this, and the fact that silkysworld put it on YouTube for free is almost a crime. This is a true passion project, and I respect the hell outta that.
Just for funsies. Maybe you'll learn something new or interesting about someone you like or just don't know much about. :D
Do keep in mind that in any given canon, a prey character can basically only be eaten once (with some exceptions for cats and their nine lives), so asking questions like "Why do you like eating Samantha so often?" is gonna be met with confusion.
People keep asking me about commissions, and I should probably talk about them, if only to have something to point to when asked.
I am currently not open for commissions, but I am thinking about opening up again. However, I don't have a lot of time and I'd need to find a way to set aside some extra time for small ones. Because of this, I'm going to be extremely limited, and one of the things keeping me from re-opening is that I know I'm going to get more requests than I can take on. I have a hard time saying "No," often because you guys usually come up with really enticing stuff, so figuring out how to pick and choose is really difficult, especially since I'm basically only going to take like maybe 2-3 things a month to avoid burnout. Considering a randomizer, but I... [ Continued ... ]
You are all cooler and more interesting than the average person by default simply because of your experience, and then you have so much going for you on top of that. Things are going to get harder, and I'm so fucking sorry that's the case, but please, please remember that you make people's lives better by being in them. I'm going to do as much as my limited resources will allow to make yours better as well, and I know there's plenty of other cis folks out there who'll do the same. Not enough, never enough, but we're going to try.
This circumstance is not forever. Eventually you will be just as accepted as gay people and others of similar oppressed ilk, and hopefully by the time that happens, those people will be (mostly) free from the oppression they still face. I don't know... [ Continued ... ]
I'm...doing okay. Mostly. Forest's death is still fucking me up from time to time, but it's manageable now. Something incredible I can't talk about yet happened during the last few months as well, and it's been one of the high points of my life. I have the best fucking friends on the planet, and I love my immediate family. Life is okay right now despite everything, and I'm going to do everything I possibly can to make it better, for myself and those I care about.
I've been productive on the art front as you can tell. Been working on things for other people for the last four months, and I'm finally winding down on those projects and about ready to start working on A New Dawn is Grazing again. Expect the first episode to be completed in the next month or two. Maybe a bit... [ Continued ... ]
Probably not something a lot of y'all wanna think about if you are in fact subscribed to him, but your money will only be going to Patreon from now on, and Patreon sucks.
I tried to get them to cancel his account, but their policy is that only family and those legally allowed to speak for him can do that, even though I gave them proof. I understand the policy, but also it sucks.
Sorry about all the gloomy, sad journals I've been writing. It's obvious WHY I was, but it might've gotten to be a bit much.
Anyway, Hot Purrsuit is almost at 200K views. That's fucking incredible. It really didn't have the reach I wanted it to have when it first came out, but for some reason in the last couple of months, the algorithm picked it up and it nearly doubled in views. 200K is insane for something marked 18+, so I'm really proud of that. <- Go see for yourself, and maybe help get me over 200K. I don't get paid money for YouTube anymore, so it's exclusively for bragging rights and the vain hope it inspires other, similar projects, but still. XD
Please do not be vague. Tell me exactly what is going on before offering support/condolences/etc.
So I don't think I talked about this publicly, but I was working the day Forest died, and I don't check my online life while at work (not often anyway). I got home, got some almond chipotle dip and crackers, and sat down at my computer for another normal night. Turned on Discord and saw I had like 15+ people messaging me. Wow, busy day! That doesn't happen too often.
"I'm so sorry. I'll be here if you need me."
"My condolences."
"If you need anything, let me know."
Anxiety spiked, and anger too. What the fuck was going on? Is someone in the hospital again? Did something horrible happen on the political scene? Did... [ Continued ... ]
I don't want to leave you guys without an update, since my previous two journals were written in a haze of pain, and now I am actually in...okay condition. I still cry sometimes, but I have managed to feel normal a large portion of the day the last two days, and last night I was genuinely happy and having a great time for the first time since Forest died (I keep writing those last two words because I cannot stand to soften the language. I feel it's disrespectful and avoids reality, no matter how painful).
I drew some on Friday. Streamed for four hours. Didn't get as much done as I would have during normal circumstances, but the fact that I got as much done as I did surprised me. I did work on A New Dawn is Grazing episode 1, because I couldn't bring myself to do vore, and 99% of that... [ Continued ... ]
I've said this before, but I want to say it again: When I die, people have full permission to continue using my characters. It would be an honor and not disrespectful in the slightest.
I am bringing this up again because I have a couple of things in the works with Fomo, and I'm torn on what to do. I think he'd want me to complete them, in fact I'm SURE of that, but I'm not sure if I have it in me, and I REALLY don't know if I can ever do anything new with his characters. This isn't about respect so much as awkwardness and obviously grief. I think I'll complete the small animation at least and maybe share the progress on the music video I started. I'm really uncertain of how to proceed with A New Dawn is Grazing, since Bee is not only a cameo at the start, but was planned to be... [ Continued ... ]